Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blind Item #2

I have said before it is not the tabloids' job to out someone. However, I also don't think they should constantly be trying to convince everyone someone is dating someone when they are clearly not. Such is the case with this A+ list singer who the tabloids now are trying to match with one of her exes. She likes women, so stop trying to convince the world she likes guys.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Taylor and Calvin

  2. sandybrook11:46 PM

    Tay and Calvin are friends again.......

  3. You mean Taylor Swift isn't the innocent, pure, sweet heterosexual we all think she is???? I'm shocked!

  4. mariaj12:18 AM

    + Enty

    Likewise, being in the closet is a choice, not to be questioned...but i have a LOT to say when the people in the closet flaunt fake relationships, lying, misleading, deceiving, etc...i have no simpathy for these people

  5. Lurker12:44 AM

    Have to disagree here. What you describe is not limited to just those who choose to keep their same sex attraction private. Sadly, your prejudice is showing in that you singled out one population to lay blame on when it goes without saying that pairing people who are not really romantically involved for publicity purposes has always been part and parcel of the entertainment industry. Maybe you should stop trying to convince the world that how people manage their lives is any of your business.

  6. So now Calvin can stop his narcissist personality disorder level meltdown and quit embarrassing himself by acting like a fourth grader trying to get back at the cool girl who dumped him.

  7. FakeHousewife12:51 AM

    Enty, you out people just about every day. Apparently it's ok when you do it, just not the tabloids.

  8. June Gordon12:58 AM

    Out all of them.

    Either you are "private" about your personal life or you are not.

    Once you start making whom you date everyone's business, it is everyone's business to find out whom you are REALLY dating.

  9. mariaj1:04 AM

    " Sadly, your prejudice is showing in that you singled out one population to lay blame on when it goes without saying that pairing people who are not really romantically involved for publicity purposes has always been part and parcel of the entertainment industry."

    ??? weird comment...both the bearding AND the fake relationships are done for publicity purpose, so, i don't get your point

  10. mariaj1:06 AM


    Exactly, June

  11. Lurker1:27 AM

    They are private about their personal life. A pairing for publicity purposes is part of their public life. To assume that the life of someone you don't even know is in actuality any of your business reflects significantly less character than those you presume to judge.

  12. Lurker1:32 AM

    That is the point. Both are done done for publicity purposes, so to single out just one as being too disingenuous to tolerate but not the other is biased and prejudicial.

  13. Whywhywhy???1:44 AM

    I still don't see why Taylor is in the closet. So she likes women, big deal...write a song about it.

  14. TTboy1:45 AM

    I see an attempt to rationalize outing gay people, or coming as close as you possibly can and still claim that you didn't. Donald Trump would approve of your strategy I'm sure, lol

  15. mariaj1:48 AM

    But it's not the SEXUALITY the matter, here, is the pretend to date someone that you're not, and au contraire, i don't know why we should criticizise, mock people that date for publicity but not the people that fake date someone to hide their thrue sexuality.

    Here i see blinds about bearding and about people that fake date, that's why i don't get your comment

  16. mariaj1:50 AM

    " They are private about their personal life. A pairing for publicity purposes is part of their public life. " Exactly, PUBLIC life so, if it's public i can judge it.

  17. Guesser2:21 AM

    Enty constantly has blinds that either out people when they are obvious, like this one, or other blinds ,later solved, that make someone look like a stud when a week earlier they were gay. Sometimes the story seems like a PR plant. See Josh Groban, Zac, recently one about Hiddles. I think they should be treated the way an affair is, if it's obviously true, go ahead and call it. If not, that's what blinds are for. Enty uses it for and against people he likes or dislikes, and woe is anyone who is an ex friend.

  18. Melissa2:37 AM

    Lol...Love this

  19. longtimereader2:58 AM

    Calvin hates taylor with the fire of a thousand suns. There has never been a more humiliated male in the history of pop.

  20. sandybrook3:10 AM

    He probably does but that was a headline for them I read somewhere this morning. "They are friends again"

  21. June Gordon3:13 AM

    "A pairing for publicity purposes is part of their public life."

