Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 5, 2016

This A list comic is also a B list actress. Yes, that was her shaking with tears after a fight with her foreign born actor boyfriend. The guy is an a-hole. A huge one. There were several people in the Starbucks inside the bookstore who wanted to throttle the guy for what he was saying to her.

Sarah Silverman/Michael Sheen


  1. Rebecca2:12 AM

    People who stay with guys like that...are ridiculous...

  2. Kno Won Uno2:15 AM

    She went over the line at the DNC last night, in my opinion.

  3. Ettacettera2:22 AM

    Maybe..but it's too bad some of the Bern-ites couldn't stop the chants all evening..they might have actually heard some very good speeches

  4. Kno Won Uno2:33 AM

    I just felt it wasn't her place. She's an entertainer and that was the absolute wrong way to handle it.
    BUT...Bernie might have taken his people in hand before the convention opened.
    BUT II, their resentment has a legit foundation in reality and being raucous was the hallmark of their participation.
    Jesus, I love political conventions...been watching them since nineteen hundred and sixty-eight.
    Go, Murica with your crazy-ass self!

  5. marquois2:39 AM

    that guy has always given off a total dick vibe.

    and no, she didnt go over the line last year. in the 2000 election, a lot of people were 'NEVER AL GORE'.

    You know what happened? They voted for Nader, and not Gore.
    George Bush won. And we all know how that turned out.

    These Bernie Bros need to unite and stop acting like petulant whiners. I mean really, they don't understand what their obstinacy could do....

  6. marquois2:40 AM

    sorry dont know where 'last year' came from ignore that

  7. marquois2:41 AM



    They are acting like children, sore losers. If they want a Trump presidency, sure, keep doing what you're doing guys!

  8. marquois2:41 AM


    insecurity. afraid they wont find anyone else.

    it's sad.

  9. French girl2:44 AM

    Sadly ,you are right

  10. Saras2:47 AM

    Bernouts should be more afraid of Pence than Trump. Pence wanted women who miscarried to have to bury/ cremate the aborted tissue $3,500- 10,000, force women to carry to term birth defected pregnancies, anti gay, anti medical marijuana, and he will continue the Bush pattern of endless war and financial/ housing collapse which is why a lot of millienials can't afford an apt. Get out and vote especially if you are mad but don't set is back by getting those two old men in power. Remember a lot of people cannot vote or die in the fight for democracy!

  11. Rebecca2:50 AM

    You are assuming they would have voted for Gore in the first place. A vote for Nader didn't equal a vote for Bush because those people would have just not voted.
    And the DNC lost that election by letting the R's steam rolled the FL situation.

  12. Rebecca2:51 AM

    In a less wordy way...Nader didn't take votes away from Gore. Don't assume they would have gone to your candidate.

  13. Paint Chips2:54 AM

    First, exactly what was the detestable Michael Sheen saying to Sarah that was so upsetting?

    Second, this would be a pretty boring convention were it not for the Bernie supporters.

  14. I hate politics!
    I'd "Runaway!" but it's not going to help me.
    My foreign investors fear a Trump presidency.
    I feel stuck in quick sand and can't even swim out of it.
    Life moves on whether we make good or bad decisions.

  15. CindyC3:11 AM

    It's awful to be in a relationship where you are crazy about the person and know that can walk away from it and be fine, while you will be devastated. That's a terrible feeling.

  16. Zilla13:40 AM

    Bang on the nose, pal.

  17. Not the One3:54 AM

    Sore losers? How about sore victims of a corrupt system.

  18. Penelope24:22 AM

    He cheated on Kate Beckinsale and Rachel McAdams. He's going to treat SS better? She is hard on the eyes, and while he is too, I'm shocked he's ok with following up two beauties with her and letting it be known publicly.

  19. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:17 AM

    After a long time disliking her for being a bs supporter, her yesterday's speech made me like her again. She should leave that dipshit and get someone not disgusting, she deserves it.

  20. What she said was too kind.

  21. ...are ridiculous... LOLOLOL. +2zillion

  22. @NotTO
    Describes everyone -- both "parties."

  23. Thank God, the V.P. has no real power. And just curious if you've noticed who has been in office nearly two terms now?

  24. When Sarah announced she almost died a few weeks ago, she very, very very highly praised how supportive his boyfriend was in that period of time in that message. Just a thought

  25. "Shut the fuck up and vote for Hillary already" does no one any favors when we were told to shut the fuck up at every turn. If Hillary loses, it's her own damn fault.

  26. He pulled the same crap on Kate Beckinsale and Kate Bosworth. They keep going back to him though...He must have a magic dick or something.

  27. sjankis63012:43 PM

    In what universe is Sarah Silverman A list? What has she ever been in that would make her on the same level with say Jennifer Aniston, Seinfeld, Eddie Murphy, Steve Martin etc?

  28. Carolina1:04 PM

    Sara is a sellout is ridiculous
    Anyone supporting corrupt Hilary who rigged the election and gets on stage and tells sanders supporters to shut up is the A HOLE
    I'm sure sheen was just telling her she had no right to do this to disenfranchised voters

    Team SHEEN

  29. Carolina1:07 PM

    She calls disenfranchised voters ridiculous and support he most corrupt vindictive Clinton foundation racist against Jews in Kentucky Hilary ROTTEN Clinton

  30. Sanders supporter1:10 PM

    He is using his own money and is not bought by every Wall Street corrupt bank
    A priest was beheaded by Muslims who throw gays off buildings
    Enough is enough
    I'm gay a democrat and I say build the wall

  31. Sanders supporter1:13 PM

    I'm the most afraid of Muslims who behead priests and throw gays off buildings and force woman to wear bhurka
    They are getting closer to USA
    I bet the people in France never believed it would happen at a fireworks display with their kids or watch a priest beheaded
    They are coming for our gays woman ..Orlando
    Wake up
    I'm gay democrat and I vote trump

  32. Tim Orlando1:17 PM

    I was outside the club in Orlando ....just having left. You all need to start thinking of Orlando, nice, Normandy Catholic Church, Munich, etc and who will protect you ..not Hilary who left the people in Benghazi die
    Americans are so coddled and don't think it can happen here ....remember Orlando and build a wall

  33. chickenparm10:11 PM

    all of this.

  34. Barbara RADY11:11 PM

    Ridiculous..lol Rebecca, thank you!

  35. GroovieMann8:41 AM

    People who think that a wall will keep terrorist acts out of the country have bigger problems than who to vote for. So you believe that there are no people already living here capable of terrorism? Never heard of the unabomber, Timothy McVeigh, Columbine or Sandy Hook? Wanna buy a unicorn?

    And anyone who supports a racist, sexist, ignorant bully is frightening. Why give a guy who can't run a casino the reins to the country?

  36. Truther10:57 AM

    Serves her right for no longer being with Kimmel.
