Saturday, August 06, 2016

Mr. X Blind Item #1

This former A list singer from a singing family is drinking the Jenny McCarthy juice and trying to convince people she knows more about medical science than doctors.


  1. Snookiemonster2:04 AM

    Simpson? Ashlee?

  2. -------2:12 AM

    I wouldn't rule it out. What are we talking about?

  3. Snookiemonster2:20 AM


  4. Toni Braxton who implied her son was no longer autistic because he doesn't show the signs anymore. She was just looking to bring PR to her reality show which nobody's watching.

  5. Ashely2:31 AM

    I have a little blind of my own for everyone. This A list Model turned actress is doing her best to keep her actress costar from the Actor/musician who is trying to reignite a flame, he doesn't care that she is back with her boyfriend (from the mouth of my reliable friend who knows someone that works with one of them)

  6. sandybrook3:09 AM

    CaravD/Margot Robbie

  7. Derek Harvey3:21 AM

    Cara D, Margot Robbie and Jared Leto?

  8. When you have a health crisis, you can always go to Dr Google in the ta-da nick of time.

  9. back again8:29 AM

    How about Will Smith & Margot Robbie & Cara Delavigne
    Their fling during "Focus"

  10. back again8:32 AM

    Will Smith,Cara D & Margot R.
    reignite the flame from "Focus"

  11. Hot Cola9:20 AM

    Oh yeah, beacuse doctored are not "sponsored" buy medical companies at all...
    And we should all blindly follow them without ever questioning a thing they said....

  12. Lagal9:33 AM

    Different situation
    These are people using celebrity to influence people to rely on fads that may acyptually harm them
    A doctor choosing one psorasis drug over another is different
    People have died from whack cancer treatments that might have been saved by medicine
    I actually think this should be a crime

  13. Sarah2:14 AM

    +1 that this blind is Braxton.

    The other blind comment--if that is Will/Cara/Margot that is so interesting to me. I never heard that him and Margot had a fling when they filmed Focus. And isn't Cara more into women (I know she's bi, but I feel like I always hear about her going for girls). Why would she care if Margot and Will hook up?

  14. -------2:35 PM

    Hot Cola & Lagal, that's why I asked for details on what medical advice this person is questioning. This could be something way out crazy, or it could just be someone questioning dodgy science that actually should be questioned, something more along the lines of questioning the official dietary advice re fats and carbohydrates for example. Until we know that, I wouldn't rule out that this person might be right and the doctors wrong.
