Sunday, July 03, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

June 10, 2016

Like Spencer and Heidi before her, this married B list celebrity/part-time porn star is blowing all of her money on a singing career. Why do people always think they will make a fortune singing?

Courtney Stodden


  1. sandybrook3:33 AM

    Because there are hundreds of talentless people who already do :(

  2. I blame two things: Auto tune and karaoke.

  3. Zilla14:42 AM

    Even Don Henley is telling his kids that since everything can be digitalized and taken for free now, the music industry is effectively over.

  4. Claire5:44 AM

    This is not new. She's been branding herself as a country music artist for years.

    She is annoying as fuck, but I also feel sorry for her. She obviously had terrible parents and was made to think that her only worth was in sexualizing herself since she was a child.

  5. Claire5:45 AM

    I don't think the outlook is that bad. There will always be talented musicians out there, even if they aren't big in mainstream pop culture.

  6. AtlLady9:45 AM

    Auto tune is evil. I spent all day Friday listening to music by today's supposedly popular stars and they all sounded alike. These kids are hitting it big without ever having any real vocal coaching so they wind up having to have surgery on their stressed vocal cords.

  7. She was on Celebrity Big Brother a few years ago and on a show like that, it is very hard to not show your true colours. She came across as a bit uneducated, but not stupid, and also a genuinely nice person.

  8. Wendy1:40 PM

    Plus 1000000

    Her mother is a terrible, terrible person who only wants to be famous. Stodden and her were on a show on lifetime called Mother/Daughter experiment, and all she wanted to talk to Courtney about was stuff that could make them famous, oh and then admitted to having an "emotional affair" with Courtney's husband.

    We can't really expect much out of someone who signed off on letting her 16 year old marry a 50 year old man though. Such a gross woman.

  9. + infinite

  10. Cupcakes4all2:49 AM

    she's always been in some fantasy world, so I am not surprised.
    I truly think she popped pills, she seems so out of it and zonked.

    has he husband worked on anything?? he WAS a good actor.

  11. Mrs.K4:43 AM

    Too true!!! :)