    Rubbish. It is opening the door, saying your "love life" is the public's business. Once you've opened that door, the public may feel free to elbow past your lies to get to the good stuff.

    "To assume that the life of someone you don’t even know is in actuality any of your business reflects significantly less character than those you presume to judge."

    I don't have any character. I don't have to. So I feel absolutely free to pry into whatever I wish.

    But it does amuse me that people like you are on celebrity gossip boards, the exist solely to reveal all kinds of sordid, personal secrets, scolding others about the impropriety of being nosy about celebrity secrets. Girl, please.

  22. blahblah3:42 AM

    Lurker, you have way too much time on your hands

  23. Lurker3:44 AM

    I am opposed to outing those who wish to keep their sexuality private. Enty even begins with.. "I have said before it is not the tabloids’ job to out someone"
    and then proceeds to rationalize a reason for doing just that. It's not just the topic of outing, but the pairing of it with disingenuous reasoning which makes him no better than his targets, or even worse because they aren't targeting him, are they? He's aware enough to realize that people who live in glass houses are the very definition of phony when they throw stones.

  24. Lurker3:55 AM

    In a nutshell and just to be clear - all I did was 'out' Enty - I called his bullshit holier than thou game. What's good for the goose..
    Girl, please yourself.

  25. breakerbay4:02 AM



  26. monkee4:07 AM

    Considering Taylor Swift exploits the men she has dated to gain publicity for her projects, gaining them negative publicity, attacking them, painting them as jerks, I definitely have a hard time feeling sorry if she gets outed for being a lesbian.

  27. mariaj4:19 AM

    Again, a thing is being in the closet and another one is to beard and flaunt fake relationship.

    So, we are not talking about being in the closet.

    So, i have still to understand why is ok to expose the fake relationships done for merely publicity purpose from the beardings done to hide one's sexuality, also done for publicity purpose.

    I just don't get it.

  28. mariaj4:22 AM

    " all I did was ‘out’ Enty – I called his bullshit holier than thou game. What’s good for the goose.."

    I fail to see this, too, perhaps you believe it, but you did not.

  29. Kno Won Uno4:23 AM

    Maybe that's the source of Swifty's abiding hatred for Katy Perry - she'll never forgive her for recording "I Kissed A Girl" thereby robbing Tayter, via time-travel, of a potential song-writing bonanza [in her mind].

  30. Kno Won Uno4:24 AM

    He also enjoys outing rape victims, but not rapists.

  31. I don't feel sorry for any of them. The guys knowingly entered into an arrangement to pose as something other than they were too. So if there's any guilt involved, it's equally shared among all.

  32. Lurker4:36 AM

    mariaj, I'm aware you aren't comprehending me, which is why I stopped responding. I don't understand the need to follow me around all day repeating yourself, but then again this is ONTD, lol. Ciao!

  33. Lurker4:38 AM

    I meant to say this is CDAN.

  34. mariaj4:53 AM

    Nice try, you have still to tell me what is the difference between to expose fake relationship for publicity purpose by the ones done to hide one's sexuality AND publicity purpose, it's not like you play, " gnegne, you don't understand, so i leave"
    And if you don't like people " following you" ( aka, answering to matters ) then maybe you should avoid to intervene?

  35. Big Dog5:09 AM

    Sounds like Zac Efron told her team no way to a fake romance and they had to fall back to Calvin again.

  36. mariaj5:13 AM

    Or maybe she and her team realized that a relationship with Zac would be tooo ridicoulous, just after T Hiddlestone, so, maybe an old " flame" would do it, could do it more beliavable.

    Still trying to understand why Taylor couldn't be officilally single and without a possible " bf" for a while, after Tom.

  37. Lurker5:17 AM

    mariaj, respectfully, you unable to comprehend and I don't 'have' to do anything, including put up with your stalker behavior.
    Now goodbye.

  38. mariaj5:28 AM

    I am not STALKING you, you faker, this is a matter dear to me, with all is implications, that's why i care to answer, not specifically to YOU, but about the matter.

