Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Today's Blind Items - The Closeted Jerk

This actor is married to someone higher on the list than he. Quite a bit higher actually. Our actor is foreign born and very much in the closet. I think the fact he can't be open about himself probably contributes to his anger issues of which there are plenty. His wife has always been a cheater so in this relationship she doesn't have to feel bad about cheating because he is hooking up with guys all the time. On the set of his almost show he has been hooking up with one of his male co-stars. The co-star is barely out of his teens. Our actor treats the co-star like crap and makes the co-star feel he should be lucky to be having sex with our closeted actor. Our closeted actor not that long ago had a long time affair with a man. Their last time together involved our closeted actor pleasuring himself to his lover's arm. Yeah. After that, the man broke up with the actor who then went on a racist rant against the man. Did I mention our closeted actor only dates men of color? Considering his wife is the polar opposite of that, it is an interesting choice.


  1. Hugh Dancy

  2. sandybrook3:18 AM

    Hugh Dancy?

  3. sandybrook3:19 AM

    as usual nothing was here until I posted.

  4. Derek Harvey3:21 AM

    Maybe that is why Claire has been looking so neurotic lately...

  5. Kno Won Uno3:25 AM

    I can't get past the arm-wanker part.

  6. Tricia133:29 AM

    I can't past that Hugh Dancy and Rupert Friend are not , in fact, the same person(and both married to blondes). And both closeted ( think).

  7. That is a new one.

  8. sandybrook3:30 AM

    kyle allen for the co-star 20 years old

  9. Salaam3:32 AM

    It's a muscle fetish thing - certain guys like cuming on a flexed, rock hard bicep.

  10. Tricia133:34 AM

    Wow. The specificity/details Enty gave us on this blind leads me to believe it may be true?!

  11. markus4:10 AM

    this sounds a LOT like hugh dancy and claire danes. hm.

  12. Mooshki4:14 AM

    "...almost show..." I know it sucks, but isn't it a bit harsh to not even call it a show?

  13. Tricia134:18 AM

    I know...the streaming thing is lost on me a bit still (even though I have Netflix etc...)But it is a show I agree- Enty needs a sensitivity training program lol.

  14. back again4:48 AM

    +1000.....nice one!
    - thank goodness cuz the 1st couple who came to mind was Emma Thomson & Greg Wise & I still have a bit of a crush on dear ol' Mr. Wise!
    -wow,that Kyle Allen is cuuuute but now I have too much of a graphic visual of his 'appendages'..lol.

  15. back again4:51 AM

    Is "The Path" a good show?

  16. back again4:55 AM

    OH WAIT!!!
    Paul James for the young actor---I didn't read the bottom part of the blind!!! *derp!

  17. Guesser4:56 AM

    He could use a term like streamed show, show not on television,many of these are more popular than broadcast tv. Plus,many people watch on a smart tv so not much different.

  18. Guesser5:57 AM

    When did Claire not look neurotic? The only way this could be more obvious is if he said chain smoking wife.

  19. back again6:19 AM

    nope..just RE-re-read it & @ Sandybrook is right...sounds like Kyle Allen.

  20. Hot Cola7:12 AM

    O tried to visualise what this maybe means. Not quit sure though I understand....

  21. I thought it was fantastic. I'd guess anyone with an interest in groups that verge on cults will like it as it captures the dynamic very well.

  22. Kno Won Uno8:33 AM

    I guess no one wants to be just some random muscle.
    Makes sense.

  23. back again2:16 PM

    thanks! I'll give it a go then...

  24. Jessica12:47 AM

    The blind item is definitely about Hugh Dancy and the tv show The Path (the word almost probably implies it's not classic tv channel show, it's aired on Hulu). However, the only co-star that could fit the description is African-American actor Paul James, who is already 27 - and yeah, he played gay character on Greek for four years.
