Thursday, July 14, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Above The Law

If you are someone who watches YouTube videos then you know this guy. He is one of the biggest YouTubers in the world. Like many YouTube stars, he can be an a-hole. I hear more stories about male YouTubers taking advantage of women than any other celebrities combined. The bad behavior by female YouTube stars is much less than other celebrities, although i did have one yesterday. Anyway, the number of assaults I hear about by these guys is awful. Conventions and other gatherings where they are adulated by young women turns into degradation and humiliation really quickly.

One of the worst offenders is this foreign based YouTuber. He readily will admit he thinks he is above the law and thinks he is the greatest celebrity in the world because of all his followers and their undying love to him. Well, he basically cheats on his partner every second he is not with her. He has thousands of videos of his fans stripping for him or performing sexual acts he ordered them to do. he then shows these to all of his friends or posts them to free porn sites. At least two women I know of killed themselves after videos they made for him ended up on the internet. He does it for kicks. He thinks he is the king of his universe. His universe might come crashing down in a hurry though because of all the income he is hiding or because of the woman he raped at a convention who tried to file charges in her own country but was told she needed to file them in the country where it happened. You would think the YouTube star would care about this but he has taken to social media and said she deserved it and other nasty things. The guy is awful.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:15 AM

    And now we have resorted to gossip about YouTubers?! Ok I am out, hit me up when we return to our regularly scheduled gossip of A listers.

  2. sandybrook3:15 AM

    PoodeePie (whatever)

  3. sandybrook3:18 AM

    It's really worthless for this type of garbage, when you have to sit and wait 4 minutes for the comment or page to load.

  4. Elle B3:27 AM

    Tom Cassell

  5. Tricia133:29 AM


  6. longtimereader3:36 AM

    Erm, it's 2016. youtubers ARE the stars of today, they make more money and have a bigger fanbase than many/most regular celebrities. pewteepie or ksi for the blind?

  7. Ms. Anne Thrope3:39 AM

    Yep Pewdie Pie. I loathe You Tubers with the fire of a thousand suns, but I've heard stories about that jackass. He's particularly horrible.

  8. Just Sayin'3:45 AM

    I can't believe the big blind item of the day is about a "you tube star" even though it is 2016. This is lower than Teen Mom.

  9. GroovieMann3:47 AM

    Pleased to say that I have no idea.

  10. Kno Won Uno3:47 AM

    But worshiped on reddit by the gamer fanboys.

  11. Kno Won Uno3:54 AM

    PewDiePie's real name is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg.
    I wonder how many CDaN readers watch playthrough game videos on youtube.
    I didn't realize the Bro Army was into celeb gossip.

  12. Honeybunny4:43 AM

    Enty are you on something?
    You got to be on something to put this mess on here.

  13. Sam Pepper.

  14. shakey5:27 AM

    I'd like to know who it is simply because my son almost exclusively watches youtube. I don't think he watches Pewdiedie or whatever the hell his name is. He watches more Game Grumps and other gaming youtubers.

  15. Shakey, Pewdiepie is a very popular gamer. Chances are your son watches him.

  16. Malibuborebee6:08 AM

    I've never heard of PewdiePie, never watched games on Youtube and have no idea who this blind is talking about. Still, he sounds like a nasty piece of work and I hope he gets busted.

    Some smart cookie out there is going to set him up and take a big chunk of his money.

  17. Hot Co:la6:24 AM

    Yeah, Come crashing down on him, Universe! He deserves it!
    We want to watch!

  18. Hot Co:la6:26 AM

    +1,000 I do not come to gossip blogs to read around You Tubers.

  19. Pewdiepie, i have seen some of his video's and can't imagine him really being like that, although he did sing "Pewdiepie is a child rapist" in a popular video

  20. My son LOVES PewDiePie, he's getting older now but he totally idolized him. So I looked him up. He's hot. I don't want to believe that he behaves this way, because he absolutely does not have to.

  21. Farmgirl1:03 PM

    The Russian Hacker?

  22. Antonio3:34 PM

    He's hot? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Surely you jest.

  23. Jim Summers5:55 PM

    The phrasing of this Blind Item is very odd: "He has thousands of videos of his fans stripping for him or performing sexual acts he ordered them to do."

    He orders them? You don't order a FAN to do anything, they choose to do it. Stop trying to make these women into victims, they obviously worship PewDiePie because he is rich and they are willing to degrade themselves to feel like they are establishing a social or romantic relationship with him.

  24. Claire6:38 PM

    Worst fanbase ever

  25. Claire6:41 PM

    The fuck does THAT mean??

    So guys who are not "hot," have to be complete pieces of shit?

  26. Claire6:43 PM


    Now, I had do idea who PewDiePie was before reading this, but it sounds like his fan base is preteens/teens and he is taking advantage of them. Are you really holding children to the standards of adults?

  27. Claire6:44 PM

    That sounds hilarious :-|

  28. Claire6:54 PM

    This dude is a complete asshole

  29. TopperMadison2:00 AM

    Yeah, I just looked him up, and he's SUCH a loser. He is physically cute, I guess, but it's not like he's really all that bright or even funny. I really don't understand how the one video I watched had over 9M views??? It was boring, and he did nothing except swear throughout it and act smug. Yawn.

    However, I'm old enough to be his mother, so I'm not actually his audience. I'm just glad I don't have kids, so I don't need to stay informed about this part of youth culture. Whatever happened to just starting a band anyway? Is that too complicated for kids to do these days?

  30. Jim Summers2:19 AM

    You STFU, there's nothing in the Blind Item which suggests that the women are under 18

  31. Jim Summers2:26 AM

    Being a rich asshole is why women are attracted to him and why they degrade themselves for him. Hold women accountable for their choices, they are not mindless dolls being controlled by some man on youtube.

  32. Abby78818:09 AM

    There's a YouTuber named Alex Pelzer, out of DC area, that's been charged with 16 or so sex felonies involving a now 18 year old in the Tampa Florida area.

  33. shakey3:07 AM

    I asked him on the weekend if he watches Pewdiepie. He said no rather emphatically. I told him about this blind, and he said it "kind of sounds like him".
