Monday, August 08, 2016

Today's Blind Items- The Thief

Is this foreign born A list mostly television actor a thief? If you had asked people a year ago, they would have said probably. Ask those same people now and they would say yes. He is actually referred to as The Thief, in caps just like that.The people involved got tired of saying things like the person who robbed my house or stole something out of my trailer. So, now the person doing the stealing is known as The Thief. Our actor was on a long running network show. There are some who say that when one of his co-stars who is now on another hit network show had nude photos and a bracelet stolen from her home she quit because she identified the actor as the thief but no one did anything.

She didn't have any video evidence or security camera footage but she says that he is one of the few people who knew she had an entire photo album of nude photos. She thinks the bracelet was grabbed to make the burglary more random. The first thing stolen was from a trailer on the set of the show. It was a dinosaur skull that a producer liked to keep in the trailer of all his shows for good luck. To date, it was the only thing stolen from a set. Everything else was stolen from a home of someone who worked on the show. There were six different burglaries during the run of the show. When the show ended, so did the burglaries. Everyone kind of forgot about them. Then, our actor got a new show and in the short time the show has been filming there has already been a burglary. The common denominator in all of this is the actor. The items taken have all been very personal to the owner who had them stolen. They all had value, but were personally important to the victim. Even though people are now convinced it is the actor, no one has confronted him or named him as a suspect. Several of the thefts were reported to the police, but the police didn't really pursue it all that seriously. Now that another theft has occurred though, and a more defined pattern, that could all change.



  1. MontanaMarriott3:15 AM

    Dominic Monaghan?

  2. sandybrook3:16 AM

    Keifer Sutherland

  3. MontanaMarriott3:16 AM

    Co star onanother hit network show, Emilie De Ravin, Once Upon a Time?

  4. sandybrook3:16 AM


  5. C-Dog3:20 AM

    No way. He's not A list, and OUAT is hardly a hit show.

  6. sandybrook3:24 AM

    co-stat Mary Lynn Rakskub (sp?) or Elisha Cuthbert

  7. Mayday3:27 AM

    Andrew Lincoln?

  8. Kno Won Uno3:30 AM


  9. Kno Won Uno3:32 AM

    He's definitely A list, is foreign born and has had multiple series.
    I think you got it!

  10. sandybrook3:33 AM

    you likey?

  11. MontanaMarriott3:34 AM

    Time and again on multiple BI, Enty has stated it is.

    We all love her. We all want what is best for her. This actress was once on a hit network show before her mysterious disappearance and then landed on another HIT NETWORK SHOW. She is dating a guy who is married. I know, I know. There she was all alone at a recent wedding. No date because it was the weekend and he was with his family. She did text him the whole time though. We need to find her someone single and convince her that is the way to go.

    Jennifer Morrison

  12. BoomBoof3:49 AM

    Is it just me or have the comments been less toxic lately? Me likey.

  13. Because they are an actor they get a "pass" for breaking the law, but ANYONE else w/ any other job (w/ the exception of politician and pro-athlete), would have been tossed in jail.

  14. ...still have no clue who the actor is for this blind. I hope it isn't Keifer.

  15. machoman4:33 AM

    derek's stalker I think takes breaks to go to Real Life therapy.

  16. LadyJane4:35 AM

    Hugh Laurie? That would be weird though.

  17. Guesser5:04 AM

    I think the that this year people know for sure it's him, meaning it probably started on a new show. Who started a show this season or last that fits?

  18. Sarah5:06 AM

    It's Sutherland.

  19. someone who played kind of psycho character for a long time...

  20. GroovieMann5:26 AM

    I can't believe I didn't know Kiefer was foriegn.

    That is awful to take such personal items, but the woman was also pretty dumb to make it known she had nude pics and then not keep them secured. They had to be taken from her house, right? I assume her trailer would be locked.

  21. Guesser5:48 AM

    Someone as well known as Kiefer she may have let him have access to her trailer.At the time, no one would believe it was him.

  22. HH3147:46 AM

    I refuse to believe it's Kiefer. I always had a soft spot for the guy, especially since he attacked the Christmas tree

  23. Fireflies8:28 AM

    This isn't Kiefer, or there would have been some mention of his pre-24 career. I think it's someone who has possibly only had two big acting jobs on TV.

  24. Candyland9:57 AM

    @LadyJane- You might be on to something. I read this blind as Hugh, too! He had House, then, "in the short time the new show has been filming," could reference the fact that The Night Manager was a limited series?

  25. Small Penis Porn12:49 PM

    Hugh Laurie is possible. He has a new show starting in October called Chance.

  26. SnarkIsFun1:11 PM

    Not believing this is Kiefer, either. KS has done actual jail time (for DUI, I think), & has probably been on probation. One call to police, & easy to get him locked up again (even though he seems like a super nice guy, he has serious alcohol issues). Someone else.

  27. Or he takes breaks from stalking certain people because when he does he gets called out for it.
    There's that , too.