    And for the record, iit's not the first time that people talk about Enty's supposed " double standard",about blinds, and people still fail to get the word " PUBLIC BEHAVIOUR" , so, your attempted " outing " of Enty is not even a new.

  39. first timer5:53 AM

    Or maybe some of you could actually read the click bait articles that say she has not spoken to Calvin. Just exchanged texts and agreed to bury the hatchet. Articles also say they are not getting back together. So Team Swift is not trying to rekindle the Calvin stunt. As for Zac. His team wants a stunt for the movie to be released at the end of the year. Whether it is with Taylor or Lea Michelle remains to be seen.

  40. LOL, u r DEEP...

  41. i can't believe people believe blind items still especially from blind gossip.

  42. She's hardly cool. She looks stupid with all of her antics, the most recent being Hiddleston.

  43. Muskrat9:13 AM

    Lmao, people really believe Crazy Days and Nights? You people take this as if it's gospel. If you read what TMZ stated, which is reliable, you'll see that the texts are not romantic based but Calvin and Taylor burying the hatchet so both teams (Taylor's team, and Calvin's) aren't fighting anymore so their images don't get destroyed.. Other than that, it means nothing. The stunt with the two are dumb. TMZ repeatedly said, "It's not romantic." That means, her publicist, or his publicist released the information to TMZ, so they aren't planning anything with Tom and Taylor. It's just hilarious how CDAN's recycled what TMZ put out but twisted it.

    You fool writer than report a single thing, so your info is garbage.

    If anyone will be hooking up, it's Zac and Lea Michele, or Zac and Taylor, no ones knows yet, but, because Blind Gossip is pure garbage, I highly doubt, Zac will even want to date anyone, so that whole Taylor, Lea thing is GARBAGE.

    This ain't gospel people, stop acting like you know everything and Kaylor doesn't exist. LMAFO

  44. Muskrat9:15 AM

    So they aren't planning anything with CALVIN and Taylor**

    You fool writer didn't report a single thing this entire week, but TMZ releases a story and than CDAN writes a Blind LMAFO out of pure assumption.

  45. Little Dog10:38 AM


    I'd like to buy you several drinks.

    and then several more... and what ever else tickles your fancy!

  46. Couldn't agree more. I think she is a closet lesbian, because nearly all of her relationships are staged PR contract stunts (Gyllenhaal, Styles, Hiddleston, Lautner, etc). Why have all these FAKE romances for the paps if you are straight?

  47. Yep. I think Swift wanted to start a fauxmance with Zac and he wisely said no way. He probably read all about how Swift nearly torched Hiddleston's career.

  48. Blind Gossip gets it right, their blinds are posted before the events take place. Here, events happen and then there are blind items about it. Like if two people are at the same event they obviously hooked up.

    Don't be surprised if Zac and Taylor end up together. blind gossip knew Zac and his ex girlfriend were breaking up and that she would put out a story about them getting engaged before it happened. Blind gossip isn't rubbish. Efron would be an absolute fool to 'date' Taylor.

  49. mariaj7:18 PM

    What's funny, is that in the post, Enty didn't even write his will or wish to OUT Taylor , but just that papers, journalists , " tabloids" could at least stop to constantly feed fake stories about her supposed datings, hearthbreaks, struggle with men to the public, since all that is bs.

    And Enty didn't even write a thing and not even a blind,about her supposed " new" romances with Zac or the rekindle with Calvin, but once again he was referring to the tabloids that talked about these.

    Just read the blind, sometime Enty's posts are like a riddle, written in " funny" ways, or incomprehensible , but not this time

    ( and this is like the fourth, fifth time i " defend" Enty,: Enty, perhaps you might consider to pay me )

  50. Muskrat7:23 PM

    Bahahaha, Blind Gossip 'gets it right' -- the engagement nonsense was a prediction, you do realize that, right? When that photo came out (Blind Gossip did not predict it), it was actually Efron fans who speculated it was an engagement ring in literally minutes of the photo being out for only five minutes. The ring she wore as well was on her right hand, love. You don't wear engagement rings on your right hand. Not to mention she only wore that ring once in a photo, and again, it wasn't an engagement ring. That means, the whole 'ring' bs, was speculated by fans (who are stupid, by the way), and Blind Gossip wrote bs about it. Which, by the way Blind Gossip is known for doing, when something happens, they write up a story, thus --> recycled or, they write nonsense out of pure jealousy, aka, the writer of this absolutely stupid article, as to why, you constantly get 'he's gay' or 'she's gay' stories, because it DRAWS readers in, this poorly done website makes a crap load of money from YOUR clicks. Majority of what Blind Gossip finds is also stolen from other sites, lower end tabloids, and even forums like Lipstick Valley, which is absolutely HILARIOUS.

