Sunday, August 28, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 9, 2016

This A- list network reality host wanted to take his kids to a protest. His A+ list ex put her foot down and said no. Network executives are also leaning towards not renewing the contract of the A- lister. They like no controversies and for everyone to keep opinions to themselves.

Nick Cannon/Mariah Carey


  1. marlo2:49 AM

    That's because ALL lives matter, you turdish racist cnuts.

  2. June Gordon4:25 AM

    Marlo and me HATE them uppity negroes y'all!!!!!!!!!


  3. Zilla15:01 AM

    Hope NBC hangs on to the million dollar diamond shoes if they fire him.

  4. Robert6:09 AM

    I'm sorry to see such a bigoted post from "June," as I've occasionally thought him/her amusing. Marlo, OTOH, has always come off like an asshole.

  5. janinedm7:26 AM

    I think June is making fun of Marlo.

  6. dazzle8:47 AM

    stupid old lady!

  7. Lag ill8:54 AM

    All lives matters
    All priests and nuns lives matter ( massacred this week at home and during mass in Catholic Church)
    Btw the Irish came from Ireland dirt poor this century were told not to apply never got welfare and don't demand retribution sf tom England for forbidding them to speak Gaelic, throwing them in jails, enslaving them and stealing all their food thus creating potato famine wher millions Irish were starved to death while their potatos shipped to England

  8. Stanford junior8:57 AM

    If black lives matter,
    Then why don't blacks have a problem with their fellow blacks murdering each other in USA
    Black on black crime is higher than any other crime statistic!

  9. Reality10:52 AM

    And that San Francisco quarterback can go pound sand.

  10. Shalene6:08 PM

    I do believe his adopted white parents...that this "shitty country" provided for him wished that they had went Russia to adopt. Where the put orphan babies in a run down cold building. Guy is nothing but a wanna be. Him and that white girl with a bad perm can live in their fantasy world.

  11. Please6:17 PM

    How in the f--- is it racist to say all lives matter? I have seen more hate this past year then all the other years I've ever lived. And it's mostly blacks. The best black people I know are military men. The best men period. Those black men don't go shooting up the arm or on the street. They take care of their kids. They don't have 5 baby mammas and 10 kids. I am proud to have them in my life. The worst abuse I had was a black boy that would see his dad hit his mother and then beat me at the bus stop. I finally told my mother and she was told he beats because he had crush. Do I go around hating blacks. No! But a lot of white people are being to be racist. Because the hate we see from them.

  12. Please6:20 PM

    High five :)

  13. aLAbaster11:06 PM

    Fuck you

  14. Herek Darvey1:19 AM

    This post was like flypaper to racists. Wow.

  15. Dutch5:03 AM

    Good for Mariah. Children should never be taken to protests, you never know when it might get violent.
