Friday, August 12, 2016

Blind Item #4

Apparently there are some athletes who think this Olympic champion swimmer has been Armstronging and that their legacy will be tarnished when the truth comes out. The truth always comes out.



  1. Tricia1312:32 AM

    I was wondering when they anti Phelps sentiment was gonna hit....

  2. Tricia1312:33 AM

    Or just whether his ability /strength etc was gonna be questioned

  3. Lazy Daze12:35 AM

    Ryan Lochte seems like a good candidate too.

  4. This?

  5. Salaam12:41 AM

    I was on board with Lance Armstrong far far too long. His story was so inspiring, you did not want to believe the whispers, even as they turned to roars.

    I'll be honest - when Phelps recovered with seeming ease to go from winning the 200 medley final to placing so strong in the 100 butterfly, all in under 40 minutes, I couldn't help but be slightly suspicious. And I blame that on Armstrong, and how he conned so many of us for so many years.

  6. Kno Won Uno12:54 AM

    I'll say this, though - I could take any and every performance enhancing substance hourly for decades and never break a 2000 year old record for anything.
    "That victory, the 13th individual triumph of his Olympics career, meant he surpassed the greatest athlete of ancient Greece and indeed of the Games -- Leonidas of Rhodes " (CNN)
    That's pretty bloody awesome.

  7. Zilla11:00 AM

    I read an article that analyzed Phelps' particular build and the advantages (example: he has a very long reach--look at thosr arms!) it gives him over other swimmers. He was already suspended once for pot, wasn't he? I'd think that officials would be looking more closely at him and testing him more frequently and also that he'd be more apt to avoid anything that might get him suspended again.

  8. Zilla11:02 AM

    The recovwry time is pretty startling though, I guess.

  9. The Program was a pretty good movie. First half was excellent, ended okay. After watching it, I can see how doping could become a non-negotiable if an athlete wants to succeed in a sport where others are doing it, and how they can compartmentalize the dishonesty of it. Everyone said Armstrong was a sociopath, but that movie really humanized him for me.

  10. AshBey1:09 AM

    Armstrong's health also suffered *immensely* from all his doping; and his recovery from all that also helped to fuel the legend of him being a biking demigod.

    Is there any evidence of MP having health issues? I like that dude and felt bad when all the pot stories came out. Not like he was taking peyote or getting caught with needles going into his butt.

  11. hothotheat1:56 AM

    Phelps, I think, would be watched carefully given his past. Lochte on the hand is stupid enough and narcissitic enough to think he could easily get away with it. Especially since more attention is paid to Phelps.

    I think this is Lochte.

  12. sandybrook2:00 AM

    I'm gonna go completely different and say Katie Ledecky because she absolutely dominates every race. Entard didn't specify gender--he said their not his.

  13. Lurky McLurkster2:00 AM

    Such a BS blind that is trying to twist what Efimova said. She was referring to his DWI and drug use pics and not implying performance enhancing drugs.

    As a former competitive swimmer, NBC was hyping the whole recovery time to an crazy proportion last night. There is a reason why endurance training is so crucial to be a top competitor and these top swimmers do nothing but train. If Phelps was going from one final to another final or a non-sprint event, then it would of been a different story. Swimmers always race on short rest in meets from age group years through college.

  14. Lurky McLurkster2:07 AM

    Doubtful. She was competing at a high level before she probably even knew what steroids are.

  15. Guesser2:08 AM

    It wasn't just pot though, he had 2 drunk driving convictions.He is probably the most watched athletic there. I wasthinkin it might be a female swimmer, I will have to look up the names, but I did notice a couple of possibilities,.

  16. Lurky McLurkster2:16 AM

    Just to make a guess, I will go with Anthony Ervin.

  17. Guesser2:28 AM

    I agree it could be a female swimmer. My earlier response took forever to show up, and I wanted to look up a couple of names before guessing.T he swimmer doesn't have to know what they are taking either.

  18. Lurky McLurkster2:36 AM

    I don't think Phelps would consider 5th "placing so strong".

  19. HH3142:41 AM

    I don't think consuming pot would enhance anyone's athletic ability, just the opposite. I believe they've studied Phelps and his muscles don't build as much lactic acid as the rest of us, consequently he does not tire as easily as the rest of us. Besides, he has been setting records since he was 13-14 and I highly doubt he was doping then. I guess I'd rather believe he's a mutant than that he's doipng

  20. AshBey2:59 AM

    +1 I'd still though ... Lochte is a cutie pie and total cougar bait.

  21. Chelzee Post3:04 AM

    I don't see how Phelps can cheat when they are given a urine test after every meet. There is a female swimmer (Chinese) who tested positive today for a banned substance. He cannot afford another f-up. After the last Olympics he lost his mind. Photos of him on-da-bong, dating S & M women, Trannies. Never thought he would clean up his act. I was wrong. He has a pretty (normal looking) fiance and an adorable baby. Prayin' he stays clean and sober.

  22. Maggie3:35 AM

    The blind doesn't say a US swimmer - I'm going with Katinka Hosszu from Hungry. She is a machine.

  23. Salaam4:25 AM

    I'm pretty certain Hosszu is doping - you look at the transformation over the last 4 years, it's incredible. And her results up to 2013 were good, but no major titles or world records - then you hit 2013, and she has been unbeatable ever since. Something suddenly and dramatically changed for Katinka, It reminds you of that girl from Ireland, Michelle Smith, who had a marginal career through her early to mid-20s, then suddenly exploded at the age of 27, winning all over Europe and the 1996 Olympics.

  24. Tiggytiti4:50 AM

    +1 for Katinka. Her husband/coach's verbal abuse and pressure on her to win prolly doesn't help

  25. mescco5:02 AM


    lochte is a cutie pie which is why Im damn sad he's closeted

  26. Lurky McLurkster5:22 AM

    Could be, she has been tremendous this meet and both Hosszu and Efimova have been coached by Dave Salo. I was stuck on this being a US swimmer in my head

  27. Lochte would be winning more. Last night he didn't even get the bronze. He's a nut with his exercise. He could take it easier if he were doping.

  28. Whatever7:11 AM

    Hosszu is just so painfully obvious that I almost admire her gall. No way she is clean.

    Ledecky looks dreadful but that doesn't necessarily mean she is doping.

  29. SnarkIsFun10:38 AM

    I have to agree. And the only substances that he has been busted for are alcohol and weed, which would suppress his performance, not enhance it.

  30. The finger-wagging Russian swimmer previously busted for doping called him out yesterday.

  31. Stefan2:49 PM

    This is hardly a scandal if they are just talking about his pot use.

  32. Alexis11:53 PM

    I'm sure it's down to the 'cupping'. But I have to say that the performance of Kate Ledecky is beyond normal and I'm confused as to why Missy Franklin has gone so wrong. I actually suspect she might NOT be doping!....just messing with ya my American chums ????

  33. Hold up- Lochte's in the closet? How certain are you?
    Gotta say, he fooled me!
