Monday, July 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #26

January 11, 2016

Golden Globes

JV thought she had the coke winner of the night, but it turns out her winner was small potatoes compared to the one AP spotted. JV’s coke user, when asked by various people throughout the night said things like she really shouldn’t or what if she got caught, etc., but always managed to find the way to do some. The coke user in question is an A+ list singer who also let herself be groped at an after party by this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor.

Katy Perry/Orlando Bloom (and so began their romance)


  1. Kno Won Uno8:20 AM

    I thought she wasn't A+ list for at least a year - but this one was pretty easy, anyway.

  2. bush bunny8:26 AM

    Could someone translate for me? What does JV and AP mean? Thanks.

  3. sandybrook8:29 AM

    JV and AP are Enty's spies. AP may be an actress with those initials (let you figger it out but maybe you saw The Whole 10 Yards)

  4. PoniTayl8:52 AM

    K.P. needs some shoulder implants

  5. Oh that's some tea.

  6. Louise12:32 PM

    I'm new to these gossip sites. Can I ask where the word "tea" comes from in relation to celebrity gossip? I've seen it around.

  7. longtimereader3:29 AM

    Amanda peet, married to GOT producer so invited to all a list events.

  8. back again10:15 AM

    it's a term for 'gossip'.... like in: "awww,c'mon, spill the tea!" meaning tell me the gossip!
