Friday, August 05, 2016

Four For Friday - Broken Deal

Almost two years ago, this A- list mostly television actor who has more good looks than actual acting talent made a deal with his A list celebrity wife. She would get help for her addiction and he would continue to let her see their child. Part of the deal is the family remained living under the same roof. Just because they are living under the same roof though does not mean they do anything else together. Apparently the couple can tolerate each other only long enough to do a public event like church once every couple of months. The rest of the time they do things separately, including spending time with their child. They don't want the child to see the dislike the couple has for each other so time with the child is always spent alone.

This was never going to be a long time solution. For one thing, the child is starting to wonder why mom and dad always spend time alone with the child, but never as a family. Also, our celebrity likes to think of herself as the late night, always going to a party, jet set lifestyle while her husband is more of a stay at home guy. The husband actually has a woman he has been seeing for quite sometime. He would like to spend more time with her, but that means of course dissolving the marriage. The celebrity is not quite ready for that because she has blown through most of her money and her monthly expenses are paid for by the husband. The celebrity's latest project has not been the success or financial boost she thought it would be.

These discussions between the pair have been very heated to the point where the whole relationship might explode into a public ball of flames rather than the quiet little whimper they were hoping for.


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