Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress with a reputation for not taking vows seriously recently broke up another marriage and is trying to stay out of the limelight for awhile.


  1. Tricia131:30 AM

    Sienna Miller

  2. Soapy1:31 AM

    Wasn't Sienna born in US?

  3. AshBey1:35 AM

    Wiki says she was born in NYC

  4. Tricia131:36 AM

    Yes, but Enty has been to overlook that minor detail lol with her and Nicole Kidman at times(though he stopped calling her FB I think?)

  5. AshBey1:38 AM

    But my vote says her. She is so nondescript to me.

  6. Kno Won Uno1:42 AM

    If this is Sienna, she's leaving London (for NY) because she finds London 'cliquey and uninspiring' (DM). That might mean decent folks are shunning her.

  7. Guesser2:02 AM

    Well, she's foreign born to everyone outside the US. This must be a running joke like calling Lana Del Rey an ingenue.

  8. AshBey2:08 AM

    +1 thought the same thing when I read it. Influential/monied/industry people in London are sick of her whoring ways.

  9. alice2:18 AM

    Rachel Weisz

  10. anna from savannah3:21 AM

    Curious why you named her. What marriage has she broken up that we don't know about. Hope it wasn't yours!

  11. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:41 AM

    I don't know what people see in Sienna worthy of breaking their marriage, I crossed paths with her in a Londoner street and yes, she is pretty, but rather average.
    If I found someone like her at night and I were single, I totally would bone her, but she is not worth the risk of breaking any alleged commitment I could have at the time.

  12. Whatever7:27 AM

    Sienna was gorgeous in her early twenties but is now merely just 'quite pretty'. I don't actually mind her but it does appear that she is unpopular in London (both socially and in the press).

  13. Chelzee Post8:14 AM

    This is a repeat from months ago, but my late fiance, a British solicitor, went in similar circles with Sienna Miller at one time and told me every time he encountered her at a private party he felt like leaving the party, return home and taking a shower. He said, 'She's that unsavory.' Says a lot.

  14. She finished doing the entire London. Everything with three legs and some $$

  15. Clarisse McClellan7:35 AM

    I remember when she filmed in Pittsburgh and called it "Shittsburgh" and the town reportedly drove her out.
