Thursday, August 11, 2016

Blind Item #5

This teenage actress from a hit network show has been working forever. I know she is happy to be legal, but there must be 20 different naked selfies of her floating around town. She thinks the people she sends them to would never share them. She is wrong.



  1. Tricia1312:45 AM

    Ariel Winter

  2. Whywhywhy???1:10 AM

    The mother lost custody of this child because???? Seems as though she could use some guidance.

  3. I don't understand the naked selfie addiction.
    From what my computer programming brother told me:
    Pictures on your cellular phone can be accessed by your provider.
    When you snap a picture, it is saved somewhere on your phone --even if you delete it. (Or, try to block access to it.)
    Then, during a 'software' update, the provider can up load the pictures.
    It's how other celebrities had naked pictures 'hacked' and revealed.

  4. #Facts1:59 AM

    Her mother lost custody over her because she was starving her to the point she had to beg for food on the set of Modern Family and there was abuse allegations.

    At least Google before chipping in with a (useless) opinion.

  5. Kathy2:08 AM

    I have never taken a selfie let alone a naked one. Just not smart if you don't want them sent to others

  6. Whywhywhy???2:22 AM

    No need to google as you have all the facts and thrilled to supply them.. Wound it have been too generous of you to link a pic of bone thin skeletal Tara Reid framed Ariel?

  7. Whywhywhy???2:23 AM

    Neither do I especially since so many are "hacked" for all the world to view.

  8. longtimereader3:20 AM

    Rule of selfies - face or body but never both.

  9. #Facts6:32 AM

    You asked, I answered. It's pretty much common knowledge at this point and wouldn't have taken your more than 30 seconds to find out.

    Next time you'll know what to do :)

  10. Whatever6:50 AM

    She couldn't have been that starved, frankly. She's always had a pretty 'healthy' physique.

  11. Whywhywhy???9:33 AM

    Nah! You do it. It'll give u a reason to live

  12. It wasn't just "starving her" that was the conflict between Ariel and her mom. Her mom was reported to be a pretty yucky stage mom but Ariel first moved out of the home when her mother caught her having sex with an older boyfriend. It doesn't appear ariel's sister has really outshone their mother in the guardian department.

  13. Actually, the BF thing was what her mother claimed. And she's reportedly a real piece of work, so I wouldn't put too much stock in anything she says.

  14. #Facts1:27 PM

    That didn't make any sense but I can tell you tried. :)

  15. Jonathan Andrew Sheen4:13 AM

    If they were floating around, they'd be online.

  16. James4:52 AM

    When was the last time one of these "Blind Items" was correct?

  17. James2:22 AM

    You're absolutely pathetic. Do it yourself, ass.
