Sunday, August 21, 2016

Blind Item #2

This married east coast Housewife talks about being faithful all the time, but she wants to spend some time out on the west coast leaving her family behind because she is hooking up with an executive out here.


  1. Tricia132:15 AM

    Theresa Guidice

  2. Derek Harvey2:17 AM

    teresa giudice

  3. Derek Harvey2:18 AM

    Teresa Giudice 'wants to compete on Dancing With The Stars'
    Daily Mail-21 hours ago
    Needs a paycheck? 'Teresa is scrambling for cash so a Dancing With The Stars gig -and the paycheck that comes with it - would be a huge ...

  4. Derek's Anal Beads2:24 AM


  5. Zilla12:27 AM

    Don't do it, DWTS producers...

  6. Derek Harvey2:42 AM

    Who would vote for HER??? She is a convicted felon and defrauded millions of dollars. People like her ruined the economy....

  7. Tricia132:56 AM

    @Zilla - perish the though I agree,but trust you me, she's gonna be rhumba-ing her bedazzled ass into our homes on that show every week(till they vote her off, hopefully straight away because I'm sure she'll be shite, well..maybe Gia can give her some pointers :)

  8. Chantal3:11 AM

    UGGHH. She is just atrocious in every way. Why she thinks anyone would care about her or be interested in her is beyond me. Just. go. away. you ugly piece of shit.

  9. Tricia133:20 AM

    I agree @Chantal--- she is delusional in all ways. I mean, for starters- she thinks she has a forehead lol!!

  10. texasrose5:00 AM

    Never underestimate the buffoonary of the American DWTS viewing public.

  11. Hahahahaha! So true!! And +1 for "buffoonary"

  12. Kno Won Uno7:54 AM

    I'd vote if it involved laser hair removal from her forehead. She looks Neanderthal.

  13. texasrose11:45 AM

    Don't blame her. Joe is probably getting lots of sex in the joint. Why should she be the only celibate one??

  14. persiaa12:48 PM

    Shame it doesn't say former, Jill Zarin is so thirsty and desperate to be on TV.

  15. Hamster Whisperer7:42 PM

    Plus people love drame and she brings it

  16. GroovieMann2:10 AM

    Man, that is one hard up exec!

    Giudice is rough looking. Neanderthal is spot on.

  17. Sarah3:09 AM

    Unapologetic Tre fan here...I honestly don't blame her for cheating at this point. Joe has been unfaithful for years and she needs to get it from somewhere while he spends time in prison. I find her good, entertaining television.
