Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Blind Item #11

Don't do drugs in the office. Back in the day you could do anything in these offices, but now, this long running television show has very strict rules. Break them and you are fired as one actor on the show recently discovered.



  1. MontanaMarriott4:31 AM

    SNL, Jay Roach?

  2. MontanaMarriott4:31 AM

    Or Taram Killam both are not returning this season.

  3. sandybrook4:32 AM

    SNL person don't watch

  4. Tricia134:37 AM

    Agree- thinks it's Jay Pharoah though(sp?). He seems more type than Taram but who knows?!

  5. Rando Nooob4:41 AM

    I'm gonna say Taran Killam. He has more acting accolades and most people know Jay as a comedian/impressionist

  6. Audrey4:51 AM

    I read on some other site that Jay Pharoah parties like its 1999. Sounds right.

  7. Tricia134:54 AM

    Yeah I heard that somewhere or maybe saw a pix or something- could also be Jon Rudnistky..he's "leaving" too.

  8. Lurky McLurkster5:03 AM

    Damnit, now you tell me. Too late.

  9. MontanaMarriott5:24 AM

    Ooops I totally forgot his last name LOL. Yeah the brotha who does the impersonations on SNL

  10. Killam is leaving to direct a movie. Pharroh has just outlived his usefulness. Obama is leaving.

  11. Kno Won Uno6:07 AM

    Most of you are aware that I'm not a fan of addiction.
    That having been said - remember the OG SNL where everyone was wasted and how ridiculously funny it was?
    That's all I'm sayin'

  12. AshBey6:12 AM

    I *definitely* remember SNL as being funny back in the day. Also OG: Letterman, Benny Hill, Super Dave, Bizarre. Yeah, I'm old.

  13. Kno Won Uno6:17 AM

    It seems like SNL could never capture lightning in a bottle like they did then. That was funny shiz.

  14. Wendy6:33 AM

    People has a story that Killam says he doesn't know why he was fired so I think this is him.

  15. Charlie7:18 AM

    Why does Jay seem "more the type" than Taran? If we are stereotyping, let's just go for it. If I had to pick a drug that Jay Pharaoh "seems more the type" to indulge in, I would guess he probably smokes weed. Practically legal at this point, but hey, if you can't do it in your cubicle at your shitty office job, don't do it at any job. If I had to pick a drug that Taran Killam "seems more the type" to indulge in, I would guess cocaine. Not legal anywhere and you probably shouldn't be doing it at work. Taran has also publicly stated that he was shocked that the final year of his 7 year contract wasn't picked up. On top of that, he has been one of the strongest, most utilized cast members for most of his tenure. SO, I GUESS I PICK... ONE OF THE RECENTLY FIRED WHITE GUYS, WITH THE COCAINE, IN THE 30 ROCK BUILDING.

  16. Rx calling8:03 AM

    Um, did your prescription run out ? You seems aggro "Charlie".

  17. Charlie8:22 AM

    Because I'm offended by someone saying that the black guy seems more the type to be the druggie, I'm mentally ill and aggro? Is that supposed to be short for aggressive? Okay. I guess that's better than being a racist. And you don't have to call me "Charlie". It's just Charlie. No quotations. Unless you have a problem with my name now too?

  18. Guesser8:48 AM

    Than why is he surprised he was fired? Pharaoh can do more than just Obama. The weird thing is they had someone else do Trump, must have been planned. I do wonder though, if they are just using it to cut salaries.

  19. Derek's Anal Beads9:55 AM

    Oh for fucks sake. Jigga boo does seem more the type with his erratic behavior all the damn time.

  20. Rx calling9:59 AM

    No it's more likely because you are "Sasha " and others "now posting as "Charlie" that you need help. No problem with your changing names, just your overall bizarre , reactionary posts that say more about you than whomever you seem to target , love.

  21. Studio5410:41 AM

    Well, it's about time. How many people have OD'd from SNL? Belushi, Farley. Jimmy Fallon has big problems. They had to do something.

  22. I'm black and i thought it was funny. Oh and welcome to the internet. If you're soooo offended by a silly comment on a gossip website I feel sorry for your real life.

  23. Charlie1:10 PM

    Uh... Ok. My name is Charlie. I've never been anyone other than Charlie. How do I defend my name? This took an interesting turn.

  24. SNL went downhill when Seth Meyers and Bill Hader left.

  25. Everybody has always said "SNL went downhill after..." (insert your favorite cast or year), but longtime viewers know it's always been a cycle. Sucks for a couple of years, then is funny again when they get some uber-talented new castmember. The change which has completely killed my interest in the show is that they are so fiercely left-wing that it seems to be scolding anyone with a different political leaning. That happened under Tina Fey's watch. Also under her watch: Sketches which are just a long series of people doing bad impressions, sometimes as poorly written as "I'm the guy from Law & Order! Blah blah blah!" Lazy biased writing, that's what killed the show.

  26. NYCStudent12:00 AM

    Thank you, Charlie. I am glad that you spoke up. When you see something, say something. That type of racism made me stop visiting other sites. This country's drug laws reflect that same mentality.

  27. Good. It's about time the entertainment industry started tackling drugs, given they're the ones spewing out a good chunk of the pro-drug propaganda.

  28. GAG ME NOW11:05 AM

    Are you even old enough to self feed let alone attend NYC schools? There was nothing racist stated above except for the the reverse(often non approached) reverse racism . What a fucken joke. Someone can't think one person fits a blind a better because THEY DO based on facts? Jay Pharoah is manic depressive and does drugs to medicate. The answer is probably Jon R. because he loves to party , but both are legit answers and it has nothing to do with with race you PC fucktards. This is why your delusional demigoddess lesbian is gonna lose. She's as transparently intolerant and moronic as everyone she points fingers at.

  29. GAG ME NOW11:10 AM

    You aspire to be interesting, but don't quite make the turn, there's a difference.
    Good luck with that "Charlie".

  30. NYCStudent11:33 AM

    Interesting that you brought in the election when nobody was even referencing it. Your reply shows that you support both Trump and hate (as the 2 are inextricably linked). And it also shows your ignorance since you used the term of "reverse racism" without even understanding it and how it cannot be true in this case unless the power structure has reversed as well.

    I love Hillary and I will trust that love wins out overall. People also said the same negative things about President Obama's chances of winning and he won twice in a row with even less of a lead. Since you have equated being kind and gracious with being a "PC fucktard", give me more PC! And I love you, too :)


    No Polyanna, I equated liberal PC fucktards as being what they are= preaching tolerance, acceptance and"graciousness(that's new?) as long as one doesn't disagree with them, kinda goes against the fundamental definition of tolerance as I learned it, anyway.
    As for Obama...please don't remind us. His record, poll ratings, and ineffective "leadership" speaks for itself. Ask ISIS, or your local coroner on Main Street USA.
    But nice attempt. Maybe daddies money should have gone to charities in our residing Prezes home country as opposed to your misquided "education".
