Saturday, August 27, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Mr. X

July 3, 2016

This Presidential candidate has a history of using speed.

Donald Trump


  1. marlo1:41 AM


    Hitlery snorts the ashes of the dozens and dozens of people who have all mysteriously died, investigating her LOL

  2. When he loses the election will he go back to obscurity? Switch back to Hillary's camp? Join Dancing With the Stars?

  3. Ettacettera1:51 AM

    Everyone knows he wants his own network..every conspiracy theorist will get a program

  4. Derek Harvey1:56 AM

    He is repulsive

  5. Meh. We all know he's on "something." Come on man...give us a real scoop!
    Today must be Boring Reveal Day here at CDaN.

  6. LOL!
    Derek is so repulsed by Trump, he had to post twice!
    Thank You, Derek.
    As I left my office yesterday, one of the paralegals who was all behind for Trump six months ago, said she 'can't stand that man anymore.'
    She said, she's glad to see Trump's true colors coming out before the election.

  7. Oh! Joke time!?

    I saw this on Twitter yesterday:

    "If Trump was a true friend to the Gay/Lesbian community, wouldn't one of the gay men have done something about his bad comb-over."

  8. SD auntie2:18 AM

    Don't forget about the oompa loompa spray tan.

  9. Zilla12:25 AM

    He's taking a gigantic risk of doing permanent, serious and irreparable damage to his empire and his brand with this campaign. I don't know if he'll bounce back from it.

  10. hothotheat2:33 AM

    It alarms me that people hadn't seen it before. It's not like the public just became aware of him.

  11. So I have a shot?...

  12. sandybrook3:06 AM

    We all have to pray he gets annihilated in the election. If he wins, we're all screwed, if he loses close he'll be back ruining the Republican Party in 2 1/2 years. If he gets annihilated, he loses everything, his career, his reputation, his publicity, maybe his "fortune", probably his wife. So that's the choice-- total annihilation.

  13. It was really obvious that Trump was hopped up on something during his recent interview with Anderson Cooper. The guy was practically vibrating.

  14. NurseR3:44 AM

    His true colors seem to be
    Yellow (hair)
    Orange (fake tan)
    Pink (little pig eyes where the fake tan wears off)

  15. hollah4:28 AM

    took her f'ing long enough...

  16. Kno Won Uno4:42 AM

    Seriously. It's truly frightening.

  17. Kno Won Uno4:43 AM

    Wait...shouldn't he be thinner?

  18. Zilla14:54 AM

    The NY Faily News is also severely damaging their budiness and theit credibility eith yhrit not-even-bothering-to-disguise-it attempts to sway voters, their histrionic, Midnight Globe style Trump headlines, and their obvioys desperation. It is hilarious that they don't seem to recognize this. Even people who aren't planning to vote for Trump are quitting the NYDN like it's infected with plague.

    The only people I hope for total annihilation of are people and organizations like Idi Amin, ISIS, Boko Harum, and murderers. Trump is simply a blowhard politician-wannabe and cartoon.

  19. Zilla14:56 AM

    Goddam phone. That post looks like it was written by a Martian who just landed on Earth. Sorry.

  20. marlo5:11 AM

    Oh man, you are all hilarious. With all the smearing Trump has endured, he should have been done by now. Or Hitelry should be at least 100 points ahead.

    Instead, she's not, and he's still here, nominated AGAINST ALL ODDS, and will end up right in the WH.

    While Hitlery actually has blood on her hands, and the FBI is gonna release the juiciest chit yet in October, all you inbreds have, is make fun of his hair and face colour LMAO

    You all keep forgetting huge community all over the US that supports Trump (not just Black & Latinos) : ASIANS.

    Trump will win and I will come here and laugh my arse off.
    See you in November, turds.

  21. Simon5:31 AM

    Didn't help with his weight that's for sure. He will lose, start a cable news network with ailes and talk about Hillary, Ted Cruz and John kasich 24 hours a day. He vows revenge on Cruz and kasich.

  22. Simon5:33 AM

    Keep dreaming. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand Hillary but trumps gonna lose.

  23. marlo6:39 AM

    Sorry Simple Simon, he won't. He has come further than anybody could have predicted, because he has lots of silent support.

    People don't advertise their Trump support, because they don't like getting threatened, smeared, attacked and violently shouted down by mobs of unhinged 'liberals'.

