Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Today's Blind Items - The College Student

Our actor is nearing 80. Hard to believe this living legend is that old. He rarely leaves his house any longer. For the past few years he was using escort services or meeting women online through his assistant and then having at home dates instead of going out in public. Our actor wanted the chase to be as easy as possible without actually paying for it. That is why he stopped with the escorts. In the past he has hung out with the friends of his kids. He hooked up with a couple in a memorable trip that seems like yesterday but is getting on near a decade ago. One of those women still comes by the house sometimes and told the actor about her younger sister. The younger sister is not even old enough to drink and is a college sophomore. Our actor was intrigued and invited her over with some other friends. The next thing you know, this college student basically moved in with the actor. You like to think of him as this legend who has all his faculties, but honestly, he is so far removed from that. He is just a guy who is loving the attention and taking him back to a day where he was having sex with multiple women a day. Meanwhile, the student has started to cut all the other women from his life. She is ruthless in culling the competition. She has also convinced the actor to start giving her a monthly stipend which is way more than she would make after graduating from school, so she will not be returning in the fall. Apparently her plan is to take the actor out of the country somewhere for a few months all to herself and really put herself in a position to be the only person in his life other than his family that he talks to. After all these years, it wouldn't shock me at all to see the guy getting married.


  1. Tricia133:12 AM

    Jack Nicolson

  2. Tricia133:13 AM

    *Nicholson-79 years old

  3. Detnow3593:15 AM

    Robert Redford

  4. sandybrook3:15 AM

    James Caan?

  5. sandybrook3:17 AM

    Nick Nolte is in pretty bad shape too

  6. This has to be Jack because, years ago, I believe, he got his daughter's friend pregnant. And, she had his baby.
    So, this doesn't surprise me if it is him.
    (PS: He was/is a horrible basketball player, but I give him an A for effort.)

  7. CrashDiego3:18 AM


  8. Detnow3593:18 AM

    Nevermind, he is married. Last line leads to Nicholson.

  9. Warren Beatty?

  10. sandybrook3:21 AM

    Except for the fact you can see Jack Nicholsen sitting in his front-row seat at nearly every Lakers game, he's age appropriate.

  11. sandybrook3:24 AM

    but has a partner, so not this answer.

  12. crystalmeh3:39 AM

    Jack is a total cad and has long been rumored to be going senile.

    If this is him, which I hope its not because he's one of my favorites, I hope his children intervene and straighten this bitch out.

    I hope whoever it is finds someone to fix this gold digger good. She can get a job like the rest of us.

  13. James4:01 AM

    Jack "The Joker" Nicholson

  14. crystalmeh4:40 AM

    I just saw him in a recent movie with Robert Redford and boy, was it painful to watch ol nick Nolte fumbling through his scenes.

    I loved him in his 80s heyday with 48 hours and down and out in Beverly Hills. Like I tell my kids, just say no to drugs and alcohol. It might not be the sole reason for his current health state but I believe it contributed

  15. Claire4:44 AM

    Prostitution is a job.

  16. sandybrook4:50 AM

    Everytime I see him papped he looks like a homeless bum.

  17. Kno Won Uno5:05 AM

    Especially in this case.

  18. blueberry muffin7:19 AM

    the viagra diaries

  19. Dave S.8:11 AM

    Earlier reveal on this:

  20. Marianne8:19 AM

    Yep I'm going with jack too he's such a skeevy perv ball...and ewww

  21. Try to remember that Jack grew up in a brothel, Marianne. This could be his normal.

  22. If his children only "care" because their inheritance is at risk, he's better off if they just stay out of it. I'm not saying they don't care about him, just *if* - but he really doesn't strike me as being particularly fatherly in any way.

  23. anna from savannah1:39 PM

    Happily Married.

  24. milda3:28 PM

    Yep, not exactly a shut-in. He was even interviewed live at Kobe Bryant 's last game.

  25. I agree this has to be JN. Ohhhhh this is a juicy one indeed. It reminds me of the plot of a Sidney Sheldon novel with a shit ton of karma on the side.