    If it was true, then the information would be tipped by someone who knows Sami (bs), just like that stupid story where Zac had a 'seizure' and only Sami was in the hotel while that happened, LIE, because, that means Sami would've tipped Blind Gossip the story, yet you fools believe it.

    Also, answer this question, why would anyone with REAL A-list information come to Blind Gossip? If I may ask, when they can easily sell the story to TMZ? Which pays nicely for solid information like that, TMZ, reports things that are RELIABLE, and REAL sources, because Harvey is a lawyer, they don't mess around with this Blind Gossip garbage because it's untrue.

    It's just like the time Angelina and Brad Pitt divorced, Blind Gossip stated that Brad knocked up the French actress, no he did not, that lady got harassed by tabloids after that BG bs came out.

    Also, you idiots even believe Zac is gay because of the Michelle Rod bs, if you guys noticed, Zac, shares a huge resemblance to Cara D (they look like they're related, google it), no wonder she was into Zac, not to mention, both of them were on drugs at the time, so their little romance was all due to drugs, not a stunt, unless you fools don't know what 'drugs' are. His pupils in most photos of the two were literally diluted from being on drugs as to why he wore glasses. In most of the photos you could see how ILL Zac looked because he was drugged out of his mind, Michelle even posted a photo of him table dancing and it was unbearable to watch because he, again was on DRUGS.

  51. Muskrat7:35 PM

    Oh, and if Blind Gossip was truly right about miss Miro, than that's because she's a nobody in the industry, she doesn't even make it to the C-list. Blind Gossip most of the time Blind Gossip is correct, is simply because of the person being C-List or below (aka nobody's) .. Or even people like Viners, not big name celebrities like Taylor Swift.

    Blind Gossip even stated Tom was using Taylor and wrote up some BS, and said that Taylor was the one who was 'truly' in love with him, lie. Taylor couldn't even hold his hand properly, and during the Gomez concert kept her distance until a fan pointed the camera towards them, Taylor made contact with the camera, smirked, and wrapped her arms around Tom and started kissing him while looking at the camera.

    Again, Blind Gossip was wrong.

    This site is not gospel, so stop taking it like this is.
    CDAN has been known for it's LIE's huge LIES, there is literally more than 20 Blinds a day, which is nonsense, when Enty started writing long essay's of Blinds, you could tell Enty was BSing. Making money from you morons clicks.

    Believe what you want 'Kaylors' in your delusional fantasies Larry and Kaylor is real.

    I have tipped Blind Gossip stories, multiple times during the days I lived in Hollywood, Blind Gossip wrote up stories write away, changed up the wording of what I tipped them, those tips I sent them were total lies, proof of how unreliable every Blind Gossip site is.

    But, hey, believe what you please, because it gives you hope for your delusions.

    Oh, and, it's pretty clear, Zac actually liked Sami, he brought her to Japan which he paid for, and other places, he tried getting her to come to sets, etc, but she wouldn't come, Sami used him, Zac established her brand and introduced her to Selena, who became close to her (Selena is weird, she friends a lot of Zac's exes, same with Taylor, or Zac's 'inner circle') people, and now is using Selena for the purpose of promotion even though Selena is on a meltdown, currently. Look at what Miro writes to her as a 'friend' she promotes her brand. When Miro broke up with Zac, she hit it off with some other guy, she cheated on Zac too with her best friend buddy. It was never Zac using Sami for PR, it was Sami using ZAC for PR. Zac gained NOTHING from her, Zac's latest movies, and the Simone Biles RIO trip is what recovered his image, not Sami. Nobody liked Sami, nobody cared for Sami.

