Thursday, July 07, 2016

Today's Blind Items - It's Plastic

Do people still wrap their sofas in those plastic sofa covers? The one that Ray's mom had in Everyone Loves Raymond. My grandmother did the same thing. Anyway, I have not seen one live in person in years. Apparently this A list mostly movie actress covers her couches and all her furniture in them. I would understand if it was an allergy thing or she didn't want her pets on there, but she does it, because she is just strange. Eccentric? That is probably the better term. It is like she is preserving the furniture for a museum. If it only stopped at the living room, you could probably excuse it as an aberration, but she has fitted covers for the inside of toilets and despite that changes the toilet seats monthly. You are probably thinking to yourself this multiple Academy Award winner/nominee just has a germ thing. That is what I thought too, but she does not really clean all that much and that her kitchen is especially dirty. Our actress only uses sets of dishes once. Nice dishes too. The dirty dishes are stacked everywhere, including sitting on the floor. When it gets to the point she can't get to the refrigerator, she has a cleaning crew come in and remove all the dishes and clean everywhere in the kitchen and she starts piling up all over again. You know how a lot of homes back in the day had the formal living room no one ever used. It just sat there for guests but no guests had ever used it either. Our actress has multiple bedrooms and a den at her home that are in just such a condition. No one can ever remember seeing the furniture so much as move an inch. Even though there are guest bedrooms and beds, no one has ever used them. Guests from out of town are put up in a hotel. One of the three bathrooms also is in this pristine state. I wonder if she thinks of it as a movie set. Something that isn't real. The person I spoke to didn't know anyone who has actually asked her why she lives like that, so we can only guess.


  1. sandybrook3:12 AM

    Sounds like GOOP

  2. Ms. Anne Thrope3:22 AM

    Maybe she's a Barbie Girl, after all life in plastic, it's fantastic lol

  3. Odd behaviour, but doesn't sound like she is hurting anyone and this is just her "thing". I doubt it is her, but I'll throw Nicole Kidman's name out there. Or maybe Catherine Zeta Jones. Catherine might actually be a better fit for this actually. Okay, Catherine Zeta Jones is my official guess.

  4. sandybrook3:25 AM

    I actually know someone who has plastic covering their living room furniture--because they do a lot of eating in front of the tv and it protects the fabric from food stains and liquid stains.

  5. hothotheat3:26 AM

    This sounds like someone older. I was thinking Jane Fonda or someone in that age group.

  6. StewMcG3:31 AM

    Diane Keaton is a well-known germophobe (part of the reason she wears gloves all the time.)

  7. Muchlu3:33 AM

    Is Goop mutiple nominated? I somehow doubt she would stack dirt dishes, even if it's to throw away later, also that she throws parties and event at her house so I think at least the living room will b used. I think it's someone with an eccentric behavior overall so I will throw Tilda Swinton.

  8. crystalmeh3:40 AM

    I don't know why but Sandra Bullock came to mind

  9. Candyland3:45 AM

    @Stew - I agree! I was also thinking Diane the entire time I was reading this...

  10. KY_KitKat4:00 AM

    I just checked and Diane Keaton has at least one win and several Nominations for the Oscar.

    Really thinking this is her.

  11. Ettacettera4:05 AM

    Diane's a good answer.but wouldn't dirty dishes bother a germophobe? Maybe it's a selective control thing

  12. HH3144:11 AM

    Faye Dunaway simply because she is certifiable. Not sure about the oscar noms

  13. Pghgirl4:52 AM

    I like this guess. She won for Network.

  14. bush bunny5:11 AM

    All my neighbors on my floor from the Dominican Republic have plastic on their sofas and chairs. As a matter of fact, every month I get a business card under my door advertising this service. A lot of elderly Italians do this, too. It's a culture thing.

  15. Wendy6:07 AM

    The blind makes it seem like someone who lives alone.....or i think enty would mention what her kids do living there...and Diane Keaton has a 20 year old daughter and a 15 year old son, unless they don't live with her.

  16. goop just trolling us, she's not so eccentric in a real life, tilda doesn't GAF about this kind of crap;
    diane (she looks crisp, but was a wife of sloppy woody) & faye ( she looks senile ) are a good guesses...

  17. Tricia136:37 AM

    Renee Zellweger.Quirky lady....

  18. Tricia137:12 AM

    Sorry @Wendy didn't see your post when I posted - but I agree with you that it sounds like someone who lives alone or has properties which she is often at alone(like Renee Z in the Hamptons I hear ). Hillary Swank "could be a contenda"( sorry riffing on the Raging Bull/her multiple pugilist films :)

  19. Gator girl8:14 AM

    Ok so I wanna be the cleaning crew that removes the nice, once used dishes. I'd go wash them and be set for life! Do you think it's Lenox?

  20. back again9:09 AM

    i dunno why but my first thought was Shirley Maclaine but she's probably permanent A...not gonna think about this now but I don't think it's Diane Keaton b/c she has 2 kids & the dishes stacked up ,used only once part doesn't make sense with kids imo.

  21. back again9:18 AM

    I should add I think it's Faye Dunaway too... sooo,+1 to @ HH314
    3 Oscar Nods: Chinatown,Bonnie & Clyde & won for Network

  22. back again9:20 AM

    +1 i like this too.
    -nominated for Bonnie & Clyde & Chinatown.
    -won for Network

  23. LouLou9:59 AM

    How would Faye Dunaway who is a legend (like Shirley Mc. NOT be permanent A, or better question are either of them a current A list actress?)Definitely someone current like Gwyneth or Renee Z.

  24. back again10:32 AM

    yeah,you're i said,I wasn't thinking about it too much.I just said that Shirley was my 1st thought but I knew this wasn't her ...& I'm not a huge fan of Faye D.'s b/c of a time I witnessed her being a bit diva-ish(so it's b/c of my own bias that i pictured her in this scenario) but, yeah,she's perm A--hell,she's in the American Legend Ads for Blackgama furs for chrissake...and i picture the plastic covers w/someone older... that's all.

  25. Debbie Doeswell10:32 AM

    Sounds like me. All except for the plastic furniture covering.

  26. Debbie Doeswell10:38 AM

    I was asked to be on a hoarding show but my brother threw a fit. I think he thought it would shame the family. The theories thrown around about this behavior vary. The important thing is to stop doing it.
