Monday, August 22, 2016

Blind Item #11

You know things are bad for you when you pay a pap the $550 you had in your pocket to have him delete a photo of you sitting in a Starbucks by yourself. Apparently he told his A+ list girlfriend/all seeing watcher he was filming that day. It is the only time she doesn't keep tabs on him.


  1. Tricia134:30 AM


  2. sandybrook4:31 AM

    why make this a BI?

  3. Kno Won Uno4:50 AM

    A blank spot?

  4. If this is Tom: "Runaway!" "Runaway!"

  5. cebii5:01 AM

    Well, Tom is in Australia and Taylor is in the US, so I doubt she cares if he's drinking coffee alone at a Starbucks. I think it's someone else.

  6. Darlington5:31 AM

    It's Tay and Tom alright. This is good in a way because he now knows she is psycho.

  7. dropkick6:00 AM

    i thought it was taylor too, but why would he get in trouble for drinking a starbucks alone while she isnt even in the same country?

    unless theres something in their contract where he can only have certain pap photos...

    that would be INSANE....even for taylor...

  8. Whatever6:16 AM

    If this is them, I don't know whether to feel sorry for him or tell him to man the fuck up. Also, anyone who didn't know years ago that Swift is a loon is a seriously shitty judge of character.

  9. Why don't Taylor and Tom Cruise just sign a 10 - year contract. They both know exactly what they want out of the deal and would both deliver. She could have as many babies (surrogate or bio via ai) as she wanted, a ticket to the Oscars, which she wants to win anyway like Adele. They'd never have to have sex and could divorce with all their own earnings intact in a decade.

  10. Hot Cola10:17 AM

    This is an excellent idea! @rafe

  11. back again11:02 AM

    it'd certainly save them alot of time & effort w/all thieir covert crap.Problem is that they're both such control freaks & she thinks scientology is an advanced placement high school course

  12. Starbucks isn't a thing Here in AU's and idk if there is one in Brisbane, sounds like bs

  13. Honeypot12:25 PM

    there are no Starbucks in Brisbane when hiddleston is filming so may not be him

  14. hahahahahahahah. poor guy what's he gotten himself into

  15. Englishrose9:29 PM

    If this is about Hiddleston... make up your mind enty, there was a blind a couple of days back about how he's still shagging his supposed boyfriend, now he's still calling Swifty his girlfriend?

  16. JH212111:49 PM

    Doesn't matter if he's in a different country, I expect saying he is filming is the only chance he gets to not reply instantly to constant txt/calls without catching a huge amount of crap for it. 'Sorry baby, i'm filming all day so my phone will be in the trailer'. Sounds like TS would be EXACTLY that kind of g/f you'd need to do that to to catch a bit of peace.

  17. JH212111:56 PM

    ? There are Starbucks in Brisbane, in fact a couple of them, if that is where he is filming

  18. longtimereader3:29 AM

    Swifty won't act because every script would require her to have chemistry with a male lead. Britney could even do that but tay can't.

  19. Nunya3:38 AM

    wow just imagine you could've saved $550.00 just by telling the truth...silly man

  20. emeraldcity8:42 PM

    He may very well have been alone in Starbucks in Brisbane, because most Australians hate their coffee , one of the new big cruise ships on the Australian run has had to change it's coffee supplier from starbucks to a better brand because Australians won't drink their terrible bilge.

  21. Olive oil3:57 AM

    someone send a swat team to extract this man from looney tunes. If he gets out now he may be able to save his reputation and career. Not sure how easy these bearding contracts are to break.

  22. SnarkIsFun11:37 AM

    Just based on how many people are guessing that this is Tom H/Swift, I'm betting that it ISN'T them.

  23. Jules1:44 PM

    This is not Tom/Taylor - they are in 2 different countries right now, 14 hours apart, so, I call bs on this. Just feed into the conspiracy that she is a control freak, and he is a whipped puppy, by making up stories...but very good with making the amount of money he "paid" the pap such a bizarre amount, but still no credibility on this!!