    Sami also ran his social media, and got him in trouble for multiple things. You could tell it was her too because she would block fans, she would write up BS, like her own posts, etc on Zac's accounts. She's twisted. She'd also be at his house all the time, snap chatting videos of Zac, or sitting on Zac's back while he did push-ups.

    Taytay has always liked Efron, why do you think she uninvited showed up to his 2014 afterparty? He was single, she was single, she was looking to start up rumors just like she did with Eddie Redmayne, go read about that. Eddie has to deny it because Taylor's team wanted to get involved with him but he settled for a non-celebrity, yet you goldfishes believe he's gay too, LMAO.

    Taytay, also keeps an eye on Efron, as to why, she talked about him on Fallon, and as to why Martha Hunt made a Tindr joke, it was a reference to Zac, because Zac made a fake profile on Tindr, and people didn't believe it was him, that's what they were joking about in their Snap.

    You people are hilarious.

  52. Muskrat7:47 PM

    Enty a while back ago was caught lying about was written here.. As to why, people started to randomly see large essays of text about (so and so) and a lot of gay stories about so and so, or rape stories, etc. Enty loved the hits, as to why Enty writes nonsense just like this one. Yet you all fall for it, while Enty cashes in, blogs make money, just like YouTubers, big money, easy money. Enty literally writes more than 10 Blind's a day, yet you believe it. LOL.

    Of course they're written in a riddle and to be funny, that's the main part of Blind Gossip, it's totally unreliable, which people do not understand, but the fun part of it is, actually solving it, and believing that you are actually reading raw information from an actual celebrity's life that basic tabloids (TMZ for e.g) wouldn't cover unless the publicist sold them the story. It's all about the thrill, it's based on a 'hook' ...

    And of course Enty didn't write about the Zac relationship, because it's a pure lie, again, done by Blind Gossip. Stay off Tumblr, Zac doesn't PR his relationships. He got screwed over by Sami hard, and never gained a simple thing from her, as she's a nobody, nor did it 'clean' his image, the media thought she was his sobriety coach until his publicist denied that nonsense. Nobody was interested in them, and they were low key, she was in love with the paparazzi though, so she would purposely drag Zac to high profile public places, Zac absolutely hates paparazzi, so why the f*** would he want to PR? There is more than 30 videos of Zac running from paps, and or pranking them, or walking backwards like Taylor, he has no interest. He's a sweet guy, nothing like Calvin and Tom, he doesn't care about fame, and has stated multiple times he doesn't 'deserve' his fame, he's also stated he'd never do something like (PR, going to clubs like Bieber) for publicity, he wants earned publicity and respect through his movies, so like Leonardo Di Caprio basically. His Michelle R bs was because he was on drugs, look at the photos of him, his face is pale, his eyes were diluted (as to why most of the time he wore glasses) and his hair was a mess, he didn't even look like himself, just like that photo of him with his arms wrapped around Brittany snow he was DRUGGED out of his mind. Michelle posted video's of him dancing and Zac was out of it because he was on DRUGS, he also shares a very strong resemblance to Cara, google it.

    Sami used Zac, got her brand established, and now is preying on Selena, see what she writes to Selena, she only cares about her joke fashion line. Why the f*** would someone pair Efron with a nobody for PUBLICITY, when they can pair him with literally anyone? Give me a break, Sami also got him in trouble with the media MULTIPLE times, she's as bad as Amber Heard.

    This is hilarious, CDAN, is a joke, and will always be a joke.
    But hey, the funny part is watching the fools on Tumblr believe it's all real.

    I'll wait the entire October, watch, Zac, and Taylor won't even talk to each other the entire time because guess what, it's LIES.

  53. NYCStudent11:46 PM

    A+, June! You nailed it. You are consistently awesome. Thank you.

  54. mariaj11:52 PM

    " I'll wait the entire October, watch, Zac, and Taylor won't even talk to each other the entire time because guess what, it's LIES."

    Did you actually READ the blind? Cause it says exactly this.

