Sunday, September 04, 2016

Blind Item #3

This B+ foreign born mostly movie actor used to be just about A+ list when he was cheating on his wife on the regular and before he started getting random women pregnant. Anyway, he has another chance to make it big and got himself a ton of botox. I'm pretty sure not a wrinkle survived.


  1. Tricia132:31 AM

    Jude Law?

  2. Tricia132:33 AM

    His HBO film Young Pope has a lot of buzz surrounding it.

  3. Kno Won Uno2:39 AM

    I think so, too.
    It's pretty funny that people are offended by some supposedly outrageous behavior from a pope, given the pervasive, ongoing, sex "scandals" involving the church.
    "Pay no attention to the vast forest! Look at this tiny, *outrageous* tree over here fucking everything up!"

  4. Tricia132:45 AM

    Good point Kno....I saw that it's stirring a ton of controversy , and Law's casting is well(maybe more astute than most think considering his story?). I think it's gonna do really well, despite that though. I remember when "Sleepers" came out and that was a true story(though smaller tale) and folks were incensed by it. Great film though, in the end- and I think it did decent box office?

  5. Bodacious Ta-tas3:36 AM

    Hugh Grant?

  6. Chelzee Post3:44 AM

    Hugh has never been married.

  7. Hot Cola6:28 AM

    If someone can do a good job portraying a Pop I think its JLaw. He's got the juice for it.

  8. Tricia136:53 AM

    He's actually a really good actor IMO. His personal/live life overshadowed it- but he's always been very capable and strong in his roles.

  9. oops, he's not married, nvmd

  10. I hope Jude climbs back up. It would be nice to see him in some primo roles.
