Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Blind Item #6

This late night talk show host not known for his drinking is cheating on his wife. Don't be fooled by the aww shucks persona.


  1. MontanaMarriott1:01 AM

    Jimmy K? Since Fallon is known for his drinking.

  2. Tricia131:04 AM

    Good one. I was thinking Conan O'Brien maybe too..

  3. TiniMartini1:06 AM

    I like Jimmy K for this one...wasn't he supposedly still sleeping with Sarah Silverman just after he got married? Per Enty, naturally...

  4. Just4Fun1:12 AM

    Seth Myers

  5. James cordan? I thought a few blinds alluded to jimmys drinking.

  6. June Gordon1:39 AM

    Seth Myers has the aww shucks persona.

    I would in a heartbeat.

  7. Corden. His enire career is the fake 'everyman' pose.

  8. Dutch2:58 AM

    This. That would explain why Kendull Jenner was on Kimmel's show.

  9. bizbetterhavemyhoney3:01 AM

    Corden is closeted.

    I think this is Jimmy Kimmel.

    Seth Meyers and Conan not really 'aww shucks' type. Matter of fact, I actually think Kimmel has said 'aww shucks' several times on the show.

    So, why do people get married again? It's hilarious how people fool themselves into thinking they'll only sexually desire one person for the rest of their lives because..."I JUST WILL!"

    They dumb.

  10. Corden is closeted?? Why do you losers think EVERYONE is gay???

  11. Dereks Mommy4:50 AM

    They don't Derek dear. Just you and a few others.

  12. Myers is 100% "aww shucks" while Kimmel has many other aspects to his character.

  13. Are you kidding? I remember Kimmel back from his days with Corolla. He's NEVER been an "aw shucks" kind of guy.

  14. Jim Summers12:55 PM

    I take "aww shucks" to be a reference to someone who plays the sexless humble nerd which is definitely Conan.

  15. Saracen12:23 AM

    Could it be Colbert?

    He had a bit in his interview about how his kids signed him and his wife up for match.com to see if they would be matched. Seems like a complicated set up, never mind to bring up during the show, almost as if he wanted to get ahead of the news.

    He has that clean, catholic, South Carolina persona on the show doesn't he?

  16. sunshine2:11 AM

    Not smart like you, spreading it around! Enjoy your incurable stds!
