Monday, July 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #12

February 29, 2016

Academy Awards

This former B+ list tweener turned bad actress/B+ list singer with A list name recognition was being hit on by several married executives at an after party last night. She spent some time in a quiet corner booth with the one who will probably give her career the best chance of moving up another few levels. It is not the behavior her bff expects from her.

Selena Gomez/Taylor Swift


  1. sandybrook4:48 AM

    But But TayTay can make out in public anytime she wants.

  2. Kno Won Uno4:50 AM

    And get new boobs without being boob-shamed. (<---not an actual thing)

  3. Alabama4:51 AM

    Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

  4. Not expected behavior? She's the blowjob queen of Hollywood.

  5. Kno Won Uno4:59 AM

    I thought Slut Chef was #1 knob-gobbler, but I haven't been keeping up with blowjob standings.

  6. sandybrook5:00 AM

    Let's start a new trend then. Tay's boob job was so bad nobody even noticed bitch had them done....twice.

  7. sandybrook5:04 AM

    slightly OT; Joey Chestnut won the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating contest--he gobbled down 70 in 11 minutes.

  8. Gookie11:06 AM

    She needs all the help she can get. She is a talentless hack who can't sing live.

  9. longtimereader3:14 AM

    Yup, but they are gay and/or desperate for publicity. Selena needs 'help' in her career, she is not a songwriter but a disney product.
