Sunday, August 28, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 8, 2016

This is how messed up this A list reality star from that reality family is. She supports her boyfriend financially and he cheats on her but she threatens to kill herself unless he comes back to her.

Kylie Jenner/Tyga


  1. Now Tyga is the REASON for barbie mutation to pull a suicidal tantrum. Wimen in the world... Tyga is the IT man

  2. Pick up your panties and wait for the tranny bidder.. doh

  3. Im so jealous of Barbie Mutation Im gonna draw myself a dic*k and wait for him :))


    She comes across as a needy, shy, self-conscious child in KUWTH Series 12 this year. She has garnered millions from her make-up kits and yet feels this is the best she can do? Both the Jenner girls are sorely lacking in the personality department. I don't know how Kris sleeps at night knowing what she has done to all her daughters through the years.

  5. Sorry, but somehow I just don't believe this.


    When they were out of the country recently, Tyga was threatened with arrest upon re-entry to California by a landlord he owed thousands of dollars to. She paid the landlord off so he could return with her. And she will pay off the other debts he has to clear his name. When the series ends and her money is gone, he will move on to someone else who will bail him out.

    I forgot that Kris has no problem sleeping. Sharks don't sleep!

  7. Rocco Cadillac3:57 AM

    Now I'm pretty sure that their relationship is fake. Kris Jenner is Tyga's and Kylie's manager but the 'relationship' and the exposure has not helped his sales. Why keep the charade up?

  8. Twit-man more like! Poor child should have been taken into care, clearly neither of her parents care enough to stop her mutilating herself.

  9. Guesser8:11 AM

    Again, these young ladies have 2 parents, and Caitlin/Bruce only cares about his own issues, and was an absent parent to all his children and step children. Caitlin just wants to be one of those girls.

  10. Kris sleeps on the giant pile of money her escort whore daughters/son make for her like a true madam!

  11. And why's that, because the K/J clan is so mentally and emotionally stable?

  12. bambino2:35 AM

    they're such a weird clown family. But all the disfunction is entertaining in a sad way.

  13. Dutch5:05 AM

    If this is true, I say Tigger should call her bluff.

  14. I'm guessing a combination of sleeping pills and vodka. Or horse tranquilizers.

  15. Killary10:26 AM

    I don't know why that ugly fuck doesn't lock the silly twat down. Keep her a few years and then get 50% of what she makes. Get her to elope with no pre-nup. The bitch is stupid and needy enough to go for it. Then we can sit back and watch PMK and her cross-dressing ex implode.
