Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - This former A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee crashed and burned in her last money for sex relationship, but things are going much better in her latest attempt. Another Silicon Valley executive who is worth even more money than the last guy.

#2 - This married A- list mostly television actress on a hit pay cable show has an apartment she rented where she hooks up with a member of the crew on her show. What she doesn't know is that he also hooks up with her assistant.

#3- This closeted foreign born brand new A list superhero is being beaten by his new boyfriend that he met in town while filming. The problem is that the actor has a lot of scenes where the bruises are evident so it is taking a lot of extra makeup to keep things out of sight.


  1. Derek Harvey3:11 AM

    1. Sharon Stone

  2. Derek Harvey3:11 AM

    2. Jemima Kirke

  3. Tricia133:12 AM

    1)Sharon Stone?

    2)Jemima Kirke

  4. MontanaMarriott3:12 AM

    3. Sebastian Stan?

  5. Derek Harvey3:13 AM

    3. Jai Courtney? Suicide Squad-born in Australia

  6. back again3:14 AM

    3. Tom Holland

  7. Derek Harvey3:15 AM

    or maybe Goop

  8. Derek Harvey3:25 AM

    or maybe Hilary Swank

    Hilary Swank abruptly ends her one month engagement to tennis ...
    Daily Mail-Jun 6, 2016
    Swank and Torres started dating a year ago and became engaged in ... And Hilary recently admitted she has turned down several movies in ...

    Endless possibilities for this blind

  9. Tricia133:45 AM

    Since the blind indicates it's filming now- I'll say Karl Urban maybe.Thor Ragnorak filming now. He's from NZ(married, but dunno). Either that or Cumberbatch-Dr.Strange!!!

  10. Bunny3:52 AM

    #3 Tom Holland, New Spiderman?

  11. #1 Money for sex? Is this the new politically correct way to say prostitution?

  12. Jemina Kirke A-? Psst….NOPE

  13. Derek's disgraced Aunt Viola (from Billings, Montana)3:58 AM

    Your cousin Grace wants to know if you would step away from the keyboard long enough to finish the afghan you promised to crochet for her pet pit-bull Fifi

  14. Derek Harvey4:00 AM

    She is one of the stars on a show that has been on HBO for 6 seasons ---so yeah she is A-list...

  15. JoshBaskin4:19 AM

    #2 Claire Danes

  16. Matt C4:58 AM

    But isn't Homecoming still filming?

  17. #3 Cumberbatch(he is Dr.Strange)

  18. Daido5:57 AM

    3) Cumberbatch - Doctor Strange, he has re-shoots now. And he has costume.

  19. Daido6:02 AM

    Nope, check out his instagram @tomholland2013

  20. I like her for this because she seems really fake, but she's still mostly film I think even wit MSCL and Homeland. Maybe not?

  21. IIIIII6:09 AM


  22. Spider man in costume, it's not problem. No, it's not Tom, maybe Cumberbatch.

  23. 1. Uma Thurman

  24. Nope.8:24 AM

    No there isn't. But your guesses are.

  25. back again9:04 AM

    but what about all the scenes he's filming as mild Peter Parker---they're filming in Atlanta.

  26. Go away and take Tricia with you. Thanks. Derek rules!!!

  27. morgan52:19 PM

    For 3 -I don't think its Cumberbatch. I read it as a brand new A lister who is playing a superhero.

  28. beees7:51 PM

    Yesterday's photo of Tom H. Nothing.

    New superhero Dr.Strange and new Spider-man.

  29. Everybody knows being worth a lot of money and having a lot of money means two different things in the 'Silicon Valley'

  30. Really?7:27 AM

    What are you 10 now Derek? Put down the keyboard and go back to playing Barbies. Or purge ANTM andTeen Mom. Leave this to the adults, thanks!

  31. Barton Fink7:21 AM

    I remember blinds like this going back years, in which actors perceived to be gay are being fisted so mightily that they are in the ICU, or they're being beaten constantly by their boyfriends apparently because that's what "the gays" do. And it makes me wonder, does Enty have odd views about gay men?

    I specifically recall the one about the Dawsons Creek kid being f***ed so vigorously that he could walk for days. That was odd.

    This one is odd, too. Weirdness.

  32. Antonio2:11 PM

    I was wondering how long before someone outed him as gay. It seems all these barely legal tweeners who get superhero roles are gay for some reason.

  33. The Blue7:44 PM

    I think it's Henry Cavill, since Superman doesn't wear a mask, it will take a lot of covering up to do. Plus, Henry's foreign born and was seen with a black eye last year, and he was walking around looking all messed up for weeks, too.

    When he is interviewed, it is always written now that he's an A-list star, so there's the BRAND NEW A-LIST part of this BI. He really doesn't have that A-list star name recognition, so I know his team pushes hard to get that A-list written in most of his interviews.
