Monday, August 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 24, 2016

One way to get favors from this A+ list tech CEO with A+ list name recognition is to play free or heavily reduced shows for him or the people on the board of directors. That is exactly what this A+ list singer has done and why she gets special software to make it seem the world only loves her. Meanwhile, the rest of the world has to put up with bullying because they are not powerful enough to kiss his butt.

Taylor Swift/Mark Zuckergberg (Facebook which owns Instagram)


  1. Kno Won Uno2:27 AM

    Except they're making it available to everyone, I thought.

  2. Stasia2:31 AM

    Most artists won't do a free show even for a charity so if she's getting something out of it, good for her. I don't mind TSwift. I know she was probably a nerd, was bullied and never popular in HS. So now she's a big celeb and cool, but because of her past experiences she's over controlling and afraid of losing it all. She's just a Type A personality. That doesn't make her a bad person.

  3. sandybrook2:35 AM

    I can't think of many people less cool than TayTay but most of them are in her pussy posse.

  4. What adult would want to see a Taylor Swift show?

  5. Pretty sure you are less cool than her.

  6. @Ay exactly what I was wondering whilst reading this

  7. sandybrook3:18 AM

    How you doing you lonely fu<king piece of $hit??You're too fu<king stupid to understand I don't play nice and don't give 2 $hits what a useless moron like you thinks of me. So take your own advice and GET THE FU<K OUT OF HERE IDIOT!

  8. longtimereader3:36 AM

    Yet again, what a smart, ruthless and conniving businesswoman. You kinda have to admire her for that.

  9. Agreed! And the girl can write...ask Calvin & Rhianna.

  10. hashtagblessed3:40 AM

    @go away


    as long as sandybrook isn't a pathological manipulator, then yes, it goes default that she WOULD be cooler than her.

    also do you have a cramp in your back yet from bending over and taking it hard for your lesbian liar?

    in the future, when it comes to taylor...

    "the truth will come out when they do"
    it's gonna look pretty bad when every relationship you've had with a high profile male is revealed to be "I'll make the public believe you are hetero as long as you let me steer the narrative and use it for song lyrics"

    quid pro quo ho

  11. hashtagblessed3:43 AM

    taylor will go down as the greatest example of a star taking commercial & creative advantage of the world's homophobia.

    "you're gay, I'll be with you to show the world you arent, we'll drum up publicity through every move, and then I get to write fiction about it but we both know it isn't real anyway. in a way, this is acting! this is our art."

    yea, history probably wont agree with that sentiment.

  12. Dutch3:45 AM

    I like Taylor Swift. I would rather girls emulate her than trying to be like the Kartrashian whores.

  13. I kinda like her. Would like her more if she was lesbian

  14. AMartel4:23 AM

    Definitely prefer Swifty over the talentless, yodeling, underdressed/overly made up whorde that gets paraded out for our "entertainment." Regarding the hate that gets aimed her way: (1) A lot of it has to do with the fact that she's in charge of her own life and doesn't follow orders, (2) It's not your business if two people have a business arrangement and (3) assuming there's been a bearding situation or two through the years, it takes two to "beard." When you focus your deranged fever-swamp hatred on just one of the two people involved it just makes you look even more psychotic.

  15. Creamy Goodness4:32 AM

    Why would anyone admire any ruthless conniving business person??

  16. Tiggytiti4:35 AM

    Nothing wrong with Type A personalities or being a smart business woman. The problem is she manipulates and is cruel. I get the impression that she enjoys taking down other people and that ain't right

  17. or to be scare...
    still very bad singer(vocals r soo weak), guitar & piano player, actress & a horrible dancer...
    her fans are more dangerous & aggressive than 'beehive'...

  18. Dereks Mommy6:59 AM

    You do know that's your buddy Derek, right?

  19. Zilla17:08 AM



  20. Honeybunny9:03 AM

    Can't stand her music or her, so........

  21. texasrose9:57 AM

    This says more about Zuckerberg than her. What a douchebag. God help us when these billionaire douches finally control everything and decide how we are supposed to act and think because 'they know best.'

  22. Hot Cola10:53 AM

    @ dutch, definetly prefer her over rihanna for a girl's role model. An in control- smart- business oriented and doesn't do drugs Vs. Street strolling ho' with addictio ...

    Ty Ty has her problems but is still better a a role model and a high- geto-ho'.

    ( and no offence to anyone who found themselves being a high as a kite- street strolling- geto-ho', Simply our family did not make sacrifices and went through Med. School to aspier be getto -ho's).)

  23. Hot Cola10:55 AM

    * than a

  24. Hot Cola10:58 AM

    It's already here @ Texas Rose,
    Its called the automatic car, the electronic wallet, the "suggested posts" and basically everything that is assuming a machine can make better desicioms than us.

  25. Lagirl11:29 AM

    From my neighborhood
    She walked around with her Barbie Doll until she was 12
    Lots of shy kids are like this

  26. All these grown adult stars crying about how Taylor Swift "bullies" them is just ridiculous. They're adults.

  27. Sarah4:58 AM

    Thank you for saying this. Unlike most celebrities, Taylor actually uses her fame to make her fans feel special. She's donated money to her fans who are battling cancer to help pay for treatment, she gave money to Kesha to help her pay her legal fees, she replies to fans on Tumblr and sends them gifts as a surprise. Even if that is all PR, who cares? What matters is that her fans feel special and appreciated, which is better than I can say for people like Demi Lovato who can't even get through a meet and greet without being a bitch. Tay knows her fans keep her relevant and she goes out of her way to be good to them publicly. Who she is behind closed doors is something I could give less of a shit about to be honest.

  28. tralala4:56 AM

    It doesn't matter how many photos of herself and her posse Taylor Swift posts. She is, and always will be, an asshole.

  29. It's not about how Taylor bullies them, it's about cyber bullying that non-famous/less famous people face and FB support does nothing about it.

  30. It's like all these comments were written by the same person, possibly Taylor Swift herself
