Friday, August 19, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 18, 2016

This former A list reality star/serial cheater/part-time child molester is hooking up with someone a family member introduced him to who can be discreet. His wife puts up with it but I really don’t know why. She should walk.

Josh Duggar


  1. Kno Won Uno2:07 AM

    She has no social skills outside of the church and no marketable skills because her job is to deliver a quiverfull and she has four small children. Where's she walking to?

  2. Noitall2:08 AM

    Eww. What a sick-O. His wife probably puts up with it because she doesn't know what else to do. She's not educated and never had a job. She is probably scared for her and her kids

  3. sandybrook2:29 AM


  4. "Smash Kiss"
    That's what I think when I see Josh's name.
    (I never bought he never had sex before being married.)

  5. religion's strongest recruits are dumb-as-fuck, no shock there.

  6. Rudiruled4:34 AM

    Maybe she is happy that she doesn't have to have sex with him when he is getting it somewhere else. Weren't there rumors he liked it rough?

    She should have walked though. This cult is the worst.

  7. Penelope24:36 AM

    I'm disappointed her HER parents. What kind of parents don't teach their children to expect more... and she hasn't even been married long. This is going to be her life?

    And if you're religious, would you really think God meant for you to be with someone who continually degrades your dignity? I think it's clear she made a mistake, and her parents should help extract her from a very, very bad marriage and start building her up again away from that family (and sue them for a LOT of child support).

  8. anna from savannah5:19 AM

    You don't have to be Mormon to have sh---y parents. It is a cultural thing that Southern women back-in-the-day perfected to a fine art. When Wallis Warfield was married to her first husband he beat her within an inch of her life. When she wanted a divorce her mother and relatives were horrified! Little did she know that within a decade she would be the most talked about woman in the world. Then SHE would get to terrorize the Prince.

  9. Whatever6:07 AM

    That's why men like him marry relatively unworldly women. They have very few options and basically can't leave.

  10. Bitchie Mitchie6:28 AM

    That whole situation just reeks of ill intent and lies. The amount of hypocrisy- the judgement in the name of Christianity done by that family-is's just...too much. I. Can't.

  11. Hot Cola6:38 AM

    She puts up with it bcuz she's a brain wahsed 'good' christian. She just doesn't know that this life here, its already HELL for her..

  12. too late for Meryl Streep to make a great movie... ( her wiki picture & an younger MS)
    P.S. long time a fan of ur comments...

  13. Reformed9:13 AM

    A lot of religions are just excuses or cults used to keep women down ...Mormons, muslims, Islam, Hasidic Jews even Charles Manson treated women like 2nd class

  14. Cupcakes4all11:04 AM

    she's glad its not her he is climbing on, hopefully she can make some money by giving the story to a blog and RUN.

  15. anna from savannah11:25 AM

    It is NEVER too late for our beloved Meryl to make a film about anything and anyone. She is perfection itself. Thank you for your kind words.

  16. Louise10:45 PM

    Why the hell would this other person want to hook up with him?