    The ones who say nothing, all support Trump.
    His victory will be a repeat of Reagan's victory: shocking and unexpected. And just like Reagan, he will prove to be a better leader, than anybody could have imagined.

    Unlike your parasite Nobel Peace Prize winning Muslim, who divided your country, funded islamic terror and made himself the laughing stock of the political world.

    You think Trump won't win? Stranger things have happened, my dear.

  24. marlo6:50 AM

    And now I shall be awaiting the usual "tolerant, liberal & open minded" barrages of abuse, by sub-educated cretins, who can't tell their elbow from their arsehole ....LOL.... .like from "Ay" for example, who is so remarkably astute & brilliant, he thinks ISIS was named after the ancient Egyptian goddess.... bwaahahahahaha.... classic!

  25. Simon7:06 AM

    Well, you can tell by your language you are definitely a trumpie. And your assumptions are misguided. I didn't vote for Obama.

  26. I love how your degenerate azz think i'm a male, another FAIL on your end. Answer me this, why does a Brit care so much about what's going on in the US? According to you, isn't your country currently being run over by Arabs? Shouldn't that be a more pressing concern for you?

    And ISIS is a Egyptian Goddess, and the "terrorist" group was named for it whether you want to believe it or not. (And I know what the media given initials are said to stand for before anyone chimes in).

  27. Sammi7:48 AM

    I really really find this hard to believe. He doesn't even drink alcohol! If this were true, it would have been in the tabloids LONG ago. He is not new to the public eye.... I don't agree with some of his choices but at his age, if he had a previous drug problem, there would be a lot of signs.

    I love how Hilary's dangerous decisions and corruptions are completely ignored, but lets make Trump look like a bad person because we don't like what he says. No one died because of him, can't say that about her!

  28. Zilla17:49 AM

    It's almost hilarious when a member of any ethnicity that has ever been /is still getting discriminated against, gets on a precarious high horse to attempt to talk down to or insult other groups. Almost. But really, it's just pathetic and pitiful.

  29. Hot Cola8:02 AM

    Ha +100!

  30. Sadie8:07 AM

    What? No comments on Trump's freaky Doctor? LOL! He looks like he'd prescribe anything you want and appears to be a druggie himself.

  31. Sadie8:08 AM

    You don't have to make Trump look like a bad person, he can do it all on his own.

  32. Killary9:26 AM

    Isis was named after the Egyptian goddess as much as the Russians hacked the DNC. Keep drinking the Kool Aid.

  33. Trump smears himself daily by opening his piehole.

    Earth to Marlo, there aren't enough white male bigots to vote the asshole into office. Bonus, he is taking the entire Puke Party down with him.

  34. Go away troll.

  35. Trump is on a statin. He probably has a bad heart.

  36. Dereks last Grindr hook- up9:38 AM

    That's what I said.

  37. NurseR10:15 AM

    Years of abuse, the body gets tolerant. Also, heart and blood pressure problems develop so you can't take the same dosage and by that time the metabolism is kaput. There are several stories about his usage on and off for a long time, which is why he is probably up at 4am tweeting.

  38. Reality12:34 PM

    ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and was not named for the goddess.

  39. persiaa12:44 PM

    Dancing With the Stars would be awesome.

  40. Shermie1:19 PM

    I'm no Trump fan but seriously? I don't believe Enty's source on this one. Trump has not only never had a drink but never a cig or any drugs. He's very old school. I would believe maybe something for ADD like Adderall possibly, but not street drugs.

  41. back again1:28 PM

    lol... i actually really liked The NY Faily News...that's a keeper! ; )

  42. emeraldcity2:46 PM

    Sorry to pass on this bad news but I have a friend who is a well known Astrologer in the UK, looking at Trumps chart v Hillary's, Trump's is riding high during election time (reminiscent of JFK's) and Hilary's is not so good, the only way she will win is if she stoops to Donalds level of insults because people are just not listening to her facts and figures.

    Trump is a consummate con man Hillary despite all her experience at double dealing just can not compete in the charisma stakes, to top it all off Pence's chart is stellar for the election as well and he may even take over at some point (perhaps after someone bumps Trump off). This election is being run on emotion not logic and the Donald knows how to whip it up like noone else and unless Hill's can tap into that she will lose.

