Thursday, July 07, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 22, 2016

This A list mostly television actress from a hit network show better watch her back. Now that this foreign born one hit wonder is free, she does not have to be as discreet in her attempts to make the boyfriend of the A lister her new boyfriend

Kaley Cuoco/Iggy Azalea


  1. He's a better catch than Nick. Cook's daddy came up with tax software Intuit, and is a billionaire. Cook just rides horses all the time now.

  2. sandybrook2:31 AM

    I think b/f ought to stick to Kaley like glue--she has money. Iggy has?

  3. Sammy2:36 AM

    Kaley's money is a paltry sum compared to the B/F's Daddy's money.

  4. sandybrook2:41 AM

    Kaley won't be after his money because she has her own. Iggy wants to get paid.

  5. @sandy probably several transmittable viruses, but not much else

  6. Iggy's not a one hit wonder.

  7. It's not like she'll be remembered for anything other than "fancy", so yeah she is.

  8. igloo improved her face w/ a few surgeries, but is it possible to fix her close set of beady eyes?

  9. Claire5:32 PM

    I really liked "Black Widow" so I'll remember her for awhile. lol Iggy AND Rita Ora. Suck it, Enty!

  10. Allie29:30 PM

    Money or not, Kaley's BF is NOT a looker by any means. I don't get it. Ewwww
