Monday, July 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

January 16, 2016

This former A+ list reality star who thankfully does not get any kind of television work any longer makes it clear to her car service that she will not get in the car if a man of color is driving. Strangely enough, she is fine with a woman of color driving.

Paris Hilton


  1. Kno Won Uno3:57 AM

    ....Afrojack ring a bell, Paris?

  2. (I still like what I posted in the original post.)

  3. Hot Cola5:45 AM

    Maybe they give her attitude. Maybe she's had an unpleasant experience with several times. We don't know (unless she's randomly racist only against black drivers)

    *I'm not defending her or this behavior, simply saying this one request doesn't make her a racist IMO.

  4. Scallywag7:32 AM

    Tend to agree here. We don't know if something bad happened to her. She's a piece of work, but no one is all bad or all good and this seems odd enough to be about something we don't know.

  5. hothotheat8:32 AM

    I tend to agree with others that maybe she had a bad experience with a man, since she has no problem with a woman of color, that makes me think it's not a racist thing.

  6. June Gordon8:41 AM

    She been videoed using the word n_gger. So you all defending her for not being racist are idiots.

  7. Penelope210:38 AM

    Maybe because they just want to talk about Kim, and it bugs her.

  8. Derek's Anal Beads10:54 AM

    Ditto, gurl.

  9. Cupcakes4all4:00 PM

    she is racist trash and has been caught on video being such.

  10. Claire4:26 PM

    No, she's a well known racist. She has been videotaped several times making racist comments about black people and how they're poor and suck cock for coke. Bitch is racist and classist as fuck, which is all the more annoying because she was born into money and still somehow thinks she's better than those who work harder than her and have less money. She's an awful person.
    Also, it would be understandable if she asked for no male drivers, period, but to specify black men shows that she holds stereotypes about them.