    Never underestimate how much emotion effects a vote. Just look at what happened with Brexit.

  43. Heather2:57 PM

    Trump loves America and Hillary wants to be Angela Merkel. Hillary wants to destroy this country for power. But Trump is repulsive?

  44. Hortensia3:17 PM

    If he's usin speed, then why is he so FAT??????

  45. marlo4:56 PM

    Simon, not so simple then. Good for you.

  46. marlo4:57 PM

    bigot, asshole, puke party... LOL

    ad hominem - you lose, like Hitlery will

  47. marlo4:58 PM

    ay, are you 14 or too stupid to use google?

    why do you insist on embarrassing yourself?

    Just go read a book or something, you poor little thing. You're a laughing stock.

  48. parkdove5:02 PM

    What Zilla1 said as far as who should be annihilated.

  49. marlo5:43 PM

    David, I know hundreds who say the same about Hitelry now LOL

  50. Lynne5:49 PM

    A lot of people here in the UK who voted for Brexit are now having second thoughts thinking they may have made a mistake. Trump isn't up to the job; Hilary is. A lot of the top guys in government and military, both Republicans and Democrats, are also saying that Trump is not up to the job.

  51. Lynne, you lie! Why do all left-tards lie always? Lies lies lies.

    I live in the UK, London to be precise. I voted Brexit and I don't know 1 single person who regrets it. NOT ONE!

    On the contrary, Brexit has triggered: Frexit (France), Italexit (Italy), Dexit (Denmark AND Germany!), Swexit (Sweden), Flexit (Finland), and more. SO either thou are shameless liar, or you are atrociously stupid - hence LEFT-TARD is such a popular nickname for your ilk.

    Lying liars telling lies - no wonder you like HItlery with blood on her hands....

  52. Says the MSM.

  53. @Marlo

    Just enjoy living in EURAQ and in this world demon, because it is yours. The Kingdom is ours.

  54. Megley11:48 PM

    Google it. This is not blind. This was reported by the media months ago. Drumpf didn't deny it. He's been a speed freak for a long time.
    But this is not the problem with Drumpf.

  55. What inbred??? Do you even know how to express yourself coherently? LOL

    Just give it up Ay, the more you write, the dumber you appear.

  56. So please explain to all of us here, great genius Ay, how ISIS in Iraq/Syria, is named after an ancient Egyptian goddess, in what relation it stands to her, and where you have this information from.

    I'm all ears (and belly laughs)....:

  57. Honeybunny3:17 AM

    No, just you. Lol!

  58. Honeybunny3:27 AM

    Look, just because you guys messed up over their don't give you the right to drag us down with you. I'm beginning to wonder how much Dumpy is paying you to say all those crazy lies.?

  59. Astrology. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

  60. @Marlo

    Of course you can't comprehend, you're a demon. We are living in Satan's world so you are right at home. God's Kingdom however, is off limits for your ilk.

  61. Ad hominem? Read your own posts in this thread. You are the poster troll for this dubious honor.

  62. @marlo

    I'm not here to educate your ignorant ass. God could explain it better than I ever could. Just pray for his return.

  63. marlo4:00 AM

    Oh dear..........are your parents cousins??

  64. marlo4:01 AM

    I did not ask God, neither did he/she make this claim. YOU did, so I am asking YOU.

    Why can't you answer something, you claim?

  65. marlo4:03 AM

    Look, just because you don't know the difference between "there" and "their", it doesn't mean you're a complete imbecile.
    Just half one. LOL

    Everything I write can be verified, unlike the unhinged ramblings of a sub-literate idiot.

  66. LOL at your utter confusion at my mention of GOD. Typical demon.

  67. Turn your life over to Him, then maybe you will understand.

  68. pokesastick9:44 AM

    there are a few people i've run into that think Donald Trump is merely a paper mache candidate, so that Hilarity is a shoe-in to win the election.


  69. It's absolutely hilarious to read these comments 3.5 years later. 3.5 years later and still the only dirt on him is he's rumored to have slept around a lot while married, and is rumored to have taken speed (you mean like the 5 million Americans prescribed Adderall, not counting the millions upon millions who illegally take it and other drugs like it?). Meanwhile the Clinton body count still rolls on. Where's the dirt on Donny? As of now he looks like the most squeaky clean president in the past 100 years. There must be something.
