Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Blind Item #8

They used to hook up all the time back in the day before she became royal so it shouldn't shock anyone that this married A list royal was flirting up a storm with her ex. Not really an ex, more of an every weekend friends with benefits thing.



  1. Kno Won Uno1:49 AM

    Ferg. Doesn't she still hang out with a former BF?

  2. MontanaMarriott1:49 AM

    Kate M? or is this ALbert's wife?

  3. Just4Fun1:57 AM

    Maybe Edward's wife, Sophie? Or Charlene - married to Prince Albert of Monaco

  4. Chelzee Post2:01 AM

    London Daily Mail has been hinting for weeks that Kate Middleton has been flirting wildly with a former beau. Knowing the history of her husband's family, (his mother Diana) she is far too smart to even go there. People are already sick of the Olympics, Taylor and Tom, Miley & Liam, Lindsay and the Russian, so they are going after something more interesting for the folks to read about. Fortunately, it's all made up. Her majesty is NOT going through that again!!!

  5. Kno Won Uno2:06 AM

    Maybe no one bought it when they tried hooking her up with Prince Hot Ginge.
    And people wonder why she's anxious

  6. Englishrose2:21 AM

    Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge and Sir Ben Ainslie. Surprisingly better chemistry with him than her husband.

  7. sandybrook2:31 AM

    Anyone would have better chemistry with her over that stiff.

  8. shakey2:49 AM

    Camilla. She wants a new tampon, lol!

  9. longtimereader3:21 AM

    Anyone who thinks they are monogamous after having the heir and spare probably read the daily mail.

  10. Studio543:23 AM

    This is a fascinating blind Enty. If the DM is insinuating Kate is flirting or worse with an ex-boyfriend, then there is something major to it, IMO.

    It's amazing how these two are becoming Chuck and Di 2.0. I blame it on that cursed ring she got for engagement, and all the bad luck it is associated with.

  11. Studio543:42 AM

    Also, speaking of Olympic competition? when are the Brits going to kick the "family firm" holding a stranglehold on this job to the curb, and get Simon Cowell to hold new auditions? That Americans like me are eligible for? I've been coveting that "Monarch' gig for years. I've been practicing my hand waving, ribbon cutting, and ringing the bell so the footman can bring me a hankie moves. I'm ready.

  12. Dutch3:59 AM

    Well, she really wanted that crown.

  13. Guesser8:14 AM

    The blind is trying to make it sound like Kate, but surely she is A+ list.

  14. Murphy9:58 PM

    Don't call her Princess Kate, it's incorrect and an insult to all real princesses

  15. mrs.fitzherbert10:13 AM

    Bill and Cathy are definitely having struggles. A look at her weight is an indicator.
