Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Blind Item #6

This former tweener actress turned bad adult actress/A- list singer recently spent the last 30 minutes of a flight trying to flush drugs down an airplane toilet. They were flying in to a country that would put them to death for the drugs. Apparently some of the the items clogged the toilet and things were a chaotic mess as they tried to hide their drug use.


  1. Tricia131:05 AM

    Selena Gomez

  2. Lazy Daze1:13 AM

    please hurry up and get to yachting part 2. The rest of these blinds are killing me today.

  3. Wow. This really wins the "lets make things so dramatic, because I need hits" award. Way to obvious.

  4. Kno Won Uno1:24 AM

    She's not very bright, it seems.
    Stuff them in someone else's seat back, drop them in the trash in the bathroom, slowly rinse them down the drain in the sink, have your companion do the same thing.
    OR! Don't take your damned drugs on that flight, dumbass.

  5. +1
    Apparently, her PR people failed to mention the strict drug laws of the arrival country prior to her departure.

  6. Also, don't take damned drugs ever. :)

  7. longtimereader3:23 AM

    Some of the best times of my life were when i was high, got me laid and more. Don't like coke though, nasty drug that turns you into an asshole.

  8. Theresa3:39 AM

    Selena Gomez her big mistake was bring Zac Efron's exbeard into her entourage. Party time 24/7

  9. Theresa3:40 AM

    That exbeard being Sami Miro

  10. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:28 AM

    WTF happens with your American airports? Here in Europe I once had to open my case because I had a couple of sugar sachets I collected from a cafeteria that looked like coke in the x ray, and you can take a big amount of drugs into the plane?

  11. r u so poor in pigs(piigs) u have to collect a free sugar sachets from cafeterias?

  12. Mac-n-cheese10:18 AM

    But wait. She's Taylor swifts bestie forever right ? And blind gossip said Taylor simply can't stand drugs that's why she cuts people from her ridiculous squad.( Not that the people start to see through her plastic and deceitful facade and leave her alone ). I can't believe blind gossip published a false blind. The nerve.

  13. Guesser11:10 AM

    On private planes,yes. If this was commercial, it's made up.

  14. Jim Summers12:16 PM

    Taylor has distanced herself from Selena in the last month.

  15. Camal191:21 AM

    KermitGosnellKnobjob...how do you know it wasn't a private plane?

    Also, Europe has it's own issues. Stop cutting down my country. people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  16. Camal191:23 AM

    Exactly Guesser. KermitGosnellKnobjob wasn't thinking with his super superior European brain. If this was a commercial flight, there is no way she would have gotten on with drugs. With all the tight, heavy US security. No way in H E double hockey sticks.

  17. I don't understand it... All these young performers on drugs and they're not dropping like flies.
