Monday, July 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #41

June 14, 2016

This celebrity is creepy looking even with just a superficial knowledge of the guy. Digging deeper and listening to stories about him from former employees, the creepy becomes even more pronounced. He has always had crazy fetishes. These are the kinds of fetishes that make horror movies. His big fetish is medical equipment. He loves using it on women and has spent millions of dollars on making his fetish fantasies happen. Surprisingly he has actually found several celebrities willing to experiment with him. One was a very long hidden relationship with an A list celebrity/reality star that kept her afloat financially for quite some time. One of his specialties is finding women much much older than himself to have a relationship with. Over the years, he has developed relationships with women in the last years of their lives. He has two reasons for these relationships. One is always money. He gets them to give him money while they are still alive and also in their will. His other request for their wills is that they donate their body to a medical lab for scientific purposes. The lab is owned by our celebrity. The lab does not really do any real great scientific work. It is just a place where our celebrity can go see all of the bodies and watch and watch and watch. He watches in person and from his home. He lives his life in pursuit of more dead bodies including his wife’s body when she dies, if she hasn’t already.

Frederic Prinz von Anhalt/Zsa Zsa Gabor


  1. BigMama12:09 PM

    What in fresh hell is wrong with people

  2. Salaam12:15 PM

    How did this guy not end up on jail? It seemed obvious that he was exploiting Zsa Zsa, and that she was fully incapacitated.

  3. StaceyC12:17 PM

    Ummmm what? I can't... this doesn't... what the actual fuck??

  4. His facebook page is quite entertaining.He likes posting recipes quite often. Did not know he was this creepy though....Might have to unfollow him.

  5. S.D.AUNTIE12:27 PM

    Omg. Poor Francesca and Anna Nicole. What a jerk

  6. Zilla112:31 PM

    Yeah, but who was the A list celebrity reality star?

  7. Kno Won Uno12:37 PM

    Maybe that's why Zsa Zsa refuses to die.
    Obviously *someone* knows or it wouldn't be posted here?
    I'm pretty sure if you donate your body to "science", there has to be an actual scientist involved somewhere. In 1st world countries.
    What's the name of his "lab" and how is it funded? Whatever someone wants to consent to while they're alive is their business. Desecration of corpses isn't legal anywhere. He should be in prison.

  8. Zsa had her leg amputated. I can imagine he had a hand in it's disposal.

    Hopefully, he is stopped.

  9. @:) that made my stomach turn.

  10. CDaName2:29 PM

    A bunch of commenters nailed/quailed/wailed/railed/tailed/pailed/ailed/sailed/shaled/failed/galed/hailed/jailed/kaled/bailed/mailed this one, so credit to them

  11. Sd auntie3:52 PM

    Anna Nicole. He had claimed to be Danilyn's father. I think Dan test ruled him out

  12. Sd auntie3:52 PM


  13. Von Anhalt claimed he was Anna Nicole's baby daddy, she was reality star.

  14. Dutch3:38 AM

    This is just insane! It would not surprise me one bit if it turns out he is into necrophilia.

  15. Claire3:59 AM

    That's creepy as hell, but at least he's not actually murdering anyone... yet.

  16. He married Zsa Zsa something like 30 years ago already. She was hardly incapacitated at that time.

  17. adam evans1:36 PM

    Gulp... what kind of recipes? Who is in the ingredients?

  18. (late comment) Wasn't he the creepy old man who cruised his Rolls Royce around Hollywood trying to pick up young men?
