Thursday, September 15, 2016

Blind Item #2

Our favorite closeted former network television actor tried to get a certain book banned from his current show because the book doesn't mention him. The book wouldn't have anything nice to say about him anyway.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Darren Criss?

  2. sandybrook11:48 PM

    Darren Criss/ Naya Rivera book?

  3. Tricia1311:59 PM

    Yep- that's the one- nice.

  4. sandybrook12:00 AM


  5. I'm always wondering if it's crazy soccer moms who obsessed with Colfer send these blinds. Why it's only Darren every time? He's not better but certainly not worse than the rest of the cast. Let it go ladies, the show is dead, your ugly favorite is safe.

  6. Guesser12:33 AM

    I think he would rather have something bad said than nothing at all. Except for this site, I never hear about him.

  7. mariaj12:52 AM

    I don't get this blind : it says that he tried to get the book banned from his current show? Which show? Hedwig? They will mention Naya's Book in Hedwig?

    For others shows the book wasn't even, i don't understand?

  8. June Gordon1:04 AM

    Darren Criss doesn't have a talk show.

  9. mariaj1:16 AM

    So, maybe is not Criss? If so, then who else? Enty, tell us more

  10. chris1:54 AM

    I throught Naya was going to out Darren in her book.

  11. lol no , Chris fans don't even think Criss is gay.

  12. Of course2:54 AM

    Because they're blind and stupid, always been

  13. And Darren was going to come out last year after Hedwig according to this site. And now he's "almost done" with his beard except she's always around. It's total bs and nonsense about Criss on this site, not worth even for entertainment.

  14. chris4:03 AM

    they guy is totally gay and in the closet but yeah

  15. t b h4:06 AM

    the stupid and blind ones here are those who still follow Darren's career despite how fucking fake he is. Not even his glee "family" can stand him anymore.

  16. mariaj4:21 AM

    Enty never wrote that Criss was " going to come out " but if i remember well that he was tired of the beard game.That doesn't necessarly mean " ready to come out"

  17. texasrose5:06 AM

    How do you get a book banned from a show??? None on set? Fire anyone caught reading it on set?? Is banning books on shows a thing?

  18. His PR team6:12 AM

    Are going to shoo away any fan who brings this book for Darren to sign after his show. You ask why would fans do it? I have no idea but they did that with Colfer's books last year, as if his kids books have anything to do with Darren or Broadway.

  19. Oh yeah!6:23 AM

    And the glee family is not fake, not a single one of them of course! Especially those who don't have very much to do after Glee and just get jealous. Btw some members of this "family" who are moderately successful and have a job now can stand Darren pretty well.

  20. jealous of what? he doesn't have any relevant project or role after Hedwig. His team is buying followers because he is losing them like crazy, Elsie Fest only sold like.... half of the tickets. His last role lasted 5 minutes in AHS, thanks to.... guess who... or right, Ryan Murphy. What awesome role or project does he have after Hedwig??? Tell me.

  21. I forgot to say, he barely sold those teenage mermaid or whatever shirts. He sold 500 and did not hit his goal. LOL
    people must be so jealous.
    And he is losing lots of followers again. His 2 million of eggs did not last 1 day.

  22. sydguy7:29 AM

    It's probably Darren and his Hollywood Today Live show.

  23. Disbelief5:47 PM

    This honestly makes no sense if it's supposed to be about Darren. How does one ban a book from a musical tour? Last week, there was a blind where he was a drug addict. Laughable how obsessed this site is with Darren when I could have sworn I saw it said he wasn't posting any more blinds about him awhile ago.

  24. come out already you gay.
    everybody knows the truth except for his straight fangirls who want him to fuck them

  25. Skeptical6:44 AM

    If these "favorite closeted former network television actor" blinds are really about Darren, I'd like to see one that actually says something new/surprising/accurate. They're alway taken from fangirl bitching on twitter with a little embellishment added.
    Do I think he's gay? Probably (or at least Bi), but I think this site is just speculating along with the rest of us. No real info about relationships with males, out of left field drug accusations and weirdly worded blinds about banning a book? Is this the "fiction" part of this site's disclaimer?
