Sunday, August 07, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

May 16, 2016

It must have been killing this B+ list model/sometime host/failed reality show co-host to have to wait so long to get botox. As soon as she could she was in her doctor’s office getting her regular fillers and botox.

Chrissy Teigen


  1. Kno Won Uno3:49 AM

    It wouldn't hurt to stop messing with her face.

  2. Seriously?4:04 AM

    Hasn't helped her. She still looks like a pug

  3. No one needs to get Botox before age 35 minimum. It's makes these girls look OLDER. Chrissy has gorgeous skin and doesn't need any. If bet Kim K is influencing her.

  4. Mop top4:22 AM

    She really does. I can't figure out why, but I think her eyes are squished too close to her nose. But she thinks she's awesome, so what the hell do I know...

  5. It's awesome that she made changes in her life to have the healthiest possible pregnancy, there is nothing shameful about returning to her routine post-parturition and post breastfeeding. She seems genuinely happy and they appear to have a nice family life.

  6. James5:22 AM

    maybe if Chrissy over does it on the botox and has any other work done in the future she'll end up looking like catwoman Jocelyn Wildenstein

  7. Studio545:30 AM

    Great one Enty! It explains a lot.

  8. mariaj6:37 AM

    I don't know about Botox...but those cheekbones looks sooo fake, and ugly

  9. Haywood Jablomee7:47 AM

    Just an annoying, overbearing person.

  10. Carolina7:57 AM

    She is a very ugly person
    Inside and out

  11. Carolina7:59 AM

    She is a know it all
    Anti 1st amendment
    She believes that no one has the right to voice an opinion unless it matches her
    Her attack on the voice star was disgusting and anti American

  12. Lapublicist8:00 AM

    Maybe she should Botox her mouth shut
    One of the stupidest people in californaiac

  13. Lapublicist8:05 AM

    The new wave of democrats
    They are so stupid and have no understanding of the us constitution
    Maybe none of then have a high school education
    Freedom of speech is what this country was founded on
    While her grandfather was in a epicenter paddy American were dying in ww2 so all Americans had freedom to speak their minds
    This mental midget wants to shut down the rights of speech of anyone that disagrees with her or Hilary Clinton
    She attacked Blake Shelton's support of Donal Trump and harassed Gwen stefani support of Trump
    Sorry flat nosed pug who married for money everyone gets free speech not just you and Clinton

  14. Henry8:06 AM

    She is a moron and the person who ever gave her a modeling job must be blind

  15. Hey Ya8:17 AM

    Remember when the commenters here were smart, funny, and witty? Good times. Even June doesn't come around much. Thank you, American educational system, for creating 3 generations of morons.

  16. Kno Won Uno8:25 AM


  17. She was out two weeks after baby born going out to dinner in a completely see through blouse with no bra. There was no breastfeeding being done by HER. Those of us who have, know that would be impossible. It makes her ridiculous performance in Fergie's MILF video all the more a bold faced lie-- by a cretin.

  18. Stacey11:14 AM

    Botox is not going to help her. Her face is seriously ugly. I have no idea how she became a model.

  19. Derek Harvey11:37 AM

    Tieger for president
    YOU for The Electric Chair

  20. Derek Harvey11:38 AM

    At this point
    You lose

  21. Derek Harvey11:39 AM

    New phone
    Stupid auto correct

    I like her

  22. Derek Harvey11:42 AM


    + infinity

  23. Shalene12:04 PM

    I've always thought she looks like an animal but couldn't put a finger on it. Hahahaha I guess you're right. If she had an ounce of real goodness no way I'd even entertain this but she puts such negativity out. She's not a tender hearted person and he face is karma

  24. I hope she's just feeding the baby formula...

  25. Chello3:19 AM

    Wow...grammatically-challenged yet imaginatively racist.

  26. Chello3:21 AM

    Agreed. I don't really get the hate on this.

  27. And-so-on..8:56 AM

    Oh poo.. What's to worry 'bout.. just down to earth and very smart.. she might soon make dear Martha Stewart sweat with envy at her awesome domestic business perfections.. she has the happiest marriage, her husband is crazy mad in love with her.. and the baby is perrrrrrrrrrrfect, can't wait to have many, many more.....
