Monday, August 15, 2016

Blind Item #6

What was going to be the darling of Oscar season this year is having a ton of PR issues and that sure thing Best Picture award for this movie which has not yet been released is now looking to be a long shot. At this point the movie might not even get nominated.


  1. Tricia131:02 AM

    The Girl on the Train?

  2. Elle B1:03 AM

    birth of no nation

  3. Tricia131:04 AM

    Or maybe "The Birth of A Nation?"

  4. Erika1:05 AM

    Birth of a Nation, for sure.
    Nate Parker's rape trial from his college years has been brought to light, recently.

  5. Kno Won Uno1:09 AM


  6. The Birth of a Nation? Won Sundance and I believe two of the stars faced rape allegations while on the wrestling team at Penn State.

  7. Rando Nooob1:11 AM

    TLBO? They did pr a freaking month early.

  8. Ettacettera2:00 AM

    His interview about it doesn't's all 'I've got daughters and a mother, so it can't be me, oh, and I have gay friends so forget that other stuff too'

  9. Yes, and he doesn't deny doing it in the interview, just says he is refusing to revisit this painful moment of his life. He got off on a technicality, he was not exonerated. What a scumbag. A lot of the commenters on the article who have seen the movie are saying it's mediocre and overrated. An Emperor has no clothes piece of oscar-bait.

  10. talldark&handsome2:25 AM

    +1 Birth of a Nation not only his rape trial. But dude is painfully homophobic.

  11. back again2:42 AM

    phew... i was afraid this could've been "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk" with Garrett Hedlund b/c Vin Diesel's also got a role in it...
    -I saw "Birth Of A Nation"---good ...yeah.. but Oscar Best Movie?...nah.

  12. guilty3:40 AM

    his victim attempted suicide and dropped out of college several times post-trial

    he was a star athlete at the time....

    This is Penn State mind in, dont fire sandusky the child rapist cause he's good for sports yteams, Penn State

  13. guilty3:41 AM

    I actually thinkg Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk
    might win Best Picture...I have a feeling.

    Manchester By The Sea will definitely be a competitor.

  14. Def Birth of a Nation and there's no way that it will be nominated if everyone is informed of what transpired. The only reason Nate Parker escaped rape charges/conviction is because he had had a sexual relationship with the victim in the past. Why that mattered is beyond me. But in any event the other rapist in this case (his co-writer?) was convicted. So there you go. Women in the Academy will not let this pass.

  15. Whywhywhy???5:48 AM

    It's hard not to be all judgy wudgy on the Penn State Athletic department or most of them for that matter. Cases like this happen more frequently than the public knows and the logic here sounds like "well she said yes several times before"....I not impressed with his lack of concern for his victim even though some have stated he has to be "cautious" for legal reasons. He genuinely seems to lack compassion toward others and appears narcissistic thought I base this on a few interviews.

  16. Sadie7:34 AM

    Definitely Birth of a Nation. Fox Searchlight arranged interviews for Parker with Variety and Deadline - to try to get the rape charge, etc., aired early enough not to come out and damage the film closer to voting time. But Parker came across as an arrogant, unrepentant bastard and brought his 6 year old daughter along for the interview (to run interference??). Crazy.

    He has also made homophobic remarks in the past and he tried to gloss over those in the interview by throwing a bone to LGBT issues in the interview.

    He's a real piece of work.

  17. FWIW, a close friend of mine saw Birth of a Nation at Sundance. He is a black man and said he felt the film was too long and (direct quote) had "delusions of grandeur". He also says that since Straight Outta Compton was snubbed and the Oscar controversy he feels lots of self important shite in the form of black films will be pushed. Again, his words, not mine.

  18. Guesser1:25 AM

    Too long and having delusions of grandeur are 2 requirements for Oscar nominated films. The problem is this film will seem to be forced to be nominated , because of the white Oscars. The reason it was a big deal last time is that they easily could have nominated minorities, without looking like tokens

  19. LucidDreams1:15 AM

    She actually did kill herself
