Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Blind Item #3

They looked the other way while he did a few lines of coke. The booze they can live with. Heck, to get him to appear in a movie they are financing, they even found some women who enjoy being beaten or at least pretend to be for enough money. It was heaven this week for this former A+ lister who would probably rather be doing something other than acting.


  1. sandybrook12:01 AM

    Sean Peen?

  2. sandybrook12:02 AM

    given Enty's hatred maybe Depp?

  3. Tricia1312:03 AM

    Mickey Rourke maybe....rather be boxing or wrestling was it- when the Russian threw the fight lol?

  4. sandybrook12:12 AM

    I think it's Depp and the band most likely.

  5. Tricia1312:14 AM

    Definitely possible!

  6. AshBey1:41 AM

    It's like everyone who was once deemed so likable and super popular is actually the worst piece of shit on the planet. Gibson, Cosby, Depp ... I can't think of more right now. Just disgusting.

  7. + and another +

    They hook you when you are young, but hopefully you grow out of it. The scales fell for me upon the discovery that the Lamas kid was the only senior at Rydell High who wasn't old enough to run for President.

  8. kibble3:31 AM

    Bruce Willis? Word is he only wants a paycheck.

  9. Sharper Teeth3:52 AM

    I get Mel Gibson vibes from this

  10. French girl4:29 AM

    That sounds like Depp

  11. Hot Cola6:13 AM

    Show biz.
    Fake. Fake. Fake.

  12. Hot Cola6:14 AM

    Me too. Maybe someone should be beating HIM for a change, see how he likes it.

  13. AshBey7:20 AM

    Depp's teeth always screamed mental illness to me. I liked his acting/roles but as John Oliver said, he always looks like a trash bag filled with dirty scarves.

  14. Maybe not. Give it up.

  15. Chelle6:00 PM

    What a piece of crap this obviously aimed at Depp garbage is. Try using facts and not terrible passive aggressive, shock value junk writing