  55. Jess Sayin'1:14 AM

    Easy, muskrat, easy. While no specific BI provider is exclusively correct all the time, both Enty and BG have been dealing the proper dirt on several occasions. I'll always remember the "Haylor" (Taylor/Harry Styles) blind at BG which called the relationship a sham and said "they may ring in the new year together, but they won't make it to Valentine's Day", not only predicting the "breakup" (which actually came a month earlier, in January 2013, because those two really couldn't stand each other) but also the godawful, scripted Times Square NYE "kiss" they tried, which only somebody who had advance knowledge would know was planned. They also did four separate BIs about the fake relationship between Lea Michele and Cory Monteith and two reveals, one of which had photographic evidence of the fakery, so yeah, sometimes they've got the real stuff. Ditto Enty, even if occasionally his "reveals" are about how totally NOT gay Clooney and DeCaprio are (yeah, surrrre)…he's still no Elaine "Lainey" Lui, who's busy defending Bradley Cooper's heterosexuality, ffs.

    And Zac's gay rumors go wayyy back before MRod. His "guys vacations" to Vancouver with Sterling Knight and (separately) Lucas Gabreel raised the pink flag well enough already. (Btw, Vanessa Hudgens has had a live-in gf since March 2011, in case you still think 'Zanessa' was "real".) Lucas, allegedly, bragged all over his hometown of St. Charles MO that he was the first to take Zac's boy-cherry, Zac only having topped before.

    Here, have a January 2010 BI about Zac and his "roommates": I did not know that Matt Prokop was mixed up in all this…I presume this means that Sarah Hyland is a more "active" member of Taylor's "squad" than I thought. Hmmm.

    Meanwhile, whilst Zac is "deciding" between Lea and Taylor, Dianna Agron (ex-gf of both ladies) no doubt sits back and smiles…

    And the "Ziro" relationship wasn't "PR" for Zac, it was cover. Keep a girl around him and maybe a few fangirls will still believe he's straight. There's a sucker born every minute, after all…

  56. mariaj1:35 AM

    Rumours about Zac go back at least to Ted Casablancas times, Zac was supposedly Jackie Bouffant ( if i remember well the name )

  57. Muskrat4:12 AM

    More lies. Like I have said, I have tipped Blind Gossip sites loads of BS, and they still write about it. Before I had worked in Hollywood, it was Vancouver where I was at. The blind about and Sterling Knight is complete BS.

    Zac's gay rumors, are again BS, because it's revolved around him being a good looking kid, written by men who are completely jealous, as to why, you see comments of him being 'gay' ... All written by men.

    Justin Bieber also had gay rumors till the day he hit the business, yet he is no longer considered gay by majority, simply because, what? He acts like a d-bag, dyed his hair like Chris brown, and tries to be a race he isn't it? Goes to clubs looking for attention? I didn't know that meant you must be straight.

    The question I have for you is, who in Hollywood is straight exactly?
    No one, because it seems like the entire population of Hollywood is gay.

    Blind Gossip, is pure bs and Enty is a joke.

  58. Muskrat4:56 AM

    Are you sure you didn't read it, seems like you can't comprehend what Enty wrote.

    "I have said before it is not the tabloids’ job to out someone" -- This is out of pure hypocrisy, coming from Enty. LMAFO.

    "However, I also don’t think they should constantly be trying to convince everyone someone is dating someone when they are clearly not. Such is the case with this A+ list singer who the tabloids now are trying to match with one of her exes. She likes women, so stop trying to convince the world she likes guys."

    Zac isn't one of her exes, love. Enty is talking about Calvin Harris -- If about Calvin, his team, or her team made it clear it's not because of 'wanting each other back' (Enty is an idiot), they're making it clear so they aren't accused by the media that they are dating.

    Like I said, again, Zac and Taylor, the entire October won't even near each other to even glimpse at each other, and than you will all see how much of a lie Blind Gossip really is, not to mention need to get your heads out of your own arses and unplug your Ethernet cords and go for a walk.

    But hey, if Zac and Taylor do see each other, than, fine, you all win, Blind Gossip is 'gospel' than,

    but guess what that wont' happen.

