Friday, August 26, 2016

Blind Item #6

This late night talk show host seems calm and fairly vanilla. The waiter who brought the wrong drink to the host got an earful from the actor. I guess he just wanted to make the waiter look bad. Instead, the host looked like crap, because the waiter who brought the drink was not the one who took the order but the host hadn't paid attention.  Apparently the host acting like a prick is a pretty regular occurrence.


  1. Tricia131:02 AM

    Seth Meyers?

  2. Ettacettera1:06 AM

    Fairly vanilla sounds like Conan to me, but I hadn't heard he was a jerk...

  3. Kno Won Uno1:07 AM

    Actor? That narrows it down.
    As a customer, I don't care who took the order vs who brings it - just give me what I ordered. If I get the wrong drink, I'm supposed to drink it?
    Whiny, namby-pamby service industry people seem to like to report "bad" behavior brought on by shitty service.
    I take this kind of report as snowflake bullshit. Grow up. Life is not your safe space.

  4. kibble1:09 AM

    James Corden?

  5. Zilla11:10 AM

    Tell the waiter they made a mustake, that's fine. Getting abusive about it is not and is abnormal.

  6. Zilla11:12 AM


    Haha, oh, irony.

  7. Brian1:17 AM

    Seth has done a fair amount of TV acting and some film I guess. He mostly plays a guy like himself, but he was on The Mindy Project for years as Matt and was really funny.

  8. AshBey1:20 AM

    So many people in the waiter/waitress/bartender industry get treated like crap but, isn't that sort of part of the job? You're working with random strangers every day. Stop taking everything so f#cking personal because most people act like assholes when they know they can.

  9. Zilla11:22 AM

    Taking abuse from unbalanced, thinskinned people should never be something anyone should be expected to accept as "part of the job."

  10. Tricia131:28 AM

    I didn't know he was on that but I think it was a guest spot? Same with Portlandia(which I loved him on) but this may be someone with more of an acting resume, I think. Like Corden (not Fallon b/c he's far from calm lol).

  11. AlmondJoy1:44 AM

    I guess you have never worked in the retail industry. With a policy like The Customer Is Always Right--guess what happens? And if it was only restricted to celebrities who were abusive, wouldn't life as a store clerk/ server in Podunk Where ever be perfect! But nope--the general public can be down right nasty just because they seem to think that is what that policy means.

  12. Elle B1:56 AM

    when I worked retail my co-workers taught me that. it's a great work environment knowing you can stand up for yourself and not get in trouble.

  13. AshBey2:08 AM

    Yes. My adult kid works in this field and she has to deal with dicks all. the. time. but, the money is fantastic. She's in a very popular foodie city and serves celebs a lot. You develop a thicker skin and skills to handle morons. Worse comes to worst: call the manager. You don't have to deal with it but it happens because people suck.

  14. This is NOT Conan. Heard/read from many people throughout the years who say Conan is one of the NICEST people, not only in Hollywood, but on this planet.

    Sounds more like Fallon or that other host who is a skinny dude from SNL.

  15. Went to dinner last night with wife and daughter.
    The waiter brought our food and put my daughter's order in front of me; and my order in front of my daughter.
    He then asked if there was anything else? 'No. Everything is okay." He then said, "Enjoy....blah, blah,blah."
    After he left, my daughter and I exchanged plates.
    Not a real problem, just a mix up in delivery.

  16. Joo Joo Bean2:43 AM

    This could be Conan. I used to really like him and then I saw a documentary called 'Conan O'brien Cant Stop' and hes kind of a dick. Completely changed my impression of him. Most people would think hes "vanilla" if they haven't seen him behind the scenes.

  17. Zilla12:53 AM

    I never worked in sales but I did work for TSA at JFK airport. Talk about whiny, entitled, abusive assholes, there were quite of them flying. And I was very patient and courteous with them, though it wasn't required of me to tolerate abuse. I just tried to get them through the screening as expeditiously and uneventfully as possible.

    The best was seeing a mother throw a tantrum in front of her wellbehaved little girl because she was selected for screening at the gate. The woman was such a raging , abusive bitch about having to be screened that her daughter was picking up on it and acting out, so naturally, the woman blamed us. We hadn't done anything yet.

    Finally, an airline supervisor walked over and told her in front of her daughter that she of course was free to refuse the security check and free to walk to wherever her destination was or pay for a cab. "Mommy" immediately shut up and put on a clenched teeth happy face for her toddler while she was wanded down and checked.

    Most people don't act like that asshole, but when tbey do, it really isn't something TSA agents, waitstaff, or anyone else is paid to tolerate or need to. That is why businesses "reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."

  18. Zilla12:55 AM

    *quite a few of them

  19. Salaam3:22 AM

    My first guess as well. He was known as an actor, everyone else was known as a comedian first.

  20. missK3:50 AM


    yes, closeted James Corden.

  21. Seth, of all the late night hosts, would surprise me the most! Hope not him or James

  22. foreign born...

  23. Sharo9:44 AM

    GOD HAVE MERCY! This has to be the WORST worded item posted to the internet today!
    Is it about an actor and a host? An actor who is a host?
    Why would an actor give a waiter an earful about the host's order?????????

  24. Sharo9:46 AM

    Sorry. No such thing as "the customer is always right".

  25. Sharo9:48 AM

    You don;t have to drink it, no. But, don't treat your server like they are your SERVANT. Big difference...
    I'll bet you are really good tipper, too. (**eye roll**)

  26. Kno Won Uno10:18 AM

    I am actually. Usually about 30%.
    And I've waited tables in my lifetime, too.
    Servers are there to *serve*.
    Look up the definition of "serve*, then look up the definition of *servant*.
    There's commonality.
    (**bored, disgusted sigh**)

  27. Sharon11:02 AM

    Yeah, this is what all the grumpy little men say who don;t tip and think the world owes them...
    No need to answer back... we've heard everything you have to say 1,000 time before...

  28. Applause12:12 PM

    1003 times I counted. Between that and the ^5 ing ,sad validation and constant scrotum coddling of the the biggest douche that this site has seen-Derek- to say *bored and disgusted* about sums up a description of itself.

  29. JJxxxx11:22 AM

    James Corden.

    Everyone in England who has worked with - or met - him knows how slimy, egotistical and vile he is. He's managed to pull the wool over people's eyes in the US so far, but the act will eventually slip.

  30. Christy8:18 PM

    Not content with copying Jimmy Fallon's show, James Corden has started copying his drunken antics too lol.
