Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Blind Item #8

This celebrity offspring is always borrowing money from friends and family despite the massive monthly income she receives from the trust established for her. The money she spends on drugs for herself and those close to her means she often has almost half the month where she begs for more.


  1. Just4Fun1:45 AM

    Paris Jackson

  2. super femme2:08 AM

    I hope she doesn't met the same fate as her dad.

  3. Whywhywhy???3:50 AM

    Word to Paris... people have come from worst circumstances. C'mon girl, you got a lot going in your favor. You can do this...You CAN!

  4. her dad had a long life of the world fame for being an original & creative singer, dancer, entertainer... so was Witney H...
    both wasn't the 'normal' parents...
    Paris can be the next Bobby Kristina...
    i hope not...

  5. angelica6:08 AM

    still cant get over the headline that every news outlet subdued

    the discovery and release of PD documents saying that michael jackson had child p0rn and animal TORTURE video, pictures, etc. torture, people.

    and did one news outlet even run it? tmz? anybody?


  6. Boredtechindenver8:58 AM

    BZZZT, Wrong. Thank you for playing, now take the pipe. simple google search shows that many sites, even more reputable than TMZ, did publish these reports:


    PS. all the reports from this year were based on reports from the 2005 trial. In other words, not new.

  7. @angelica All of what you said is wrong. Seriously, ten seconds with Google could change your life.

  8. Lynne6:07 AM

    Micheal Jackson was a 'Charismatic Sociopath'.
