Sunday, July 10, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7 - Mr. X

June 14, 2016

The people of this A/A+ list mostly movie actor are trying a new way to shape the conversation. Press releases disguised to look like articles that sympathetic publications post word for word. They hit comments sections of tabloid sites and Reddit hard all trying to make their client look good and his accuser look bad.

Johnny Depp


  1. sandybrook3:33 AM

    And nobody else's PR firm has ever done this?

  2. markwords3:45 AM


  3. Radar online comments were saying same thing a month ago. I read em all and trust me.. no PR. Vulgure usual comments. Nothing special like intelligent ones lol

  4. Kno Won Uno5:58 AM

    Reddit didn't seem to give a rat's ass about the Depp-Heard debacle. I never saw a single celeb thread reach the front page in the 3 years I've been reading.
    So.....maybe 500 people saw it, if anything was actually posted on Reddit.

  5. Robin Stewart6:40 AM

    Lol off the top of my head fellow women abusier Chris BRown! Nice to know his money was well-spent you're here defending it and he won't even defend himself

  6. Robin Stewart6:42 AM

    Well true if you don't count the fact that most of those people are defending him and he's not even defending himself

  7. Despite the allegations against Depp, all of my circle of friends are against Heard. I was kind of surprised given 1 was a victim of Dom Violence. While the PR team might be doing this, not sure they need to as most ppl are on his side. I'm not even a fan of his, but Amber's story just doesn't add up and neither did her so-called injuries.

  8. Well she really lost all credibility when it turned out she's the only one who's been arrested for beating a woman. And then she tried to make it sound like the police was biased against lesbian -- only the officer was a lesbian feminist. So. Eff her.

    It's interesting how this has suddenly been wiped off the pages, though.

  9. Tricia1311:45 PM

    What a shame he has become this- notwithstanding the allegations and the whole Amber Heard chapter... such destruction and talent gone awry. I watched Black Mass over the w/e and was blown away by his performance. So remarkable as Whitey Bulger......he himself must have been awed.

  10. Shalene12:30 PM

    Exactly! She had way to many conspiracy stories. A homophobic gay cop and policemen were my favorite. I do believe he threw a cellphone. The fact he does throw objects is a good sign he doesn't beat. Instead of hit her he takes it out on things around him. She talked as if she received a beat down. the only bruise, not bruises, found was the one under her eye. Nothing about abuse came out until after she was denied temp alimony. I know she's now refused temporary alimony, I'm a 100% sure she'll try for mandatory support in final divorce papers.
