Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Mr. X

April 28, 2016

What happens when you get two very wealthy stage parents together? They pony up enough advertising dollars to a foreign fashion bible to have one child each labeled a superstar by the publication. No one agrees with the publication.

Gigi Hadid/Kendall Jenner/UK Vogue


  1. AlmondJoy2:16 AM

    If no one agrees, then why is the term 'super model' used to describe these two self entitled brats in every single blog entry I read about them? They are models--in order to be anything greater--they are going to have to be Naomi Campbell.

  2. sandybrook2:32 AM

    They are being used so much that they will be "supermodels" whether it was bought for them or not.

  3. ladyangst2:53 AM

    Every time this comes up, I am reminded of an old Doonesbury cartoon, where (and it was a long time ago, so the details may be a little off) People Magazine calls a summit of entertainment writers to discuss the devaluation of the term "superstar" and a proposal to reclaim it by limiting it to "Streisand only."

  4. Studio542:54 AM

    Great blind! People know these are famous only through reality shows, and their fame will tank when they are off TV, like every other reality star. Remember Spencer and Heidi? Me either.

  5. Zilla12:57 AM

    Unfortunately true.

  6. I have a personal opinion. Most of the people want them on tv and on the covers of mags. Not saying the CDAN readers but 7 in 10 from our youngsters are following their trend. Cruel reality of what we did by posting those faces to access our family homes tv

  7. longtimereader3:20 AM

    In this time, with their s.m./reality t.v. appeal they are top models. They sell products thanks to their reach, hence why they keep getting hired.

  8. takaki3:29 AM

    there's two kinds of people in this world: fans of the reality tv families, and the ones who arent.

    great way to know in advance who is dumb as fuck and avoid.

  9. Kno Won Uno3:34 AM

    No. Shit.
    Who didn't know this, at least intuitively?
    Plenty of girls more attractive than any Jenner or Hadid can be found at any mall on any day of the week.
    Their rocket-to-stardom "careers" are painfully obviously paid for. They should be ashamed.

  10. Augie4:30 AM

    Used to be only poor girls with no real prospects were models & actors, now the the only way to even get your foot in the door is having rich parents pay off managers, producers, and agents.

  11. magnolia belle4:44 AM

    You also have Stephanie Seymour's two train wreck sons who spend a lot of time parading before the press accompanied by New York's Finest. The youngest was arrested this weekend for stiffing a taxi driver for a $29 fare and having drugs in his possession. All the while dressed to the nines and in full make-up. She has always been wild and insane and her poor kids will eventually do time because of it. A really great mom. This has never happened with the Kardashian girls. Just sayin'.

  12. Studio546:38 AM

    Give the K-trash and J-Trash time. When they are mercifully cancelled, the bottom will fall out like with these other no talent nobodies when the TV light went out.

  13. Studio546:41 AM

    Also, WHAT products do these people sell that actually SELL? Don't tell me anyone buys Estee Lauder because of a J-trash "spokeswoman". BS. The only thing that ever sold was a game app, speaking fees for clubs, and a sex tape.

  14. Chelzee Post8:01 AM

    Which of the Kardashian/Jenner girls/boys will survive when the shows end, the beauty products dry up, no more modeling assignments hit them in the face, and Tyga, Kanye and Chyna have spend every last dime? Khloe is one hard dame. She will open a gay bar or something. Kim? Say prayers. She'll collapse completely. Too old for sex tapes. Mama Kris? She's got tons o' money stored away off-shore to last her four lifetimes. Caitlin is already yesterday's news. Or, as they used to say in the 50s, a 'Usterwuzzer.'

    One can only hope Kourtney can keep it together for the kids. Scott will never step up to the plate and be a man. She had better brush up on her Spanish so she can start a tour company for Americans in Cuba. The Jenner girls? They can always join the Maryknoll Nuns in Africa. Not gonna be a pretty sight.

  15. Guesser10:53 AM

    Magazines that used to sell millions barely sell anymore. These reality stars have millions of Twitter and Instagram followers, and they know they can get them to pay. Also, the cosmetic companies pay for the ads in fashion magazines. They want their models on the covers, it was true forty years ago when Lauren Hutton was Revlon 's model, on the cover every month, and it's true today.

  16. The Hadid family have pegged Gigi as the superchild her whole life, Now former 'ugly sister' Bella is outdoing her and I'm loving it

  17. it's impossible, they are SHAMELESS in a big way; they don't have 'shame' bone in their bodies or 'shame' cell in their chickpea of brain...
    they are scary, actually...

  18. Nobody who understands the talent business or modeling business would have ever thought either of these two got gigs any other way. Not even the general public think they're super model quality. Bella and Gigi look weird, and their dad is creepy. Kendall doesn't have the body to be a model. Gigi and Kendall are pretty, but not that pretty. Everybody thinks they walk the runway for free. Won't miss seeing this entire crass group out of the picture. They terrorize any city they enter with their lack of class. The trashy fashion, weird obsession with ass and lips, and relentless effort on any lens or screen they can get their hands on is just weird.

  19. Cupcakes4all10:06 AM

    horrendous w/o plastic surgery, just think had they NOT had it...
