Friday, July 08, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 23, 2016

They may have posed for a few photos, but this foreign born permanent A list celebrity who used to be an athlete tried to distance himself as much as possible from this obviously wasted foreign born permanent A list model at an event. She kept trying to get closer and he kept pulling away. She would follow and he would walk away.

David Beckham/Kate Moss


  1. Kno Won Uno3:34 AM

    Well, that's gotta be a first for Beckham.

  2. sandybrook3:35 AM

    Being around a trainwreck isn't a good image to stick in front of rich investors he needs to get a soccer team and stadium in Miami.

  3. Nice. He's getting a +1 from me for staying away from a drug-addicted-STD-used-up-model. Most men would tap it and THEN think about the consequences afterward. So, kudos to Beckham for this one act of willpower.

  4. She, obviously, needs money for more drugs, allegedly.

  5. Stacey9:50 AM

    I guess she reminded him too much of Victoria.

  6. Mrs.K2:07 PM

    Really? His wife is a successful fashion designer and wears classy clothes. Does not get wasted on drugs and alcohol but spends her time with her children and husband. A very classy woman. How can that be the same as Kate Moss who is a druggie and neglects her one child?

  7. longtimereader2:22 AM

    Popbitch claims they hooked up in the past BTW..
