Saturday, July 09, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

January 27, 2016

Arguably the second most famous person in this celebrity/reality family told a couple of people at a gathering that no one in her family has a disease which had been claimed most of the family suffers from.

Gigi Hadid/Lyme Disease


  1. Derek's Thong3:47 AM


  2. Any infos on why the mummy invented the desease?

  3. bush bunny4:36 AM

    Someone should invent a new word to describe people who say they have terminal diseases but don't...just for attention. Any psychiatrist out there? Don't think 'fame whore' covers it anymore.

  4. narco polo5:00 AM

    @bush bunny

    "Factitious disorder is a serious mental disorder in which someone deceives others by appearing sick, by purposely getting sick, or by self-injury. Factitious disorder symptoms can range from mild (slight exaggeration of symptoms) to severe (previously called Munchausen syndrome)."

  5. Lyme isn't terminal, just chronic. Munchausen disorder.

  6. bush bunny5:30 AM

    Wow! Thanks a lot. This is so sad! Her life must be a personal hell. Hope she gets help.

  7. How disrespectful to actual Lyme sufferers.

  8. Kno Won Uno5:50 AM

    People that bought into her "treatment" histrionics are stupid.
    Anyone who's ever actually had a chronic illness knew it was bullshit from the jump.
    Fake illness really pisses me off on a deeply personal level.
    I'd like to slap the shit out of Yolanda and her "regaining her strength" extended selfie-fest. Fuck her.

  9. Guesser5:58 AM

    True enough but she does have a mental disorder unless she's acting.I know people who made up diseases for attention, they are much needier than people who actually have the disease.

  10. So weird she would claim Lyme disease. If you look at a map of areas where it is spread, it's primarily the northeast. Definitely, not California. I suppose for folks who have it the attention she brings is good.

  11. crystalmeh7:36 AM

    Isn't the Lyme disease just a cover-up for her being able to act out due to mental disorder and substance addiction.

    If this is true, she is cuckoo and fits in well with everyone else in that looney showbiz

  12. yeppers7:48 AM

    Yolanda's got some issues.

  13. Killary9:09 AM

    Her pre-nup stipulated that it could only be re-negotiated due to a chronic or debilitating illness. She has stated that she asked for the divorce but tne bitch can't keep her lies straight. Like Killary.

  14. Studio549:20 AM

    This is a big reveal. They spent the whole season talking about this issue, and slamming someone that talked about "Munchausen" in regard to her claims. Then her ex husband Mohammed Hadid broke off his 20 year friendship with Lisa VanderPump, because she was insinuating THE KIDS said she did not have that fake disease. And now the kids admit it. Grrr..........................

  15. ItsMe9:35 AM

    She also contracted it from... A horse fly.

  16. Guesser10:13 AM

    So maybe that's why she made such a miraculous recovery! I thought it was for attention because her children were getting more than her.

  17. Guesser10:16 AM

    Seriously? She must be in the medical journals then!

  18. Just to play devil's advocate, we have no knowledge of whether the terms of the pre-nup were 'fair', given Foster's great wealth. Yolanda did seem to take great pleasure in entertaining for him and knew all his associates; she may have agreed to terms initially so as not to rock the boat, and came to regret them when being perfect Yolanda wasn't enough to keep her from being traded in for a newer model.

  19. Guesser12:02 AM

    I would agree if they had children, or she was poor, but she was wealthy from the Hadid divorce, and she knew the lifestyle she was getting into.

  20. narco polo6:16 AM

    @bush bunny

    eh, I wouldnt give her much sympathy. something personal or emotional must have triggered all of this but sometimes its really just wanting attention.

    it often has a detrimental effect on loved ones and friends...she got divorced, friends quetioning..
