Monday, July 18, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 12, 2016

She had been doing so well, but this B+ list mostly television actress on a soon to end hit pay cable show is back to being a horror on set and the crew don’t ever want to work with her again.

Emmy Rossum


  1. I don't understand why wanna be actresses never learn that being a set diva only causes you to lose work; not gain it.
    The set diva's I worked with never made beyond where they were at -- at the time while they being a diva.
    It was like they diva'd themselves right out of the business.

  2. Coffee1:54 AM

    I always wondered if she pissed off the wrong people during Phantom. She was getting all this hype, did that movie, then nothing for a couple years, until she got on a show on cable. Honestly, she comes across as the type to think a show is beneath her.

  3. Rebecca1:58 AM

    How on earth could Sam Esmail be engaged to that?

  4. Kno Won Uno2:08 AM

    Because there is no celebrity who's passed the age of 15 as far as emotional maturity.
    But I repeat myself. Incessantly.

  5. marco polo2:17 AM

    smart introverted writer/director directs pretty actress in his debut film...they become an item...he gets a hit show (Mr Robot) and...of course she stays.

  6. sandybrook2:26 AM

    Well she's not gotten along with Macy throughout the history of the show.

  7. Rocky3:24 AM

    Anyone know her email address? Love to send her an email telling her to calm her ass down. I love Shameless. I dont want her f ing it up!!! At least for 2 more seasons.

  8. Zooosh4:39 AM

    Really? Dang, she must be a little rough if that's the case. He and his wife are said to be some of the kindest in Hwood.

  9. Zooosh4:40 AM

    DM her on IG.

  10. Penelope211:18 AM

    This is the actress who said in an interview she can't get roles because she's too pretty and glamorous. Either her agent is lying to her, or she has NEVER seen her competitors for roles, because when it comes to beauty in Hollywood, she's on the shallow end of the pool. I think they are sparing her feelings. She is cute, but she isn't sexy or a hottie.

  11. SnarkIsFun11:22 AM

    I always thought she started out as an opera singer who did musicals - she had that bland/lack of expression you often see on people who are used to being too far away from the audience for anything but the most extreme facial expressions to be seen - and got most of the praise for Phantom for her singing, not for her acting ability.

  12. rdmtimp11:42 AM

    If that's so, then how come she is directing at least one (and maybe more) of the upcoming season's episodes?
