Friday, August 05, 2016

Four For Friday - Broken Deal

Almost two years ago, this A- list mostly television actor who has more good looks than actual acting talent made a deal with his A list celebrity wife. She would get help for her addiction and he would continue to let her see their child. Part of the deal is the family remained living under the same roof. Just because they are living under the same roof though does not mean they do anything else together. Apparently the couple can tolerate each other only long enough to do a public event like church once every couple of months. The rest of the time they do things separately, including spending time with their child. They don't want the child to see the dislike the couple has for each other so time with the child is always spent alone.

This was never going to be a long time solution. For one thing, the child is starting to wonder why mom and dad always spend time alone with the child, but never as a family. Also, our celebrity likes to think of herself as the late night, always going to a party, jet set lifestyle while her husband is more of a stay at home guy. The husband actually has a woman he has been seeing for quite sometime. He would like to spend more time with her, but that means of course dissolving the marriage. The celebrity is not quite ready for that because she has blown through most of her money and her monthly expenses are paid for by the husband. The celebrity's latest project has not been the success or financial boost she thought it would be.

These discussions between the pair have been very heated to the point where the whole relationship might explode into a public ball of flames rather than the quiet little whimper they were hoping for.


  1. Tricia133:11 AM

    Amy poehler/Will arnett

  2. Tricia133:12 AM

    No..they're divorce just happened.

  3. Zilla13:15 AM


  4. Derek Harvey3:15 AM

    Stephen Amell?

  5. Pen-a-lope3:16 AM

    Fergie and Josh

  6. sandybrook3:17 AM

    If not for his rating I'd say Cibrian and Rimes but no way in hell is he A list except a-hole

  7. Kno Won Uno3:17 AM

    Fergie & Josh Duhamel?

  8. French girl3:17 AM

    Fergie and Josh duhamel

  9. Derek Harvey3:17 AM

    and his wife Casandra Jean-shes a Beauty Queen, hence the term "celebrity wife". They have one daughter.

  10. Tricia133:17 AM

    +1-of course!

  11. Snookiemonster3:17 AM

    Fergie and Josh Dummell

  12. Kno Won Uno3:17 AM

    Oops! You comment hadn't shown up when I posted.

  13. Derek Harvey3:17 AM

    ding ding ding ding

  14. Derek Harvey3:18 AM


  15. The Duck3:20 AM

    Josh Duhanel and Fergie

  16. Cooter3:23 AM

    Josh Duhamel and Fergie

  17. Davison3:26 AM

    Fergie And josh

  18. Joel Theriot3:30 AM

    That was what came to mind first for me.

  19. hothotheat3:41 AM

    Fergie and Duhamel

  20. Frufra3:41 AM

    Yup. +1. Gotta be them.

  21. Pattie3:42 AM

    I'm going to guess Josh Duhamel and Fergie. There have been rumors like this about them for years.

  22. Josh was just charming on the Vince Gilligan produced Battle Creek, which no one watched but it was pretty good. Had never seen him in anything before that, but when I watched it I had a hard time seeing him with Fergie, who looks like she's been thru the mill, and many times to boot

  23. Just a question:

    If they dislike each other so much, why did they make a baby in the first place?

    I don't understand why people do this.

    Oh, that's right! It's Hollywood. One or the other needed a monthly pay check to pretend they are still very, very young.

  24. Fergie acted in a movie I worked on back in 1984 titled: "Monster In The Closet."
    She was credited as Stacey Ferguson.

    I think she was 9(?) at the time.

  25. Just curious, did she have a forehead as a child? It's gone missing.

  26. Yep. this was a no brainer!!

  27. I think it's now called a two head.
    As for me, I have a six head....

  28. Guesser6:58 AM

    There was talk about them breaking up before they were married. No one could figure why they went through with it. He was rumored to be cheating only weeks before they got married.

  29. Whatever7:05 AM

    I wonder what Fergie is addicted to now. She was heavily into crystal meth back in the day.

    Her latest 'comeback' was absolutely atrocious and flopped hard. She is way too old and rough looking to be getting away with that kind of shit- cringeworthy.

  30. Wendy7:43 AM

    She was on America's Next Top Model one season too. I think she was one of them that got her hair cut and then freaked out and went home lol.

  31. Surly8:04 AM

    I don't get how she can have a career that spans this long, and have no money. If it's all gone on drugs, why would Josh agree to keep funding it. Baffling.

  32. I LOVED THAT SHOW!!! Sorry, I get emotional thinking about all the shows I've lost over the years...

  33. Nicole12:33 PM

    Fergie and Josh was my first though too, but doesn't this say mostly TV? And I thought Josh was mostly movies?

  34. Hot Cola2:55 PM

    Josh / Fergi

  35. Shalene6:24 PM

    Mc steamy and his wife (Rebecca???) fit.
    Josh and mutt face.

  36. Sorcha5:41 AM

    I liked Battle Creek too!!
    And have liked Josh since All My Children.

  37. Gary Burnaska2:20 PM

    two people who should have never been married or had kid together.

  38. Antonio3:58 PM

    "She is way too old and rough looking to be getting away with that kind of shit- cringeworthy."
    You're definitely on target with that statement. It made me LOL hard too.

  39. Clarisse McClellan8:03 AM

    Fergie and Josh. Is it sad that I got it by reading 1.5 sentences of the BI?