    Enty is an idiot. Writes over 7 Blinds in an hour, yet you're trying to say it's 'real' yeahhh, okay. Like I said, CDAN is KNOWN for LIES. So is every Blind Gossip site, keep clicking and reading, the writer is banking in on your clicks, I should make a Blind Gossip site too and make up lies, I'll make a killing.

  59. mariaj6:34 AM

    Wow, so many " insiders" that " know the thruth", so liitle time


    First, i am not your " love" nor i want to be, so please don't call me that, since i don't like you.

    Second, " one of her exes don't mean necessarly Calvin, since tabloids speculated once that Taylor and Zac " dated" or it was just buzz to create interest, like

    this ( i post just this one to avoid to be blocked for too many links, but you will find plenty of those " articles"

    In the article-gossip, you will read that both neither Zac or Taylor really talk about really" dating", THAT IS JUST SPECULATIONS OF THE SITES, " according to sources" etc, and is THIS that Enty ask: to stop doing: the buzz, better, stop the buzz based on lies, exactly.

    " I should make a Blind Gossip site too and make up lies, I’ll make a killing.

    Oh, you may try...but somehow i think you won't have the success you think you'll have.But, ehi, leave here the link, when you'll do it, MAYBE you'll be more interesting on that site that you are here, who knows, i'll give it a try.

    The rest of your comments is so stupid that i don't care to answer, this what the hell you want.

  60. mariaj6:45 AM

    p.s " Accused" him to be gay. Your comments are as awful as is your revealing language.

  61. Whoa muskrat, no need to insult everybody continually and accuse us of having no life when you're clearly WAY invested in Zac's.

    Here's the thing: you have no idea. Even if most blind items are BS, you don't know any of these people and what they get up to. Zac f**ks men, ask half of LA. That "rumor" is never going away because it's true.

    The reason people don't go to TMZ is because they can be sued. The whole concept of a blind item is avoiding legal issues. Behaviour is written about without naming names. Yes anyone can send a tip but sometimes "anyone" are people who know the celebrity and are two-faced. It happens, tons of celebrities do not have "real friends." You have no idea how the industry works and how fooled you are.

    If someone took a big story to TMZ the celebrities PR team will bury it. Magazines can only print what they're allowed to print. They're not allowed to OUT celebrities. PR is professional BS. Like the story of Zac on Skid Row. TMZ had to delete that it was Skid Row. such is the power of Zac's team.

    I suppose you also believe Zac is not on drugs, either.

  62. "Jealous men" don't make up rumors that guys are gay. Maybe teenagers do but grown men don't give a s**t. Gay guys are usually right about who is closeted because they know their own kind. Also, Adam lambert, a star himself, said he has slept with closeted actors. Accept it: it happens and it makes no difference to your life.

  63. Muskrat7:14 PM

    Oh and dear, it's October 1st. There hasn't been a single sign of Taylor and Zac even being close to hanging out, to start 'publicity stunting.'

    I'll be waiting the entire October, it's not gonna happen. Wanna know why? Because Blind Gossip (every single site that's blind related) is pure bull**** and will always be.

    If, they do date, than I'll believe you delusional people,
    but guess what. They aren't going to.


  64. suspect7:30 PM

    Muskrat is writing screeds.... are the PR people watching?

    there's always a shit-ton of 'TS is straight!!' commenters on any blind that could potentially be about her though...

  65. mariaj9:16 PM

    Oh, believe me, there isn't just TAYLOR pr at work, also ZAc pr, too, not necessarly this time....and fans that cannot even think that their idol is anything but what he-she says is.

  66. Damn, Muskrat, if all these sites like this one and all the others are BS, might be nice of you to stop posting obsessive rants and wasting bandwidth?

    After you said youre no Zac fan yet know EVERYTHING about him (posting his stats kinda gave it away) and blow up at strangers on the Internet in his defence, nothing else you say is believable.

    Surrrrrre you worked in Vancouver where Zac was. Lol no. If someone said Zac was in Lebanon with his boyfriend, I bet you worked there too. Please gurl.

