
Monday, August 08, 2016

Blind Item #10

This barely hanging on to B list actor was in that franchise. Being in the closet combined with poor acting skills has really hurt his career. He has gone the beard route. he has gone the stay at home for months on end with the boyfriend route. He is back doing the beard thing because he is trying to revive his career before it permanently flat  lines.



  1. Kno Won Uno4:01 AM


  2. hothotheat4:02 AM


  3. sandybrook4:03 AM

    Taylor Lautner

  4. Kno Won Uno4:05 AM

    I get them confused because I kinda don't care about them. Second Banana Guys.

  5. Jonathan Andrew Sheen4:06 AM

    Let's not worry about Lautner's sexuality until medical science finds a fix for his freakishly-long giraffe neck. I mean, priorities!

  6. Hahahahaha! Best comment of the day.

  7. Kno Won Uno4:11 AM

    His sloping shoulders help that long-neck illusion. http://tinyurl.com/Slope-a-Dope

  8. Frank4:20 AM

    Kellan Lutz

  9. Like this guess

    Lautner was spotted with his boyfriend earlier today

  10. machoman4:30 AM

    definitely taylor lautner

    sometimes there's perhaps a business edge to coming out...in my mind. Look at Matt Bomer. he isnt losing any hetero roles...and he's been open about his sexuality this whole time.

  11. Guesser4:35 AM

    Here's a thought. How about acting lessons? I think they cost less than beards. Also, I think he might be the type who would benefit career wise, by coming out. He should check out this possible angle with some successful out actors.

  12. not answer is zac
    there's others beside zac u know?

  13. Lautner has never stopped working. And despite some ups and downs he was absolutely hysterical in Cuckoo.

  14. So I guess this comment marks the official end to the 'he got fat' meme.

  15. It is easy to tell them apart. Despite the drugs...Efron actually has some talent. He is a decent screen comedian. He has had 3 mildly successful movies this year.
    Lautner is a block of wood. Hasn't been seen in ages.
    Efron is also a good looking man, leading man material. If he got the drug thing straightened out, he would be a star.

  16. Kno Won Uno5:06 AM

    "Lautner is a block of wood"......that's perfect.

  17. MontanaMarriott5:07 AM

    Why he doesn't ask Bryan Singer or the legion of other Hollywood pedophiles who partied with him in those infamous Hollywood Hills orgies for some work is beyond me.

  18. MontanaMarriott5:07 AM


  19. Except for the last part where it says he is back doing the beard thing it could be Zac.
    Maybe we will see Zac with a new GF soon?

  20. Except for the part that says he is back to the beard thing, this sounds like it could be Zac.
    When he returns from Japan well he start dating a new beard?

  21. mariaj5:30 AM

    Zac had a beard til , like.. ten minutes ago, too soo to be one that has stayed at home with his bf for " months"

    Lutz or Lautner

  22. & he's perfectly gorgeous...

  23. this item sounds like taylor launter, and when entry does an item about zac he describes zac as former tenner or whatever or a list,

    you mean emma stone? the random star magazine story that implies zac got emma's number and apparently a ''date night' is gonna happen? that ''new gf soon" again not ever single item is about zac?

  24. its prolly not zac, you know if this was about zac entry would mention former teen or something like a list,

    this is prolly about taylor launter who is working alot, or someone else, not every single item is implying about zac? is this new ''beard'' emma stone? do you believe every random gossip story you see and read?

  25. AshBey6:21 AM

    + a gajillion

  26. AshBey6:21 AM

    I don't know why but I just laughed so hard at "allegedly"

  27. AshBey6:24 AM

    When will these people realize they have $hitty friends and managers who suggest this and they go "yeah, ok." I love Zachary Quinto for this exact reason. I know he's gay but the man can act so I don't care!

  28. Gookie6:27 AM

    Love the colors of the board. Looks like the rainbow flag.

  29. why are you so sure Zacs gonna have a new "beard". when he comes back from filming? maybe he doesn't want to date? let alone have time?

  30. Jazzes10:17 AM


  31. Whatever11:05 AM

    I agree with a few others. Lautner can't act and his face isn't really classic Hollywood-handsome-leading-man material (he's cute though and he's has the genes for a great body). Efron has talent and a great face but is clearly troubled. C'est la vie.

  32. NYCStudent11:24 PM

    @inga "...he's perfectly gorgeous..." THIS is why Matt Bomer isn't losing any hetero roles. If Matt were in his 40's or 50's and less conventionally attractive...good luck!

  33. NYCStudent11:26 PM

    Taylor already went that route and that is how he got his past roles in the first place! Allegedly.
