Thursday, August 18, 2016

Blind Item #4

When you try and turn your brothel shakedown story into something else, it can cause a whole lot of problems for others. Also, the fact your choice of companion has your sexual encounter recorded will probably also cause some issues.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Ryan Lochte as we thought!

  2. Kno Won Uno12:34 AM

    Did he not talk to Michael Phelps about sex on the DL?

  3. Kno Won Uno12:37 AM

    Lochte Incident:

    "Mr Lochte and Mr Feigen have told police they left Club France at about 0400 and took a taxi from a nearby petrol station. According to their account, they went straight from the club to the village - a journey of 30 to 40 minutes - with the robbery happening along the way.

    But the CCTV footage clocks the swimmers returning to the village at 0656, nearly three hours after they leave the club. "

    Don't let your boys take the fall for this shit. Man up.

  4. Salaam12:43 AM

    Christine Brennan on CNN pretty much admitted she has sources saying the whole thing is fake this morning - she didn't come out forthright and say it, since CNN must be looking to confirm what its got info wise.

    "Choice of companion" - does anyone know if McConaughey was still in Brazil? There was a photo of Ryan and Matt floating around where they look extremely chummy, and I could see Lochte and MMcC double teaming a Brazilian hooker on film.

  5. Tricia1312:54 AM

    Interesting plot development! I was thinking along those lines too.

  6. Salaam12:56 AM

    This just posted to Deadspin:

    "#BREAKING Brazil sources: #RyanLochte + 3 swimmers fabricated robbery story. Video shows swimmer "fighting" w/security at gas station @GMA"

  7. Salaam1:08 AM

    So if the reports coming out of ABC (and picked up by Fox and other news sources) are true, this has nothing to do with a brothel, and everything to do with a fight that happened at the gas station.

  8. Kno Won Uno1:22 AM

    Passports of the guys he left holding the bag have been seized. I'm pretty sure they were asked to turn them over & did, but "seize" sounds more dramatic when you're gonna run a red banner on your website.
    Did they kill someone?

  9. Kno Won Uno1:24 AM

    I trust Deadspin before I trust a network...

  10. Kno Won Uno1:25 AM

    "As the police investigation continues into the alleged robbery of U.S. Olympic swimmers in Rio, a Brazilian police source told ABC News that “one of the swimmers was seen on CCTV footage breaking down the door to the bathroom at the gas station and fighting with a security guard” on the night of the incident. "

  11. Kno Won Uno1:32 AM

    Police have the Uber driver. DM:
    "But has found that, far from being robbed, Lochte and his friends had in fact destroyed a gas station toilet and refused to pay for the damage until a security guard waved a gun at them, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation.

    The source said the four handed over money after the guard at the gas station insisted they pay.

    The latest version of the bizarre events emerged as Rio police prepare to question the Uber driver who picked up the four after they left a nightclub."
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  12. Kno Won Uno1:32 AM

    OK, this tweet made me LOL:
    Zac Wassink ‏@ZacWassink 2m2 minutes ago
    in fairness the Cleveland Browns fabricate stories about being a #NFL franchise every year #LochteGate #LochteRobbery

  13. Salaam1:34 AM

    So Lochte, acting like the entitled American douche we've all come to know him as, and his posse, trash a business owners bathroom, and refused to pay for it.

    Nice job, Ryan. I hope this becomes the final nail in the coffin of your fame.

  14. alice1:40 AM

    Nah, I'm pretty sure there are pics of Matt and Camila in some US airport coming back home

  15. snitty2:10 AM

    What the hell did that bathroom do to them??!! What a truly odd event this whole story is turning out to be.

  16. Janie Bigham2:18 AM

    Wow, after the American swimmers had such a fantastic Olympics, this douchebag had to put a black mark on it all! I hope that people will just remember all of the fantastic memories and not the final one.

  17. Salaam3:01 AM

    Brazilian news outlet O Globo reported, also citing police sources, that Lochte and his teammates urinated on the gas station’s building and vandalized the property.

  18. Salaam3:06 AM

    Just posted to Deadspin: Update (12:52 p.m.): The Associated Press is reporting that Conger and Bentz have admitted to police that Lochte fabricated the story.

  19. Does this mean that Ryan's 15 minutes of fame is up?
    Thank, God! I am so tired of hearing/reading about him.

  20. It doesn't take three hours to piss on the side of a building, trash a bathroom and all that. I just saw the CCTV footage and it's just a few minutes long. What else were they doing?

  21. Here's how it went down. Swimmers head to a brothel after partying with the frogs. Family and girlfriends ask where the fuck were you. While drunk they decide to make up a story about being robbed, never planning to tell anyone beyond the family/girlfriends. Then mommy blabs to the press and they have to run with the story. Expect the guys still in Brazil to blame it all on the guy who's already gone. The gas station stop was an afterthought, probably to get rid of anything incriminating/to clean up. When they were denied access, they went apeshit.

  22. Tiggytiti4:02 AM

    Lochte gets douchebag of the year award and makes the US look like assholes. Wondering if they were flushing drugs/paraphenalia down the shitter

  23. Disappointed4:10 AM

    So I guess he's not the closeted gay swimmer from the other blind then? How I wish he'd actually go to jail for this lie but I doubt it.

  24. French girl4:44 AM

    Lochte&co are not the one to fabricate some BS stories apparently

  25. BETTY BOTOX5:01 AM

    Wonder how many of them will test positive for 'Zika" in a couple of months?

  26. this mess is getting very entertaining...
    P.S.dear ryan:first change ur hairstyle, then start to think (if it's possible)...

  27. Ryans hair will be back to normal in a day or 2 then he will be forced to apologize for lying and hopefully the guys he left behind in Brazil won't ever be friends with him again. The playmate will probably leave him for someone more famous because after this crap.......dunzo

  28. Lazy Daze10:42 AM

    Haha. ++1. I am late to the party today. I was actually working for change. I often find if I wait a moment there's a good chance you might post what's in my head. I often find if I wait a moment (refresh the page I opened 15 seconds ago) there's a good chance you might post half of what's in my head.

  29. NoseyNeighbor3:13 PM

    This sounds closer to the truth.

  30. You SO nailed this. NY Post has a photo of him sitting with dbag Lauer and his hair color is back to shithead brown. Can you get over how tiny Lauer's ankles are? The two are a match made in hevvin!
