Monday, August 08, 2016

Blind Item #1

Last ditch effort to save the marriage of this foreign born dual threat A lister. She left their kid at home and flew halfway across the world for a quick trip to see if their marriage can be salvaged. Judging by both of their actions away from each other, things are looking over.



  1. Tricia1311:30 PM


  2. Kno Won Uno11:36 PM

    Pics of them snugged up in the DM today, FWIW.

  3. Kno Won Uno11:39 PM

  4. Tricia1311:41 PM

    They were "snogging"! Give it a week- next weeks blind will have her pregnant with #2:)

  5. Kno Won Uno11:45 PM

    I'm surprised the DM didn't say she was pregnant today. She's wearing a flowy dress - that only means one thing, according to gossip blogs. ;-)

  6. serves her right for complaining about how much she was getting paid monthly.

  7. Foreign born dual threat is usually either Cumberbatch or Dornan. I'll go with Cumberbatch this time, since it states left kid at home (Dornan has kids) and the pictures of Cumber and his wife are in the Daily Mail.

  8. Josiah11:52 PM

    Im not a cumberbitch, and I dont have any like for these 2, but I dont really believe enty's allegations on benedict and sophie. Im not convinced.

  9. she wants to go to the Emmy's reaaal bad.

  10. Tricia1311:56 PM

    Lol. So true, it's to inconceivable that she had a big lunch , is bloated due to- stuff- or prefers tat 80s Ringwald style!

  11. Oh God, Enty. She was never pregnant, Kit is Cumberbatch boy, Hunter is no mother of him. He is surrogate baby. Hunter lives in US. And they never divorce. On new photos she wears "pregnancy' dress, new surrogate on way.

  12. Ettacettera12:28 AM

    I loved that dress--perfect for summer heat

  13. SnarkIsFun1:49 AM

    Could also be Eddie Redmayne & his wife (Hannah Bagshaw). Maybe. Saw pics of them sitting together in Rio.

  14. Ann2071:56 AM

    Snogging? He couldn't have seemed more disinterested in her this time. Hoping this rumor is true because they are sooooo boring and definitely not believable as a couple.

  15. beees2:06 AM

    Eddie in Rio with his wife and baby. He has really good beard.

  16. Chimchiminy2:13 AM

    Bless, Gator and/or Aeltri are still pressed enough to send in fake blinds. Ladies - and I use that term in the broadest sense of the word - get over it. Your imaginary boyfriend doesn't want you. He's happy with his wife.

  17. morgan52:22 AM

    Cumberbatch and his wife always look like their marriage needs salvaging. Eddie and Hannah not so much.

  18. longtimereader3:28 AM

    So is cunberbatch gay like tom, or creepy like ed?

  19. Chris3:44 AM

    she probably thought they'd be a power couple like Bey and Jay-Z or the Beckhams when she trapped his ass. Nope.

  20. Cumber is gay.

  21. Shut up!

  22. hear hear. both of those "ladies" you mentioned need a bullet in their skull

  23. Horrible, horrible hater you

  24. Wendy5:20 AM

    "Halfway across the world" Sounds more like England to Rio rather than England to los Angeles so I'm guessing Eddie Redmayne. Saw pics of him and his wife watching swimming at the Olympics. They did look really lovey dovey though so that doesn't go with the end of the blind.

  25. Wendy5:21 AM

    Duhhh, just read the blind again and it says actions away from each other, not with each other so I think this is them.

  26. These pair are pathetic or rather she is. Ben always looks like he wishes he was somewhere else. Cannot believe the dm thought they were snogging. They have no chemistry at all.

  27. Persephone3:27 PM

    @erf, Ya know, you can think they're as fucking loony as you want, that's your right, but you seriously need to not say shit like this. You don't need to be wishing anyone dead. Think and believe whatever you like, but calling for someone's death is crossing the line.

  28. back again6:09 PM

    it's supposed to be Benedict & Sophie not Eddie & Hannah in Rio b/c they have their baby with them.

  29. Snifter4:21 AM

    I'll admit I follow this from afar, the psychologist in me finds this whole phenomenon fascinating, the star and his wife less so.

    I know enough about the "sides" of this discussion to know there are haters and non-haters. Haters obviously hate someone involved in the relationship, non-haters don't.

    I've only ever seen the non-haters sling vitriol and make threats though. Maybe the group names should be changed?

  30. i don't buy any surrogacy theory. in my experience, couples who go for surrogacy tend to be madly in love with each other and really really want a lovechild. these two look like they're stuck onto each other under duress. why would he go through all that trouble having a surrogate baby with THAT? she goes around saying she's "not maternal" in interviews. why have another one with HER of all people?

    and who plans a surrogacy around the fastest selling Hamlet ever? i'd think he'd actually take time off to see the baby grow the first couple of months. i get that she looked like she was wearing a prosthetic though so i know where you're coming from.

    my theory is he slept with her one drunken night, she claimed to be pregnant when she wasn't, demanded he put a ring on it. bam. as soon as the papers were signed he realized she ever was. they panicked because word already got out that she was and she started wearing the HUGE belly at Bora-Bora only she forgot to keep it on at Heathrow.

    or maybe she was pregnant, tricked him into marrying her but it's not his. sketchy woman...

  31. agreed. he looked very disinterested. and she complains about her monthly salary.

    i think he was about to get rid of her, so then she plants a tweet alleging Cumby to domestic abuse, likening him to Depp. to coerce him into showing more lovey dovey PDA the next walk.

    i'd love to know who the real baby daddy is. Cumby has been far too kind to her, new mum or not. she has a stinky attitude problem.

  32. B ackerman6:17 AM

    Dornan every time she's petrified of losing him and the pair have been in turmoil for s while
