Monday, August 08, 2016

Blind Item #3

What do you do if you are a ghostwriter for this A+ list singer? You keep your mouth quiet about it. They didn't, and now won't get any work songwriting for anyone any longer.



  1. Taylor Swift?

  2. Kno Won Uno12:14 AM

    Diana Gordon writes for Beyonce, made some comments about the "truth behind Becky with the good hair" last week.

  3. AlmondJoy1:30 AM

    Maybe who ever it is can switch genres and take up ghost writing books for celebs like Snookie and Lauren Conrad. Or Enty could hire her to write blinds. I am sure she could come up with some that a a whole heck of a lot better than some of the ones posted on here.

  4. I never believed the old: "You will never work in this town again!"
    If she has written hit songs, she will be in demand - regardless.

  5. Chelzee Post2:09 AM

    Thank you, David. So true. Talent always wins out.

  6. longtimereader3:20 AM

    In the past, i'd agree with you but these days when records don't sell and only big touring stars make money alongside the gatekeepers in the industry, yup you can be blackballed.

  7. machoman4:42 AM

    beyonce, easy

  8. machoman4:43 AM

    blows my mind theyve been able to keep beyonce and jayz's real age from being exposed.

  9. Sarah4:50 AM

    It's Bey. Taylor always acknowledges the writers she collaborates with. She doesn't need or use ghosts. She no longer claims to write all songs 100% by herself the way she used to. Everyone knows it's not all her. Beyonce, on the other hand, uses ghosts for every song.

  10. Big Al6:19 AM

    No big deal, a record company wants to make hits, thus make money. if someone is a hit writer, they're not going to blackball. Snipping your nose off to spite your face.

    it's not like Jay-Z is going to pull a Suge Knight and hang them from a balcony

  11. sharlane7:05 AM

    Bey seems really insecure about the fact that her "intellectual" reputation is far less stellar than her performance talent reputation. She wants to be a thinker and and activist so bad, but she needs too much help to achieve that image. She doesn't seem to have the organic, personal thoughts that other activist celebs do like Jesse Williams... Other people create her material, then she delivers it (spectacularly).

  12. Taylor Swift Is The Biggest Hater Of Them All7:18 AM

    Taylor has created an entire legacy writing haterade lyrics about her exes then sings " haters gonna hate hate hate" yet fails to see the irony.

    She tries to make herself into a feminist icon then members of her squad admit they almost never see her proving again that it is about marketing the image of feminism rather than actually engaging in it.

    She lies about hearing songs lyrics so she can tear people down then gets caught and refuses to apologizes thereby showing off more of her entitlement.

    As a fellow white girl, I am embarrassed I share a demographic with her. She's a bitch. Can't stand her and her faux feminism that she wields only when it helps her.

    She sends her fans gifts then encourages them to record their responses (self serving "altruism".) It isn't like her is giving money to free sex slaves from ISIL. It's all about what's best for Taylor Swift. She's gross.

  13. Taylor Swift Is The Biggest Hater Of Them All7:27 AM

    Anyone who still supports her after she:
    -sued her old music teacher for daring to speak about how he taught her guitar
    -sued a photog for wanting to post pics citing "licensing infringement" then months later wanting licensing rights from Apple Music, you know for "independent musicians" (sure, Taylor, Im sure thats why you pulled your music from Spotify)
    -bullied Ed Droste
    -has never actually spoken out about women's rights and really thrown her weight publicly behind a cause
    -sent a Cease and Desist letter to her fans for innocently making fan art on Etsy
    ..... is a delusional supporter.

    This isn't about race, this isn't because she a girl, this isn't because she came from an already rich family whose dad was a head exec at a big bank and raised them in luxury, this is Taylor Swift the entitled asshole who thinks she is above the law and can intiminated and bully anyone who has the gall to disobey or call her on her garbage.

    If you still support someone who is so disingenuous you are no worse than Gretchen Weiners. A follower. A sheep. Willingly blinded by your misguided devotion.

  14. TheJohn7:41 AM

    If it is Diana Gordon this was an incredible move for her career. She's released a new album so any publicity she can muster is a good thing

  15. Kno Won Uno7:48 AM

    Then good for her! I'll buy it. Beyoncé doesn't actually control the universe.

  16. Kno Won Uno7:50 AM

    Not to mention all the truly talented people who are never considered because some celeb offspring got the job because of their parents. That really annoys me.

  17. Kno Won Uno7:54 AM

    I'm not a big believer in her talent, either. I think Jay manufactured her, frankly. He saw some raw material he liked and figured he could make her a superstar. Right up till that ridiculous music streaming service, I thought he was a really shrewd guy. He still is, I suppose, but that whole debacle damaged his image as a man who makes things happen.

  18. Jazzes11:08 AM

    Bitter much?

  19. Whatever11:22 AM

    She's an above average singer, can dance and has stage presence. I don't even like the woman, but I'm far less baffled by her success- however it has been achieved- than many, many other artists out there.

  20. Small Penis Porn1:03 PM

    LMAO. Someone needs to take a pill and forget the name Taylor Swift. #KooKoo