    Why do you care so much? I don't believe everything I read but where there's smoke there's fire. What's so terrible about Zac being gay?

  67. " Lmao, Zayn Malik gay, that’s hilarious, he’s the biggest pot head, there is, and is no where near gay."

    Ok you can't be serious with that comment. Potheads can't be gay? Hilarious.

    Do you exhaust yourself? Reading your nonsense sure exhausted me.

  68. Wow there's a lot of passion out there for Zac Efron! CDAN you have outed Taylor many times before and she just responds by getting a faker and more laughable beard. Zac would be the pincale. She will come out when she (and her partner) is ready so why not back off.

  69. bahahahaha efron and swift?! Zac is making sure after his last beard wanted more than fauxmance that his next 'girlfriend' likes beaver.

  70. longtimereader12:24 AM

    You don't understand why swifty is in the closet!?! how many out country music stars are you aware of? Swifty's plays the 'good girl' to her wealthy, suburban audience all the way to the bank, $170m last year alone. That's why.

  71. Jess Sayin'7:45 AM

    Actually, I didn't say anything about Cory Montieth being gay, I just said that he and Lea were fake and had been exposed as such. You don't have to be gay to be in a fake relationship, there are plenty of co-star "romances" that are just for PR.

    That said, you did see the September 2009 pics of Cory in that NYC gay bar, right? You know, right before FOX told Ryan Murphy "JFC, we had no idea you hired this many homos!" (or whatever the message was) and the non-out Glee cast was told to let Jane be the designated queer (and Chris Colfer once he refused to take back what he said on "Chelsea Lately). And so Dianna and Lea stopped being "roommates" (story put out was that Di was allergic to Lea's cat, which made the "#DATE ME" Twitter pic of her kissing Taylor's cat 3 years later a bit more pointed), and Cory stopped getting photographed in gay bars, and Matthew Morrison stopped being photographed tongue-kissing Ben Maisani at parties (Ben is now Mr. Anderson Cooper, but he and Andy were "on a break" at the time of the MM pic) and Naya Rivera's "people" tried to scrub the internet clean of stories about how she and her Hooters co-workers would "paint West Hollywood red" back in the day, but Naya was eventually outed by one of them (Brittany Rae Leach of "A Shot of Love with Tila Tequila" semi-"fame") anyhow…

    And when I mentioned the Montieth gay bar pic in a random TS/Dianna discussion on a different site, some "het police" person like yourself came screaming at me, and then someone else said that yeah, Cory was "blowing cocks all over Vancouver during his addict days" which actually surprised be because I hadn't even heard about Cory's addiction issues, never mind his rumored affair with "Kyle XY" costar Jean-Luc Bilodeau, but it turned out (sadly) that Cory DID have addiction issues and "Kyle XY" star Matt Dallas is out now, so Cory and Jean-Luc? Not as unlikely as people might have tried to claim it was, back then.

    Btw, about Zanessa being "real" because Baby V got "handsy"? Vanessa knows how to play to the photogs, hon. Have you seen some of the shots of her with her current "boyfriend" (also of several years now), Austin Butler? You know, the same Austin Butler who's been spotted at multiple all-male holiday parties hosted by…Matthew Morrison? Don't worry, I'm sure they just spend New Year's watching college football games and other manly things like that.

    And the fact that Zac and Vanessa were "together" for 5 years isn't surprising; that's a standard-length extended beard contract. See Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman (10 years, because Nic re-upped), Cruise/Katie Holmes (5 years), DiCaprio/Giselle Bundchen (5 years), DiCaprio/Bar Rafaelli (5 years), Bieber/Selena (5 years) and I'm sure plenty of others that don't spring to mind so readily.

    And I know nobody called it "Ziro"…I'm just trying to be clever. Too bad if you don't like it. I also don't think Zac/Taylor will end up stunting…if they wanted to do that, they could have done it back the "Lorax" days. It seems mostly to be a wish from some of Zac's crazier fans…you wouldn't know anybody like that, would you? Just wondering.

    But Zac/Lea? Wouldn't bet against it…
