Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Blind Item #5

Our favorite foreign born B+ list singer turned actress turned host has been making the crew crazy on her new show. Her other income apparently comes first so she blows off call times and has stopped calling to let people know when she will arrive because she doesn't like what she hears on the other end of the phone. On set, every other word is an f bomb so they are always having to do another take without her always swearing.


  1. Kno Won Uno12:51 AM

    If they can't match what Whora makes in her other job, I don't blame her.

    Never quit your day job
    ~Rita Ora

  2. Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved

  3. anna from savannah2:17 AM

    Is it just me or is CDAN getting less entertaining and more salacious of late?

  4. Mary Contrary2:50 AM

    AC gets it.

  5. And-so-on..3:18 AM

    Most of the world is getting less entertaining and more salacious

  6. hothotheat3:57 AM

    What's wrong with salacious?

  7. Mooshki4:44 AM

    Ain't that the truth.
