Thursday, July 07, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 22, 2016

The kneepadding going on by the tabloids is unprecedented. The message has been delivered by the people of this A+ list singer. You make the A+ lister a victim in this breakup and you play by the rules set or you won’t ever get an interview with her again. The rules include several key words and phrases that must be used when discussing the singer and her relationship.

Taylor Swift/Calvin Harris


  1. sandybrook2:44 AM

    That's OK Calvin wrote her a nice goodbye song.

    OT: Entwat, I came here late today and totally expected a big celebration full of reveals for the marriage of Russell Wilson and Ciara, so far nothing? Ciara got something yesterday, we should be celebrating!

  2. El Prez2:45 AM

    Who would want to interview her? She's boring in every way. People is a disgrace, they'll just put Jennifer Aniston on the cover once a mont.

  3. Marianne2:53 AM

    Really Tay Tay, give me a break..keywords, key phrases, what does she think her life is the $100,000 pyramid?

  4. Ms. Anne Thrope3:01 AM

    What a psychopath. Why anyone would want to be involved with her is beyond me.

  5. Zilla13:10 AM

    Or yet another rehash of "Celine's unprecedented love story."

  6. mariaj3:21 AM

    I can't wait til the break up between she and Tom, they overdid and are overdoing so much that i a want to see how they handle that.

    Albeit, this time it might take a while, damn

  7. Would somebody please out Taylor already?!

    OT: I just seen a commercial for PEOPLE. They are getting desperate because they had Bland Lively leading it and in it they dubbed Julia Roberts as "America's Sweetheart". Correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't that title now belong to Jennifer Lawrence?......

  8. Ms. Anne Thrope3:24 AM

    HA HA, Page 6 just ran a story that Hiddieboy is already tired of her B.S.

  9. Guesser3:35 AM

    Maybe it was promoting an issue from the nineties? Even her biggest fans know she ain't sweet.

  10. longtimereader3:36 AM

    Because pretending to date swifty = $$$'s. Just ask the boyband who sold millions in the US on her co-sign. The d.j got publicity, the coachella headline and endorsements (which she can take away, like the armani gig). She can also gut careers as well, just ask john mayer...

  11. It was a definitely a brand new commercial, it was themed around independence day. I just found it bizarre.

  12. easy, "it used to be love but is over now" always...idiots ready to eat it every time & drink lemonade...
    poor taylor is so unlucky in love.....

  13. this title doesn't exist anymore, no more famous rom & romcom movies everybody (almost) likes; no more meg r, julia r, sandra b or even cameron d, katheryn heigl & j aniston....
    hard & cynical times...

  14. MysticChic4:47 AM

    Yeah back in my day she would be called a slut.

  15. You are right that era is gone, all the more reason why that People commercial was so odd.

  16. So much honey. Icecream. Chocolate. Cream. Bloody hell! This time someone is gonna get diabetis from this.. new love story. . Bbrrrrrr...

  17. mocka6:36 AM

    cant wait till taylor gets older, post-30....and all the dirty details of her come out. once her demo gets older and outgrows her music, she wont be young enough to sustain the next gen of music fans.

    and when her demand drops, so does her power to pull crap like this....and then, watch the tea spill publicly.

    she doesnt understand the damage she is doing down the line by being so controlling....people will remember this...and when she has lost the popstar status, instead being a former popstar.....all details are game. you arent as important as you are, people will leak crap about you.

  18. There will be no mercy. And the thing is, she has such thin skin -- she really won't be able to take it (hell, she can't take it now when Tina Fey and Amy P. gentle teased her). It will be hilarious to see what happens when she loses control over both the press coverage and all the countless people she's been an ass to.

  19. Mayer got some sort of infection or something in his vocal chords and was doctor ordered to stop singing. When he got well enough, he would play guitar with friends or groups but no singing for a good long while.

  20. Hilary12:00 PM

    She is like the Clintons!
    Corrupt and if you don't agree you will be audited ....

  21. whatever1:06 PM

    Whenever I see a picture of tay-tay now the theme from psycho begins to softly play in the background . just read that after 'dating' for a month that they are moving in together . True love lives people, it lives!

  22. Allie29:26 PM

    She's so controlling because she's SO insecure. Psych 101. Hiddle is older and not particularly handsome. I loved Tay w/ Calvin but I lost track of what's real and fake with her. Don't care. All I know is her hideous horse teeth are definitely fake and they need to be re-done!

  23. yeahright5:28 AM

    Shut up, you idiot.
