Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mr. X Blind Item #2

If this A+ list songstress can't convince her foreign born actor boyfriend to be engaged prior to the Emmy Awards, then it will be splitsville. She won't walk down the red carpet with him without a ring.


  1. Tricia134:45 AM

    Taylor and Tom Hiddles

  2. sandybrook4:46 AM


  3. sandybrook4:47 AM

    I'll be surprised if he hasn't dropped her by then

  4. Kno Won Uno4:48 AM

    What?! Swifty FAILED to elicit a proposal on her schedule? GTFO!
    Does she have guns?

  5. Kno Won Uno4:49 AM

    BTW, she's been "hiding" in their hotel, while Hiddleston's been out & about in Australia...for several consecutive days.

  6. Tricia134:52 AM

    Or if his management team hasn't dropped him(well maybe depends if he wins the Emmy:)

  7. sandybrook4:55 AM

    I think the management of James Bond has dropped him at the very least.

  8. why does she suddenly need a ring? she's never needed one before? or is it so she has new experiences to write songs with?

  9. mysticchic5:03 AM

    Probably hatching a new plan to take over the world!

  10. mysticchic5:06 AM

    I kind of thought the whole Kardashian tape thingy was a possible "justification" event to write her next album...and her hiding in a hotel might be her writing again.

  11. RandomGuy5:10 AM

    The world this woman lives in must be filled with Care Bear Stares....

  12. Lurky McLurkster5:22 AM

    I am calling BS on this one

  13. AndrewBW5:32 AM

    I don't know, I really do not see TayTay getting married any time soon.

  14. And this is coming from the website that claims Taylor's a closet lesbian all b/c of one girl kiss. You guys make shit up for a living.

  15. yet people on here legit buy what this guy says.

  16. Taylor must be writing songs about the potential break up that is forth coming.
    I'm sure it will be: he broke up with me...
    I mean: I broke up with him...
    Song writing is so hard...

  17. Kno Won Uno6:15 AM

    And she wonders why she can't get a Superbowl or Olympics "anthem"'s because "Teardrops on My Guitar" was her lyrical peak!

  18. This isn't one of Enty's blinds. And she both is a lesbian and is trying to get a ring from Hiddleston.

  19. Kno Won Uno6:31 AM

    "We Are Never Ever Going Back To England"
    "Boring Desolate Vague"
    "I’t's Only Paps When I’m With You"
    "Cold As Me"
    "The Lucky Ones Escaped Me"
    "Stay Stay Stay the F@ck Away From My Hotel Room "
    "Jump Then Fall, Kim"

  20. Hot Cola6:39 AM

    She'de wish!!

  21. Hot Cola6:40 AM

    Well, her audiamce is maturing. She's what, 27 now? It fits right in.

  22. Yeahsure6:42 AM

    This isn't a BI: it's a news bulletin. Try a bit harder, shall we, Enty?

    I wouldn't be surprised if TS was angling for a ring by Emmy time - she needs a big attention-deflector from her newest dollop of celebrity.

    And if he needs a beard, he may as well give a ring to her as anybody else. And if he doesn't need one, but is as unhappy as he often looks these days, her ultimatum might just give him the exit he secretly wants.

    And if doesn't want to get out before the Emmys, he can always give her some trashy ring that his Mum didn't wear and then break it off after the Emmys.

    Or this may just all be a load of crapola. OR they may just deserve each other. Enquiring minds will keep a sharp eye out for whichever way this astonishingly ugly wind is blowing . . . .

    Odd, the last thing I would have anticipated with Hiddles is an engagement with this kind of trashy tawdry baggage. Her, yes; him, no.

    Always figured even if he needed a beard the sensible one would be a nice English rose who wouldn't fuss too much or need too much watering and would stay home in Belsize Park with the kids . . .

    One never knows, do one?

  23. Maybe she can borrow his husbands ring?

  24. the very rational taylor is transitioning to schizophrenic one...
    the price of child/teenager's fame...
    btw, what's up w/ amanda b?

  25. bigbopboop7:54 AM


    hey swift stan! glad you could make it!

  26. cebii8:02 AM

    I agree. I still think she wants to marry him, get some babies before she's thirty, then divorce and live happily ever after with Karlie

  27. BTownGirl8:05 AM

    Stop it hahahahahah!! *cries*

  28. EXACTLY. These stories are really getting to be too much. Its not exactly the kind of thing you demand.

  29. Laura Palmer8:32 AM


  30. back again8:50 AM

    @Lauren,That's absolutely not true! 99.99% of the readers take what's written here with a grain of salt. Everyone knows that Enty folds in a sprinkling of real Blind Items with a handful of his own fun anecdotes into a large mix of wholly made up Blind items...he even states that he writes fictional blinds down below in the disclaimer.

  31. They're laying the pr groundwork for his "exit."

  32. back again9:31 AM

    ...or mb juuuust mb they actually do like each other? (as i duck)...i'm just throwing it out there.. of course i'm one of the few who believes that Gwen really has fallen for Blake too.I will say that Taylor is DEFINATELY enamoured with the caliber of her latest victim & loves the idea that he'll probably be in the spotlight for a long time to come with his type of acting career...that's clearly a huge part of his appeal to her..(imo

  33. wasn't this guy basically outed as he just makes things up? and there was a article about him saying he's not even a entertainment lawyer??

  34. If I can guess it, is it really a blind?

  35. Katy and Orlando is my guess

  36. She spends entirety too much time trying to execute the playbook.

  37. AtlLady10:38 AM

    Is it wrong for the long-suppressed high school nerd part of me to feel a bit of glee watching the queen of the mean girls crash and burn? I'm a grandmother! Those days are long behind me but I can't resist a smirk or two.

  38. Gary Burnaska11:30 AM

    Taylor Swift, can you be anymore obvious. Must be bearding season now Demi Lovato has been linked to Odell Beckham Jr, like those two even LOOK like should be a couple.

  39. blahblah12:29 PM

    Remind us all why you showed up here today?

  40. Derek Harvey1:39 PM

  41. Derek Harvey1:42 PM

  42. Derek Harvey1:45 PM


    Blind Item #3 – CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS
    Oct 26, 2013 - Mookshi- I think there are all kinds of inside jokes and there are friends ... I had to actually defriend my daughter back in May on facebook when ...

  43. longtimereader3:40 AM

    Popbitch today had info on P.I.'s hired by stars to gather dirt on potential beards and mentioned tay. She is smart and ruthless and anyone in her way will be crushed. Just think of what she has on the d.j. to keep him on a leash. It all makes sense.

  44. longtimereader4:08 AM

    Her songs are always about the girls she is dating, the beards are the cover. Tom is taking over from the d.j. as cover for karlie.

  45. Claire6:42 PM

    All of the Taylor Swift hate surprises me, because I just see her an innocuous pop star.

    What is it about her that gets people so worked up? I'm not some obsessed fan by any means, and I've read all the stuff about her on here and elsewhere, but I can't bring myself to have any strong feelings (be they positive or negative) about this woman.

    She writes and sings cheesy love songs. She has public relationships. What has she actually done that is SO offensive to so many people? I guess I just don't get it.

  46. Harley Ralston8:03 AM

    Taylor banked on her white privilege, she knew if she said that Kanye was lying, she would be believed, and even now that we know she lied, people still side with her. She is garbage.

    She created a fake feminism moment because she is truly awful and cares only for herself. Thank God she's in hell because she's gay AF and hiding it from her racist, homophobic hillbilly fans.
